Note I did not buy any food for myself.
To head off questions:
No, I couldn’t cook for her. I’m suffering from a long-term illness where I can’t eat solid foods and am extremely smell sensitive. My wife is at a funeral, so I had to order food.
She’s extremely picky and refused to let me order anything but pizza.
We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive.
No, I didn’t also have to buy her the cheesy bread or the second topping or the sauces, but it’s nice to get my daughter a treat and that is no excuse for the order being that expensive.
We’re in Indiana, so this should be ludicrous in terms of pricing. This used to be the pricing I would expect when we lived in L.A. and ordered from a good local place rather than a chain.
Edit: Turns out what I should have been infuriated about is people repeatedly telling me to get takeout and having to repeatedly explain why that wasn’t an option, having people not believe I’m sick, and being repeatedly berated for not magically knowing food coupons exist on the internet when I never order food on the internet. Oh right, and also being a bad parent for not forcing food my daughter doesn’t like down her throat or starving her if she won’t eat it.
By the way, I have another thing to be infuriated about. A huge storm came in and this happened to our trees. I assume I will start being berated for not cutting them down before that happened, but because I have no power or internet at home and have to go to the library to post, your further posts telling me what an idiot I am and how I’m an awful parent and how I’m not really sick will take me a while to read. Sorry to ruin your day. Maybe you’ll find someone else to treat like shit.
Anyway, have fun telling me I’m the worst person on Lemmy, just don’t expect a quick reply.
Oh, and do tell me how stupid I am for not knowing that people who clear up and fix such damage have coupons on their website.
My delivery charge is $4.99
Edit: I’m also in indiana
Last time I got domino’s a single pizza was the same price as the 3 pizza menu (excluding upcharges). Maybe that’s what’s going on
I think it’s interesting to see the US cost of living catching up to that of my country (Norway). I’ve always looked at US prices and envied them, but now I’m just like “Whey! That’s a normal price!”. Based on what I’m reading I’m guessing wages aren’t keeping up in the same manner though…
When I tip the driver in a delivery I literally just give them cash when they deliver (and only if they actually arrive with some promptness, not if they come half an hour late with a cold pizza).
It’s a habit I got into when living in the UK because there, like in the US, lots of companies just take the “tip” money and keep it if you tip whilst paying with card.
Granted, I like to pay stuff with cash, both for privacy reasons and because it has actually been shown that people in average spend less if they pay in cash (something to do with the feeling of giving something physical away), so I almost always have some cash to pay and tip.
Did you order online?
Did you ignore the deal they shove in your face as soon as you visit the website that would have made the order much cheaper?
I went online to place an order for pizza recently. Jets pizza. Everything was super overpriced and so one small pizza and 6 piece wings was $50 after tax and fees, not including tip which I usually do $10. So $60 for one person. I scoffed at the price then hit ‘submit’.
I was then hit with the ‘order does not meet minimum for delivery’. They had a $40 minimum which does not include delivery fee, tax, and tip - I was at $38 something.
I almost added some dipping sauce and sent it through but I felt so violated by the $40 minimum which was actually a $60 minimum that I just gave up.
Do you live in an uber-HCOL area? I ordered Jets the other day and it was not nearly this expensive… I just priced out a delivery for your order and it came to $34.07 w/ taxes and fees, less tip. Even opted for the bone-in wings.
If you want quality, as far as corporate pizza is concerned, jet’s is your place. Otherwise little Caesars, Marcos, pizza hut, dominos is your bang for buck…I really like Papa Murphy’s when I don’t mind heating the kitchen up with the oven.
Skill issue.
Check the deals tab on the website, you could have gotten a medium and cheesy bread for at least $10 less that what you paid for this.
Don’t blame the restaurant when you won’t even try to save money.
$5 is a pretty cheap tip for a delivery driver tbh
It was 20%. How much should I have tipped?
I’ll put it this way… for dine in tipping, 20% is fine. If you order a cheap meal by yourself at a restaurant, that $4 tip on a $20 meal is fine. The server probably didn’t have to spend more than a few minutes with you.
If you are a table of 5 with a bunch of drinks and a $200 tab, the server probably earned their 20% of $40.
For delivery, a flat rate makes more sense. If someone delivers 3 pizzas and some wings for $100, did that take much more effort than delivering 1 pizza for $20? Same number of steps taken, miles driven, gas used, time used, etc.
$8 to $10 makes sense for doorstep delivery in todays economy. $5 was fair pre-pandemic.
If you are getting a whole bunch of stuff delivered then I can see justifying a bigger tip, but probably not percentage based.
A $4 tip on delivery means the driver is taking a loss or maybe breaking even. They shouldn’t have to suffer because you had a small order.
The service you receive for delivery is not as directly correlated with the total ticket amount as much as dine in might be.
I was given four options for a tip: 10%, 15%, 20% and custom. I gave the maximum offered. Now you’re berating me for not giving more?
20% has been the tipping standard in the U.S. for decades now. For everyone who gets tipped.
So I have no idea where you’re getting this from or why you’re berating me for doing what was expected. Maybe berate everyone else who orders pizzas too and not just me since you’re one of the only ones tipping more than 20%.
I’m not beating you, take it easy.
Ask some delivery drivers in any major metro / high COL area in the US.
Flat rate tipping for delivery is a lot more common than you might think; things have changed in the last 4 years.
I’m in Indiana and not in a major metropolitan area.
Which I also said in my post.
While the dollar amount I suggested is particularly applicable to metro / high col areas, the concept still applies. The same expense/effort on behalf of the driver exists for a $30 delivery as with a $130 delivery.
The same cannot be said for dine in.
Flat rate for delivery, percentage based for dine in is a sensible solution which I didn’t come up with myself. More sensible of course is fair pay which negates tipping altogether but we aren’t there yet.
If small town Indiana is a particularly low cost of living area then maybe $4 is a fair tip. But where I am from, $4 doesn’t last five seconds anymore.
If it takes them 20 minutes to bring you your pizza, then go back to the shop, then at best they are making $12 per hour minus the mileage and gas and other expenses they incur driving their own vehicle… it’s a real shit job that can only be made better by decent tippers, until such a time comes that tipping is abolished (I won’t hold my breath).
It doesn’t take them 20 minutes to bring me my pizza because, again, I’m not in a major metropolitan area. It takes less than 10. I can get half way across town in 20 minutes.
It’s an insanely high tip
Someone drove you some hot food and you give them $4? You’re like Steve Buscemi in reservoir dogs.
Because a tip is meant to be extra. Not their entire pay.
I wish I lived in a country where this was the case.
They are paid a base minimum wage plus tips to drive their own vehicle around all day, paying for their gas, insurance, frequent oil changes and tire wear, putting miles on their car further depreciating the value… the whole point of being a driver is for the tips. Even when people tip well the drivers are mostly taking a loss with the usage of their own cars.
And also when you say “minimum wage” it’s actually less than the legal minimum wage, because our regulators have been systematically gutted for decades.
I pay my delivery drivers exactly 0 tips. They’re paid a living wage, no tips needed.
In the USA the delivery drivers live off of the tips… it’s not just high school kids working a summer job. A lot of drivers are working a second job to support their families.
If you live in a major metro area in an apartment building, gain yourself a reputation for tipping decently and you won’t have to leave your apartment. Tip poorly and you will have to meet them down on the street.
It’s not something I voted for, this social contract existed long before I was here.
If I had a vote to abolish the tip system, I would. In the meantime I make sure to tip decently so that the person who gave me service can keep a roof over their head.
NO! I don’t think you understood at all!
Someone else hired a person and paid them 3.49 to drive hot food around.
Then a customer, who also paid the first person paid the driver more than their employer did.
If I could slap you over the internet right now I would.
You want to slap me because I wanted pizza and then I also wanted the person who drove the pizza to my apartment to also be able to afford pizza?
I don’t condone the system, this is simply the pizza system that exists where I live.
The slap was because you were blaming the person who actually contributed more to the driver.
The correct response is: Wow! The delivery fee was only 3.49! How do they expect someone to work for such a pathetic wage!
Jokes on you… the delivery fee doesn’t go to the driver. Only the tip goes to the driver. That’s how fucked up this whole situation is.
It’s not a high tip, it’s just a very low wage. So proportionally, sure, the tip is very high, but the root issue is criminally low wages.
Why would you need to defend yourself for ordering a pizza and being shocked by the high price? Sometimes I think I’ve gotten too old for the internet. People should be allowed to order a pizza every once in a while and not have to formulate a 5 point list of the reasons why it’s okay for them to order pizza.
You need to train your little slave how to run a gas powered chainsaw. I refuse to believe you didn’t know that stores have apps that feature coupons… NERD 😝
This is why I always get a Costco 18" pizza for $10 every time I’m at the store. Yes, the pizza quality is not great, but neither are any of these other chains that charge 3x (or more) for less pizza of similar quality.
WinCo actually has good pizza for not only hella cheap, they will accept food stamps for them by selling you an uncooked pie and then offering to cook it for free after you pay.
That’s devious and I like it
Me, living in Japan: that’s cheap for pizza and a side!
Not even any places deliver to where I live now so I have to drive a couple towns over.
Not even 5 years ago it would have been maybe $20 here.
In general, people don’t live in Indiana because it’s a great place to live. People live here because it’s affordable. In our case, it’s our elderly parents, but the fact that things used to be cheaper here is another reason we moved back.
Not sure where based op, but a pizza counter top oven (5 minutes) is around €80 in Europe since inflation, but can still be found for around €60 in sales. I guess if there are similar ovens and similar prices that would mean if you find yourself getting pics more than 3 times a year from Dominos, then maybe buy one of those (e.g. Arieta 909 or G3ferrari) It would work out cheaper. Make the dough, buy the toppings put them all in the freezer. No smell other than the same smell from cooked pizza.
I can pretty rarely get under $30 for just myself ($50 for two i consider quite the deal now) and we live in a city with many options, and most places i would order from are about a 10 minute drive. I’m not saying it’s right or good, just that the prices you see are in line with what I’ve been seeing. Food is quite a bit more expensive right now.
It’s a good 1/3 more expensive than it was pre-pandemic though. I could have gotten that order for $20 in 2019.
Absolutely. Pandemic “inflation” threw all kinds of prices too high and nothing is coming back down because most industries are so small that they’re all essentially oligarchies now.
I am dead certain that the pandemic has actually put the US into a hard recession which the Fed has been covering up with various tricks. I’m pretty sure that after the presidential election, whichever way it goes, the economy is going to tank.
Ordered pizza last saturday. Two large pies, one sau+pep, one pep+olives. $30.
Local joint/non-chain.
Even with an insane 20% tip I don’t think you’ve worked it out right. A 20% tip on the food (because why would you tip on a service charge??) comes to 4.09
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It’s double what’s standard to tip for good service.
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You Europeans are something else, man.
Lol because we expect companies to pay people properly rather than expecting customers to top it up.
Tipping is immoral as it allows companies to underpay. Tipping is anti free market as companies should be competing for staff through their remuneration packages.
The thing I’ve never understood about tipping culture in general and especially the American culture around it is why some low paid staff get it and some don’t.
Why do you tip your food delivery driver and not the guy delivering your Amazon package?
Why do you tip your wait staff, but not your supermarket checkout assistant?
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If you can tip a delivery driver $4 with a straight face I feel bad for you. $8 minimum for direct-to-doorstep food, regardless of the cost of the food.
You yanks are crazy with your attitude to pay.
I didn’t say I like it, I just said that is the right thing to do.
Right thing to do is raise minumum wage.
When that happens, if they raise it high enough to actually do away with tipping, then that’s great. Until then, hard working poor people need their tips.
Preferably in cash.
Only because you live in a country where they don’t pay people properly.
Yes, that is correct.
Also the drivers use their own personal vehicles so they experience all the extra wear and tear, fuel costs, more frequent tire and oil changes, etc.
It really is unfair which I why I make sure to tip decently.
I think you are using wrong tool for this problem.
So, you’re supporting the unfair system.
I exist within the system. If I want a service which customarily involves a tip, that’s a part of what I signed up for.
Show me the legislation to abolish tipping while requiring employers to pay a fair wage and I’ll sign it.
Until then, if one wishes to receive a food delivery in the US, It’s sort of implied that you agreed to tip.
Giving a shit tip to a hard working poor person because you don’t like the tipping system isn’t the solution imo.
Depends on your area.
When I was a delivery driver I’d refuse anything less than $20 total, which meant about $18 of tip.
$18 is a bit much, but I have 10 downvotes that say $8 is too much, so who am I to judge.
It just meant bigger / more expensive food orders.
Delivering $100 worth of food takes almost exactly the same effort as delivering $10 worth of food, but the difference in tips is huge.
Yep. He tipped on top of the delivery charge and taxes. I it was 20% tip button that doesn’t isolate food.
Lol that’s so bad.
By design, they know most Americans suck at math