According to the Illinois State Police (ISP), a crash with at least 40 vehicles involved closed I-70 about 30 miles west of the Indiana border both ways around 1:30 p.m.
One day cars will be able to communicate with other cars to warn of an incident nearby.
No thanks.
Maybe I’ve just spent too much time in/around security related things to trust that what the other cars are saying is true.
A bad actor could spoof or mask events to get other cars to behave how they want them to.
There’s a fiction short story I ran across about this future. It is an anthropomorphized conversion between the AI on each of the two cars on a collision course. The whole story takes place inside of a second or two of “human” elapsed time. A crash is unavoidable, but one car is presenting an argument that each car should change course slightly so the least amount of damage is done to each. The other car is arguing that because his car pays for premium insurance, the other car should change more drastically to minimize the damage to his car. However, that action would result in the death of that other driver.
If you can remember the name and/or author, please let me know because that sounds worth reading.
Found it:
I was wrong about the “premium insurance”, but instead it was someone of “greater value”.
I love it and hate it at the same time. Thank you for sharing it.