In 2016 we managed to elect a guy who was very obviously mentally defective and a career criminal. Fuck outta here with “new”.
new era you say? did that reset after the first time trump was elected, or immediately following the second? new era, for fucks sake
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I think of it this way : movies were really popular before talkies came in. So, movies didn’t die off when they started talking, but it was a new era. Same thing here; it’s still anti-intellectual, just better and shinier
no, trump signaled that
Anti-intellectual might be the kindest and least offensive adjective to describe him.
Anti-intellectual in much the same way as anti-matter
Despite his takes on vaccines, he’s the one cabinet pick I like. He is focused on the toxic food environment Americans live in and don’t seem to want to acknowledge. I feel like I took crazy pills yesterday when NYT put out an article implying that weight loss had nothing to do with calories. It’s amazing all the mental gymnastics some people will do just to not be a little hungry for a while.
Only he changes his beliefs and opinions depending on who’s dick he’s sucking.
I agree on that. Very bad look when he was pushed on his past statements and his answer was “P-P-President Trump”. Looked kinda pathetic to me. But I’m taking the bad with the good. I’m hoping parents will do the right thing and vaccinate their kids and that he will focus on improving the food supply in the US and tightening regulations for ultra processed “food”.
Nothing is worth vaccines. Vaccines are like, all we have.
He says that. And then he wants to remove fluoride from drinking water. This dude wouldn’t know toxic food if he ate a month old sandwich.
Fluoride is worth questioning though, we don’t really know for sure whether it is harmful or not and science is increasingly proving that the risks are very real and maybe not worth the benefits. We don’t know for sure yet, but I think it should be left up to the communities to decide AFTER they’ve been given the chance to review all the current studies on the subject. It needs to be an informed decision.
No we do know. Fluoride isn’t harmful in the amounts we have in our water. It requires orders of magnitude more presence to be harmful. This is the exact anti science bullshit take that RFK is famous for so it’s no wonder you like him. And if you don’t like Fluoride, wait until you hear about iron, zinc, and magnesium. I mean magnesium is a straight up fire hazard, it’ll even burn underwater.
There’s a lot of assumptions there and you know it.
We are assuming that it is being administered and tested for appropriately and regularly, which may not be true in many cases. We’re assuming that the food we consume is made with low fluoride water which may not always be true, as they could be made in a place where there’s high levels of fluoride in the water. When you account for all things they may well be overconsumption of fluoride happening. Toothpaste with fluoride is the norm already why should it be in the water at this point anyways?
Anyways, read again: I never said that it is dangerous, I said there’s concern that it may be, which is the case because there are still studies coming out and being made. Including a meta study that indeed concluded that there is an inverse relation between fluoride and IQ. I’m not talking about RFK or some tiktoker, there are actual scientists that still question and research this. Science is not this static thing where we say “oh we know that already” and move on, otherwise we would still believe the earth is flat, that the earth is at the center of the galaxy and that bloodletting is actually a good cure for a cold. Science requires that the established be questioned over and over again for us to get closer to the full truth of every single thing. Doing the opposite of that is the real anti-science. In the case of fluoride we are still not fully sure, and that’s a fact. Or perhaps I should be more clear, we are not sure that the current levels may be the safe ones.
The final and most egregious thing is that you ignored my conclusion, that this should be decided at the local level. You act like this would cause the end of the world, but there are many countries in Europe that don’t put fluoride in their water, most of them the countries that I consider being the most concerned with their populations health and well being. Finland for example doesn’t do it because people don’t want to, but it’s allowed if they wanted to. That is the way to deal with this.
And whataboutisms are not arguments, especially bad faith ones. I’m not saying for example, that we should remove naturally occurring fluoride from the water. Holy hell I’ve never even stated that I’m against fluoridation of water, because I’m not. I’m just saying, we still don’t truly know if we have it right without reasonable doubt and therefore this should be decided at the local level.
Our food could be made in a radioactive hellhole for all we know. That’s why we have the FDA. These “what if” questions don’t serve any purpose except to fear monger about fluoride. And not everyone can buy or use toothpaste regularly. It’s a low cost preventative healthcare measure that works.
I find your way of thinking troubling, it assumes that people are not capable of understanding nuanced information and that only academics in ivory towers are qualified to understand it, which is false in most cases. From my point of view that line of thinking is what has wrought the crisis of misinformation and mistrust.
If I were to take your side I would have to believe that people need babysitting and then I would also argue that those kid of people should not be allowed to participate in democratic society. I refuse to give in to that line of thinking.
There are some people that can’t afford X thing is so tired man, it represents such a tiny part of the population who could also reach out to other resources to get what they need. That’s really not a serious argument. Again the best European countries do not fluoride their water, and these are countries that very often if not always do what’s best for the population.
Let the people decide if they want fluoride or not. More choice is better than no choice.
Most of Europe has fluoridated water. And I’m sorry you don’t care about poor people, that says more about you than the country though. There are things we do because they are unmitigated positives. There is no conversation to be had here. It isn’t a matter of ivory tower academics versus the common man. It’s science. It’s well proven science. These arguments you’re using are the ones used to make people question actual science. If you want to be respected in academic circles then take the time to find something not well proven and work on it. It’s that simple. They aren’t going to ask for your degree if your work is good.
He wants to take away my medicine and send me to a labor camp. He’s the least acceptable out of the entire clown show Trump nominated.
Sure he does. Proof?
You exaggerated quite a bit. Wow. Are you addicted to your “medicine”?
According to people like RFK, I am. And what’s with the scare quotes? It’s medicine, not “medicine”.
According to that article, RFK suggested creating a place where people can clear their mind and free themselves from addictions and dependencies, through activities and exercise to improve health and clarity.
Doesn’t sound like a labor camp. Michelle Obama tried doing something similar but everyone ignored it anyway. I’m sure you know what I’m referring to, where she has several kids TV stations blacked out in order to coerce kids to go outside and exercise.
If RFK made that voluntary, it may seem beneficial. If he even goes through with it, because that article is from July 2024, when he was still a presidential candidate.
It would be insensitive to refer to a camp where people perform labor as a “labor camp”, right?
What he wants and what he can do are very different things. And no, the worse is Hegseth and that cannot be argued. The US health system needs to be burnt down to the ground, I do not think RFK will do that but I welcome anyone who will try.
Whatever replaces this shit show of a healthcare system is not going to be an improvement.
For that matter, what happens when the collapse takes place? Everyone suddenly gets free healthcare? Or does nobody get reliable healthcare until the new system is in place? I hate this fucking system but i fail to see how trump and his cronies will do anything but line their pockets playing favorites for the billionaires that own the industry, leaving us somehow even worse off
When the collapse happens the collapse happens. Millions will suffer but the slate will be clean for the next generation. That’s just how human history goes man, but it gets a little better every time we do this so theres’ progress!
it gets a little better every time we do this so theres’ progress!
Or…and stick with me here…we progress without burning everything to the ground. How the hell are we “progressing” if we repeat the same shit ad infinitum?
I think step one for that would be to “stop advocating that we burn everything to the ground”.
JFC I don’t know which is dumber between unironically believing in accelerationism or stanning RFK. That is fundamentally not how the world works. What’s actually going to happen is that we’ll continue living in the shitty system we have now except with more diseases, less access to healthcare, and more quack medicine in its place.
If a pilot openly admits wanting to crash a plane into the ground but safety systems would prevent him from doing it, I don’t want them anywhere near a cockpit.
The problem is that his takes on vaccines actively disqualify him. They could’ve found any number of other people who could’ve promoted those types of healthy lifestyle without vaccine hangup.
Oh and the ADHD labor camps. More people should be talking about those.
Anti-intellectual, yeah right
Why are you linking trash from dipshitsville?
Close-minded much?
I thought x was banned from polite conversation.
What a hilariously garbage thread.
Zero mention of any of the critiques that are actually being levied against the guy. 0/10, think before you post please
I know the response to lemmy. That’s why I post. There needs to be an counter narrative, or else there is just echo.
They are exposing a big flaw in our system. We are not holding them accountable for their actions and their decisions. We are. Here.
But out there. They chose this.
Every time I look at this dude, he looks like five giant cockroaches scrambling around inside a human suit.
So that worm in his brain might just have Cordyceps…cool cool. Stocking up on tape, vitamins, paper, scissors, and alcohol asap.
Sugar water.
Sugar water.
Do do doo do doo doo.
Sounds like he’s on death’s door when he speaks too. Or he’s already dead and the roaches are good ventriloquists/puppeteers.
I’d assume the latter at this point. Although it’s not cockroaches, it’s fucking worms.
For the unaware, this is hilariously true.
That’s hilarious!
I thought it sounded strange when he spoke as well. Turns out he has some condition which makes it sound like that, so maybe we shouldn’t point it out.
Or maybe we should - the right has nothing against playing dirty, maybe it’s time to take the gloves off. Who knows.
It’s my understanding that his voice condition may very well have been caused by his heroin use.
You sure it was heroine and not hanging around corpse holes as a kid?
No sympathy for ghouls.
The moral highground is utterly useless today - something the R’s have learned well.
Brain worms will do that
It was intentional
Americans stay being aggressively anti-intellectual. It’s been that way since waaaay before Trump too. We’re gassing up Trump too much with this. Americans have been like this longer than I’ve been alive.
New era? Pretty sure we’ve been living in this isocracy full force since 2008 when the deplorable morons lost their minds and went full stupid racist with the tea party.
Oh we’ve only been experiencing anti intellectualism beta. They’re pushing out full release before it’s done testing.
There’s new approaches to it. You would usually hear creationists say things like “true science agrees with us”. It was nonsense and they never understood how science works, but there was this assumption underlying it that science was correct. They existed in a culture that at least conceptually embraced science and were coming at it from that angle. They were trying to co-opt the aesthetic of science rather than dismissing it entirely.
With attempts at funding freezes in health care and agencies under gag orders, we’re seeing a much broader attack on science as a concept.
New my ass! It started with Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich in the 90s, if not even earlier!
Yes, this. It goes back even further. It’s now, they are empowered and emboldened through Bullshit Mountain + “social media” platforms.
Us latinists prefer the term ‘Stultiocracy’.
Last I knew he was being questioned and this article is useless. Did he actually make it through???
Not yet. The GOP is still attempting to show the correct amount of “struggle” before they all vote yes.
Gotta pick the 3 senators who are least politically vulnerable.