Phony Stark needs to be called out on this. It’s creepy as hell.
😳 🤮
This is not news, who gives a shit?
One of the richest men in the world publicly threatening to rape one of the biggest music stars in the world sounds kind of like news to me.
publicly threatening to rape
Yup. Public threat of rape. You see, sex is how babies are made. Elon said he will give Taylor Swift a baby, which means have sex with her. It’s pretty obvious that swift would not like to be impregnated by elon musk. When an adult doesn’t consent to a sexual act, it’s called rape. To tell someone who does not want to fuck you that you “will” give them a baby is a threat of rape. Do you have anymore questions marks?
He’s doing so without doing so.
He knows what he’s saying, and most people know what he’s saying, but he’s not “legally” saying it.
It’s the equivalent of adding “…in Minecraft” to his threat, except it’s legally stronger given the context.
Reasons people may give a shit:
The US government is shoveling huge amounts of money towards an individual that dismisses and devalues half of the world’s population with an active sexual harassment suit against him.
Consumers might want to know if they are supporting if they are supporting a mysogynist by using his privately owned social media service or buying energy products / vehicles from a company he heads up as CEO.
Trump has announced an intention to have this man lead a new “Government Efficiency Commission” and this behavior reflects both on Trump for the sort of people he elevates into positions of power and reflects on Musk as a potential public servant.
He’s also the owner of the company which builds and operates the only current domestic launch vehicle certified to carry humans to the space station.
The only other certified launch vehicle in the world is built and operated by Roscosmos - owned and operated by a dictator who’s currently trying to annex another nation in the first war in Europe in decades
It’s good to document weird and creepy behaviour.
If things like this don’t make the news cycle, they essentially go un-called-out. Which might make it seem like normal or acceptable behaviour.Weird behaviour doesn’t live up to scrutiny
Let the other losers on Twitter call it out if they want their cringy drama-fest.
This is not news. Making a random weird comment that is obviously in jest (and is very, VERY obviously not a REAL threat to do anything, as anyone with two brain cells to rub together can figure out) is absolutely NOT worthy of “the news cycle”.
Only people who truly have no life have the desire to spend any time giving a shit about this. This is barely worthy of an eye roll.
Yeah it’s MuskSpam not news.
Yes. He’s abusing his position to harass women. It has to be called out, documented and shown to be problematic behaviour.
I feel like a lot of areas of public discussion were more-dignified before the social media era.
Every major event just winds up with noise from Twitter drama getting attached to it.
People always had shitty views, they just didn’t have a megaphone
That was merely blissful ignorance.
Look on the bright side, if all of this is true, then hopefully a Haitian immigrant will eat Elon musk
I mean, I am sure there are plenty of white people who would. I know I am up for eating a billionaire.
What about the other races? Don’t they get a chunk of broiled Elon?
This is all inclusive. Go out and gitchu some billionaire long pork
We better make sure he is fully cooked through. Who knows what pathogens we can get from eating him.
Soak him in fresh water over night, then in a brine for a while, blanch, then slow cook, making sure the whole thing hits at least 160-165.
I’m thinking charbroiled and then baked in a pot pie
How is this okay with anyone? Why aren’t people around him (employees, etc) not swarming him and basically hanging him out to dry?
I have practically zero useful social media influence, nobody would ever see it, but somehow if I posted something like this somehow I feel like I’d get a ton of attention AND be cancelled and or arrested.
Cause he’s a billionaire. He’s surrounded my yesmen sycophants who want access to his money
Fucking creepy weirdos
Fucking gross.
He probably meant he was going to give her one of the many children he already has and doesn’t care about.
That’ how I interpreted it as well, perhaps one of his least favorite ones.
This guy needs more taxes to pay. He’s clearly got too much time on his hands.
Is that how he approaches women? “Ay girl you look like I could put a baby in you.”
He probably does. He is just as deluded and narcissistic as his new BFF, T****.
Fucking gross.
Elon showing off his peak Internet Nice Guy™ moves.
Elon “Why don’t women love me, I’m a Nice Guy!”
“How Do You Do, Fellow Nice Guys?”
These fucking people: “why do they call us weird”
The same fucking people:
I feel like I’m missing context. What question/ statement is he replying to where this response makes any kind of sense?
She signed her endorsement of Kamala Harris as “Childless Cat Person” in reference to JD’s comments.
Ahhhh. This makes a bit more sense. Thanks!
But now I’m curious about what JD said. Argh. Pulling at this thread will end up with me joining twitter. Got to stop.
He said something to effect of ‘this country is being run by miserable childless cat ladies who want to make everyone else miserable just like them’.
JD’s comment was aimed at Harris for not having children, and he called her just that.
Which was extra dumb because she has 2 kids.
Except you see she didn’t give birth to them so she’s not a mother
I shit you not, I’ve seen moms in mom groups making arguments like that about C-Sections, so it’s not much of a leap to expect Republicans to make similarly disgusting statements
Pulling thread is good. Joining twitter is bad ;) Try searching for articles to explain the situation instead. In example:
He just made my fallopians shrivel up
Same. And I don’t even have any
That’s good preparation just in case Trump wins the election.
deleted by creator
So his “biggest piece of shit” title is still going strong.
No one can take that from Trump. Elon is second in that category at most.
Anyhow I think this just gave Swift’s endorsement a lot more reach.