How does this help men and women? I know how it hurts people, but who is HELPED by this?
Edit: Whenever the question is “Who could possibly be helped by this?” the answer is “Fascists.”
How? How does it help them?
Fascists need an “other” to demonize. They delight in the cruelty towards the “other”. The executive order gives them a sense of accomplishment, further strengthening the group bonds as they enjoy the suffering of the “other” together.
It really is as simple as “the cruelty is the point”. It helps them because they desire to inflict cruelty, and this gives them a method for doing so.
I don’t think he delights in anything but having people tell him how great he is. This is textbook fascism. You got the part right thay they need an other group to demonize, just don’t think there is even that much depth to them.
And the lesson the rank-and-file never seem to learn is once the other is eliminated, the fascists always turn inward, and begin eliminating each other. Unfortunately, their death toll is always quite high once they implode – sometimes in the millions.
It’s a death cult, though, and no matter how white or pious or privileged you think you are, they will come for you once they run out of ‘proper’ enemies, because without an enemy, fascism is nothing.
Oh I should have been more clear: Trump’s supporters delight in cruelty towards others. You’re right that Trump just does whatever makes his supporters cheer for him; he’s a textbook narcissist who craves attention. “Build the wall” for example, was a talking point his advisers gave him. He apparently thought it was stupid, but when his crowds of supporters cheered for it he went on to make it central to his campaign and identity.
Denying science and memory holing it is actually massively beneficial for them.
It gives justification for discrimination. To make people who disagree or are affected less than human and thus atrocities against them do not count as atrocities.
No different than colonization or slavery. “We know better and will show them the error of their ways/put them in their place by force and systematic discrimination”.
Because it is a clear demonstration of “We can do whatever the fuck we want, and you can’t stop us,” as well as a warning: “Don’t piss us off, or we’re going to do it to you next.”
Edit: Also a message to other fascists: “You can do whatever you want, and they can’t stop you.”
Oh sweet summer child. Help is NOT on the way.
Owning the libs is his raison de terre.
if it makes amorphous enemies mad, then its worth it.
Reason of earth? I think it’s “Rasion d’etre”
thanks. lol. I thought something was wrong with it but was too busy to check
I have a joke about this:
Someone once asked a Republican what he thought about a shooting in a Queer bar, he responded “thats horrible, I hear a Muslim did it. Those dirty savages will never integrate with western values”.
So the person responded “oh so do you care about queer people now?”, he responded “of course not, they harm womens rights”.
So the person responded “oh so do you support womens rights now?”, he responded “of course not, I think the rights of children should take precedence”.
So he responded “oh so do you care about the children now?”, he responded “of course not, they’re leaches on society. I only support hardworking Americans”.
So he responded “Oh so do you support workers rights now?”, he responded “of course not, workers today are lazy, I support only the good religious Jewish and Christian workers”
So he responded “Oh so do you support Jewish people now?”, he responded “Of course not, I hear they’re extremely Islamaphobic”
So he responded “Oh so do you support Muslim people now?”, he responded “of course not, I hear one of them shot up a queer bar”
Lol you think their goal is helping people?
No, not at all, but typically politicians frame it that way. They gave up on that, I guess. Now it’s just who can I hurt.
There’s loads of historical examples of policies in acted to hurt people
…because those people are “inferior” people
Wait, you’re telling me Republicans (Trump Party) are focusing on hurting minorities via a culture war instead of passing meaningful legislation to help struggling Americans?
The fact that I’ve been witnessing them do this for my entire lifetime didn’t prepare me for this.
Feels over science.
2016-2020 was the time of alternative facts 2025-2029 is the time of alternative reality
Supreme court will soon say the law doesn’t have to abide actual science or reality in general (if they haven’t already).
gonna tell my 6,000 sexes of mushrooms to stop fuckin
FINALLY! something to help LOWER those gas prices!
So why exactly are we focusing on LGBTQ+ peoples here? Obviously they are equally deserving of protections just like everyone else, but This appears to read like we’re getting rid of DEI hiring practices entirely. Seems like something that would affect all protected groups. And arguably, racial minorities are a much larger group of people that are going to be hurt by this. Focusing on the gender binary thing really feels like distraction from the wider implications this has.
And the companies immediately coming out saying they’re ending their DEI practices before Trump was even in office really shows you how performative their adherance to the law really was. It really perfectly demonstates why we need these laws in the first place when companies are this eager to be openly against anti-discrimination.
That came out last week I think? Checking…
Meta and some other cunts removed DEI practices on Jan 10 and Costco said fuck that and kept it.
Of course all of it deserve our attention, but that is why the focus of the comments here is on the gender portion of the EO.
Reading the orders, the gender one is much more impactful.
Canceling DEI programs cancels those programs, which just isn’t that impactful. Maybe it slows or reverse progress on equality at the population level. But an individual is not going to notice a difference (unless they were explicitly working in administering it). Further, those DEI programs were only for federal agencies, which are going to have a much bigger culture shift from the coming idealougical and loyalty purge. Minorities are still protected by strong anti discrimination laws and the 14th amendment.
The anti trans order, in contrast, declares that trans people don’t exist. And the entirety of the federal government must act accordingly. This will have a direct effect on every openly trans person in the country. Further, the legal protections trans people have are based entirely on an interpretation of gender discrimination laws that the current Supreme Court seems unlikely to endorse; and which Trump has directed the Attorney General to not follow.
Even ignoring socially constructed gender identities, in the case of biological sexes, this is scientifically wrong. The world doesn’t fit into neat little boxes like these people think it does
Science is a joke to you huh
It’s not a gospel and yeah it’s sometimes funny. But mainly it’s an elegantly regimented way to explore the world around us
I mean if he plans to kill all intersex people then there will be two sexes.
His next trick will be to define pi as 3
In order to reduce the cost of space launches, executive order gravity to be smaller.
Just putting this here if anyone is interested in someone actually trying to have done something similar.
Fascists think they can force the world into their boxes through violence and cruelty. We must never stop resisting.
deleted by creator
edit: on a more serious note, yes, when studying the biology of humans or similar organisms probably 99% of the time you can pretend there are only two genders/sexes, but
- that doesn’t make it true
- even just 1.7% of the U.S. population is still a pretty big number (~580k people)
lol so you can just sign executive orders to declare new facts into reality? why don’t you declare people can fly, that would be cool.
declare pi is 4 via executive order
As per executive order, the earth is now flat.
But people can fly
On planes, for long periods of time
Or gliders for Shorter periods
or from windows for even shorter periods. Very popular in Russia
nah that’s not you flying. I don’t know why people say it like that in English but that’s just riding on a plane. same as riding a horse doesn’t mean the person is galloping.
Those are fake forms of flight! There are two modes of biological flight. Flight and non flying. You cannot become the other!
New facts lmfao
I wonder what their approach to intersex people will be…
If anyone is curious what other fascist regimes did:
Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves.