The EU parliament had a vote to abolish DST, and it passed. They just forgot to hammer out the details, then COVID and Ukraine happened, so focus shifted.
I hope they’ll pick up the ball again at some point.
Perhaps if the US does it, they’ll follow. And then anywhere else left will do the same and we can be done with this nonsense.
The decision is made. It just takes a while for the 27 countries to get their local legislation up to speed. Many haven’t decided whether they’d want to be on standard time or +1. There’s some business advantage to being on the same timezone as your neighbors.
And then software manufacturers need some heads up to get their shit together.
Well, good.
It’s weird how I watched VEEP last year and here it is coming true.
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They’re going to move it 30 mins to meet in the middle…
I mean it seems to work for India, Nepal, etc.
If they’re using the 2022 bill they’re already fucking it up. Kids are going to be walking to school in the dark in winter and get hit by cars because they want to pretend that we’re a few thousand miles east of where we actually are.
So maybe we could do the other thing that scientists have been saying, and make school start later. Obviously just one of the things that would need to be fixed, because school is currently a glorified daycare (because both parents are working, yay) and changing the times would fuck up parents’ lives.
Sure, but we should do that independent of this. Schools need to start at least an hour later on standard time. On DST they need to start two hours later at least.
Probably the only good thing he’d ever do, look forward to seeing how they fuck it up.
A bill has been floating in the house and senate for a few years. Trump could have got it done back in 2019. So why is this the only thing he can pass?
I find going on and off DST to be kind of a nuisance, but I don’t have strong feelings about it one way or the other. It seems like the experience varies from place to place, and your region’s distance to the equator is an important factor. The closer you are to the equator, the less necessary DST is.
Historically, some of the regions that went off of DST much prefer it that way, and never looked back. But others regretted opting out of it, and went back to doing it again after everyone complained about it.
I’m sure 47 will make it all about him, whatever he does. And it will probably be a chaotic mess of software patches when they try to implement it. There will be far worse problems to deal with during the Stupid Ages, but throw this one on the pile I guess.
This has been bugging me of late so I’ll ask here even though FTR I hate that I agree with Trump:
Why don’t we just split the difference and offset by 30 min for the whole year/permanently?
Because compromise makes neither side truly happy
We are already trying to compromise with switch back and forth.
30 minutes just makes it over complicated and satisfies neither side
I personally don’t even care which one, I just want either of them and make it permanent.
Okay, I’ll choose, keep the sun up later. Make the day last till at least 7 PM in the winter. That way I can still see it after work. I don’t give a shit when I’m driving to work.
This would work great in some places, others might finish lunch as the sun rises.
30 minutes just makes it over complicated and satisfies neither side
What would be complicated?
Converting times to other timezones would be extra annoying.
It’s already too anoying to deal with.
Splitting the difference would be slightly easier, since it stops changing at arbitrary days of the year.It would still change at arbitrary days, because other countries will still use it.
Uhhh…the rest of the world being 30 minutes + however many hours different?
Just adopt GMT and make time meaningless.
Nah, not GMT. UTC. It’s the more accurate successor, and all computers already use it.
Not to mention, everyone will always know what time you are talking about anywhere in the world, and based on your own experience, you know if it will be during the day or not.
Timezones will no longer matter, making software handling time so much easier.
I support this idea however it will never happen.People are going to want 9 am to be when the sun comes up.
Switching to a different 24 hour clock won’t help. People are use to 10 being when the sun is up and 23 when the night is happening.
Having everyone on one time zone would be the best thing ever.
Having everyone on one time zone would be the best thing ever.
Have you really thought this through?
It’s 12 pm in New York.
It’s 9 am in California.
Sun rised at 7 am in NY today
Sun rised at 7 am in CA today
It was 10 am in NY when sun rose in CA
So let’s say we get on one clock.
That means sun rises in California at 4 am
So now everyone in California has to shift their whole schedule around that.
7 am sunrise, 9am-5pm work (Sun set begins at 4.5pm)
Would become 4 am sunrise, 6am-2pm work (Sun set begins at 1:30pm)
How is that the best thing ever?
They’re effectively the same thing
I understand what you mean, BUT I live in AZ and Im not going to have AZ be both 30 minutes ahead of Cali, 30 minutes behind Utah, and an hour and 30 behind New Mexico. No, you all either fall in line with how time is supposed to work or you can keep doing your shitty Daylight Savings bullshit
I take it AZ doesn’t follow DST? I don’t see how springing ahead 30min instead of the hour next time and being done would cause that much of an issue
Im going to guess youre not from the US? Heres a Time Zone map with the States listed.
I got my own groupings of time zones a little twisted in my head, I didnt think New Mexico was Mountain Time. Regardless, Arizona and Hawaii dont follow DST. Shifting all the US states by 30 minutes for an arbitrary reason doesnt solve anything really and kind of just fucks with global time standards.
God no. The math with timezones is painful enough without having to deal with half hour offsets.
Actually, there are some timezones with offsets of half or even quarter hours, but the company where I work in software engineering doesn’t do any business in those timezones, so I’ve never had to deal with that particular brand of madness.
Just get rid of DST. It was never a good idea. “Noon” should mean that the sun is directly overhead (or at least directly overhead east-west-wise if not north-south-wise) and “midnight” should be the midpoint between any two adjacent noons. (Ok, yes, if you live on the extreme eastern or western edge of a timezone, then at noon, the position of the sun may be up to 7.5° off of directly overhead east-west-wise. But yeah.)
For better reasons go here.
Can we get rid of timezones and switch to UTC please
I don’t want it to ever be -03:00. That shit is confusing as hell.
Lol I think it would just be 3 am or 9pm depending on which way you are talking
Will y’all shut the fuck up and act like you don’t want this? You’re going to ruin it.
We absolutely need to start protesting this so he makes it a priority.
Dang, I sure do love that Obama created daylight savings time. I hope it never goes away. Thanks Obama!
Some, if not all people agree that this makes him the YUGEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME
This is literally how to shape his entire presidency and keep him from completely destroying the country. This move right here, every time.
Let’s make a list of things and how to complain and stick to the script.
I’ll go first. Man, I love tariffs!
The only way that Democrats will eventually come out on top here is massive tariffs. We have to get the word out and thank Donald Trump for his concept of a plan on tariffs.
Great policy. Misogynistic, racists, liar will say anything for attention, tho.
They say even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time.