“nah we like kings”
“By the way, what’s a republic?”
ThErE’s A dIffErEnCE bETwEeN a RePuBlIC aNd a DeMoCrACy
The worst thing about conservatives is you never really know who’s the idiotic parrot and who’s the lying fascist because there’s so much overlap in the diagram.
I think that’s exactly the point though right?
Blocking this legislation will be an emphatic statement to that effect.
Which their base will eat up. Shit is weird right now.
Fuck their base. Take the middle of the electorate by shining a light on the weird old tyrant and you win the white house
At this point, maybe the best we can do is to ensure history judges them harshly.
As a republican from Australia, they’re a disgrace to the cause.
Benedict Arnold was a Republican.
I thought he was American?
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President Joe Biden, a Democrat
In case we didn’t know
By all means let people know which side is the anti-king side as much as possible.
For the outsiders looking at American politics but doesn’t know even the basics of it, that could be beneficial. My Polish friend doesn’t even know who Kamala Harris is nor has even heard about her.
Very positive news.
This was not just a trrmp decision and shouldn’t be seen as one.
It is a way for conservatives to take control of the government directly and without recourse in the event they get back into power, no matter who their demagogue of the year is.
For the American government to regain any semblance of a representative democracy, presidential immunity needs to be struck down or illegalized.
It is nuts that this act even has to be put forward. These conservative frauds claim to look at the original intent of the constitution. Making the president above the law is literally the exact opposite to what we fought and died for with England. These justices are traitors.
okay so we’re not talking about Amy Schumer
Nobody has been talking about her for a long time
you guys get upset about the weirdest things
It’s more that it’s entirely irrelevant and adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.
It might have landed if she had been at all relevant in any even somewhat recent time.
Or if Schumer somehow plagiarized the Act and ran with it. Like cousin, like cousin.
I just watched trolls: band together, which stars amy schumer. Checkmate, people who didn’t just watch that.
I wasn’t trying to be funny. I’m pretty stoned and I had to stare at the headline for quite a while before I could remember Chuck Schumer’s name
If you’re still high, get this: Chuck Schumer and Amy Schumer are related!
holy shit
would you look at that
deleted by creator
lol you can delete all you want but my notification history log remembers
Hur dur woman not funny amirite guiz??
Fuck off, it’s not 2016 any more.
Nah man, there are plenty of funny women comics. Amy Schumer is not one of them.
Oh I agree there are plenty of women who are funny, and Amy Schumer is not particularly funny. But Amy Schumer is also the one that dumbasses point to to be all “hur dur waminz isn’t funnee because shoomer is bad!!”
okay, genuine question, is that what people think my comment is saying?
“Bad joke.”
oh that clarifies everything thanks
I interpreted your comment as the article not specifying which Schumer and you picked out a famous Schumer not associated with politics as a little bit of fun.
I could be wrong … I think many people have been dog-piling her comedy for a while and I think others thought you were dog whistling.
I mean, this is just coming from someone on the outside of this.
Amy Schumer, while she does have bad comedy, is constantly the target of reactionaries and chuds who think all women aren’t funny and point to her as justificatiom for their shitty worldview. The entire thing has been beaten to death for over a decade. Making fun of her, and by extension women comedians, was barely worthy of breathing slightly faster through the nose almost a decade ago, now making fun of Schumer is even more stale than her comedy.
for like the 50th time, I wasn’t making fun of her and I wasn’t making a joke. the fact that everybody read it as a very specific attack on her is fucking bizarre. this entire thread feels like I’m on Reddit
[…] Schumer has written into the bill “jurisdiction stripping” measures that would remove the Supreme Court’s authority to render the legislation unconstitutional, and allow only lower courts in the District of Columbia to handle a legal challenge. Such jurisdiction stripping has been seldom used in the past and would likely be highly controversial.
TIL Jurisdiction Stripping - Wild I thought that Sup Court always had that check on Congress.
IANAL, but to my understanding, SCOTUS is defined by the constitution and given certain powers and protections, to interpret the constitution, mediate disputes between the political branches, and certain duties given to its chief Justice. Congress is given broad powers to set the laws, which includes details of how branches are run, like creating departments in the Executive, and setting the number of Justices on SCOTUS.
If I understand Jurisdiction Stripping correctly, it’s not preventing SCOTUS from eventually reviewing the case, but a law that says they don’t get the first review of legal challenges. It could slow the process, at the very least.
Didn’t they largely establish that power themselves through Marbury vs Madison in 1803?
That elevation / clarity of their authority wasn’t a massive problem until the last 10 or so years when they started going off the deep-end.
Yeah Marbury v Madison found that congress can decide which cases SCOTUS reviews directly, vs where the authority of lower courts starts. But it’s not in conflict with the other principle from Marbury v Madison, that SCOTUS has the power to review whether laws are constitutional or not. If I understand correctly, at least.
Before Trump, the worst issue the growing authority of the court caused was a shift from Congress making major policy changes, to SCOTUS. Congress changing that could be a change for the better in the long run.