I imagine Russia is like the Star Wars setting, lots of crazy steep drops and they never install railings.
The platform where Darth Vader confronts Luke has railings, so they clearly have the parts, tools, and a guy who installs them. Maybe he’s just held up on Level B?
Or maybe they literally one have that one guy/gal installing the railings throughout the entire Republic‽
I hope ey finished the job on the Death Star and didn’t explode with it. Cause then it would be zero people installing railings afterwards
Contractor: finishes 15 miles of railings on death star sub levels, moves to imperial star destroyer for next job
casually looks out window, death star explodes
Contractor: “mother f…”
Edits report to now state 20 miles of railings
wow and all that overtime too!
They are a contractor. They were obviously on a different job starting that before they came back to the Death Star.
This is Russia, no joke.
How long before windows make it to the statistics of average deaths per-year in Russia?
I honestly wonder if the Kremlin figured the ratio of trained military personnel to dissidents needed to keep pushing people out of buildings.
Why do you think Microsoft left the Russian market?
Good comrades run Astra.
don’t worry this is just normal tea I offer before I throw you off building
“haha no problem, this is polonium tea”
That’s the second addition this week: Suspicious deaths of notable Russians
“Fell out of window.”
“He was on the ground floor.”
“Fell out of window and face-planted twenty-six times.”
“Fell out of window… hard.”
Colonel Vadim Boyko 2022
Shot himself 5 times in the chest. Russia not even trying to hide it
Yeah, it’s an interesting list.
It’s only Tuesday
Coming soon to a city near you!
This isn’t funny.
You’re just blessed enough not to recognize gallows humor. We’re actually jealous of you.
Unfortunately anti-russian racism is acceptable here. When you see a headline like this, just be ready for the comments.
What exactly was racist?
And who said it’s funny. I’m confused
Criticising a government isn’t racism. If you criticise a country’s government it doesn’t mean you hate every person who lives in that country.
Gallows humor about the suspicious deaths of people critical of an oligarchy is not racism.
Unless you are a wilfully credulous root vegetable of a person.
It’s not racism to point out that a surprising number of Putin critics have died from falling from tall buildings.
Vladimir Shklyarov:
https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/vladimir-shklyarov-death-st-petersburg-ballet-star-fall/Dan Rapoport:
https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/08/26/dan-rapoport-putin-critic-was-it-suicide-00053836Pavel Antov:
https://www.businessinsider.com/putin-critic-pavel-antov-dies-falling-out-hotel-window-2022-12I think the comment meant to point out that these humorous take on a tragedy are only accepted as part of a russiophobic perspective. I tend to agree, although I don’t find it offensive I understand that similar comments on for example, the killing of a ukranian ballet dancer, would be seen differently by all of us. Hence, the xenophobia. Ukranian is western and we relate.
“The last thing a fish notices is the existance of water”
Just changing the victim nationality makes it palatable for jokes, that’s something that calls for observation
Do you seriously think Russian is a race?
I agree this isn’t racism against Russians.
But also, let’s not be pedantic. A nation can be discriminated against, any group of people can be. That’s what they meant by racism. They used it more broadly and that’s ok, I’m sure even you understood what they meant. What term would you use to be more precise?
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You’re trying to convince the person who agreed in the first place, this isn’t discriminatory.
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I’d more call it politicism, as it’s more criticizing the political state and not someones origin/heritage.
TIL Russian is a race
You need to update your vocabulary comrade. There may be new definitions of the word racism. Remember literally no longer only literally means literally. What a time we live in.
Russia isn’t a race.
It’s a failed state, ruled by a corrupt dictator.
Just like America in a couple months.
Pro-Russian comment meant to wield the left’s propensity to over-diagnose racism to redirect and distract.
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I mean ballet dancers are known for being klutzy and prone to tripping over their own feet. Right?
Happens all the time, it’s why they recommend you don’t practice ballet on slippery roofs.
Ballet stars, and their notoriously poor balance.
He seems to have astonishing balance for someone with one leg
His other leg:
What? No window?
The f’ed up Government of Putin will try the same shit in the USA.
Ah the ol’ defenestration situation.
Stay on the ground floor, Russians.
“Tragically fell from the ground floor balcony and landed on two bullets to the back of the head.”
Heart attacks happens on every floor.
So do poisonings, and shootings but we’re just mitigating circumstances here lol.
There could always be a feral bullet that has ran away from it’s gun!
This just piles up on the reasons Russia needs to be denuclearisased, putin getting ousted, democracy installed and so on.
Good news Russias economy is in the toilet and someone has started flushing already, Ukrain will prevail and hopefully we’ll have peace one day.
Russia is Game of Thrones in real life. I wouldn’t bet on positive change there.
More realistically, he’ll probably die of old age or be ousted by someone younger and more exciting to the wealthy elite that keep Putin in power. Real change may come after that, but a change in leadership is not going to immediately fix long term issues like corruption, wealth disparity, etc.
I think they will become a Chinese vassal.
I don’t know exactly what that’d look like, but the pure economic/political dynamics make it seem kinda inevitable.
A unified China/Russia alliance sounds like a player in a near future sci-fi, so I’ll take that as a good sign
A unified China/Russia alliance
The Red Alert and Generals cross over we don’t want!
True. Another possibility is that the economy (and infrastructure gotten their maintenance money stolen for 20 years and starts to crumble) goes down with a skyrocketing inflation going to the moon killing the ruble, and who knows what happens when you can’t pay your army any more …
Interesting times for russia.
Oh, so China expands to fill that void and hands out a portion to Kim Jong Ug before repainting things?
I doubt the USA would let them do that freely, but it’s an interesting take.
Uh. I’ve got some news you might not enjoy, citizen…
Sure, who knows. It’d be a full mess though.
Take it with a grain of salt, as I am not an expert, but it looks like China would prefer an ‘independent’ country that is ruled by Chinese government in secret. That way they don’t need to fix and repair all the shit, and can only spend bare minimum of effort needed to keep
slavescitizens aliveOh, so Russia & N.K. already, then? Let’s not even start with Iran, et al. 👀🤌🏼
Unless the Russians violently purge there elites, a new dictator will take the seat before the corpse is cold. He may even hold a sham election to “legitimize” himself as the best person to sand next to a window with.
This just piles up on the reasons Russia needs to be denuclearisased, putin getting ousted, democracy installed and so on.
Indeed and same goes for israel or USA. Every nation involved in shady actions should be denucleariased and its politician held account for their crimes.
Good luck with that.
Hey, at least you know what the possessive form of “it” is. 🤓🤘🏽
Russia be slippery. My heart goes out to these rare brave souls in a land of cowards.
Give it 2 months for the US
The US would never do this. Too much money to be made in the prison industry with legalized slavery. Much better investment to put them behind bars to generate profit.