So, it was never official? They need a bill for this!?!?
Tackling the tough issues, like enshrining trash birds as national birds despite the clear State association.
I had always thought it already was.
Another productive day for congress I see.
Quick! Think of what a Bald Eagle’s cry sounds like!
Did it sound like this? Or were you actually thinking of the cry of a Red-Tailed Hawk?
I’ve seen a lot of eagles on the west coast, those ones to me
sound like
i might have voted this one down, because the ‘FINDINGS’ part of the legislation didn’t include mention of the species’ dislike for spray painted diaper fillers.
Americans: we want affordable healthcare
US Government: best we can do is make eagles the official bird. You didn’t even know it wasn’t already, did you?
Good thing we fixed it before people noticed! There is no telling what could have happened
Benny Franklin wanted the Turkey to be our national bird. He felt it was a noble breed. Stupid, but noble.
iirc, it wasn’t named natl. bird bcs you cant eat the natl. bird, and we uh, we like eating turkeys
Sort of lol. The story stems from his writing a letter to a cousin, I think, where it was mostly in jest about how the Bald Eagle is a thief, and a turkey would fight anything (because they are fucking stupid. I’ve seen Tom’s peck and kick at their own reflection in a Ford Explorer door).
Can confirm. Tom attacked my Volvo.
+1 classic Tom
They are also rather graceful.
But, I say turkey because, like. Have you ever seen them jumping to get at apples/crab apples?
It’s freaking amazing.
We live in an area where we have huge groups of turkeys come through our yard. Our dog spotted them and barked, sending 30 of them into the trees around us, which was something I’ll never forget, lol.
Also, the babies are super cute to see running around.
I should note… Bald Eagle’s aren’t all bad…
Though I will say if it was a turkey on the perch… Trump would have been wearing several maxipads the next day.
To be fair, the turkey he wanted to be the national bird was not the fat and stupid kind people eat for dinner, it was the angry dinosaur that was around in his day. I still see them around here. They have spurs on their legs that would rip your stomach open if it wanted to do it. You don’t want to fuck with a wild tom.
I bet if that had happened we would all eat eagles on thanksgiving!
Nah he wanted the turkey because it is clever and resourceful. The bald eagle is a scavenger and not particularly clever. Turkeys are smart.