What term, “weiner dog”?
It’s actually a funny story, originally it was “Vienna Dog”, but through slang the pronunciation became “Weiner Dog” over the years
That’s interesting! I have dachshunds, and didn’t know that. I can’t wait to tell them while I give them scritches
I think the referenced term is “puppy face.”
Also sometimes called puppy-dog eyes or puppy pout.
Edit: However, I was interested to learn the etymology you shared.
This puppy really is an itsy-witsy little Vienna Sausage doggie, isn’t it?
I thought it is about “aww”.
Oh, definitely “aww”
Fun Fact: While most canines have eyebrow movements dogs are the only one that have wide range of movements meaning their evolution also included emotional manipulation of humans. Source: people around who makes an owwww sound when they see the puppy eyes.
emotional manipulation
Also known as, communication.
And it’s such a joy. There are very few things in life that make me as giddy as seeing a dog look at something bizarre, look back at you and then raise a fucking eyebrow.
Yes they actually developed an extra set of eye muscles to make the puppy eyes.
I love dogs so much. I am so sad I can’t have one now because i am renting.
oh I know, my dogs manipulate me everyday and I know whats up and fall for it every time. My cats on the other hand will be cute once, if they have to ask again it will be with violence and screams lol