To everybody saying “reverse racism” or whatever your wording is to imply that buying specifically from black people is problematic, why? Do you think that you would have a hard time finding a white run CSA to buy? This is just a resource for people interested in supporting the black community and frankly I see any form of opposition to it as pretty blatant racism itself. I’ll return from a Google search with what I find for other race specified CSA indexes in a bit.
I’m back,
Here’s an LGBTQ farm share directory. Is it reverse bigotry to purchase from them? I had to play with search terms a bit but a combination of CSA, farm share, agriculture share, and your chosen identifier should produce you results.
I am genuinely looking for an answer because I’m fucking baffled by this thread.
buying specifically from black people is problematic, why?
The problem isn’t that buying from black people is a problem, the problem is that it’s trying to be a selling argument, and that’s just stupid. Are the vegetables of a black farmer better than of a white farmer? Do queer farmers make better cheese than straight farmers? I somehow doubt it. In the end, it’s a matter of skill and you can have that regardless of your sexuality or skin color.
I’m seriously wondering how you ever expect something like “inclusion” to happen when you’re the ones that keep treating the groups you’re trying to include differently.
To flip this argument… Are the vegetables from a black farmer worse than a white farmer? Do queer farmers make worse cheese than a straight farmer? I somehow doubt it. Therefore, if output is equal, maybe it’s time to spread the love to these black and queer farmers.
You say, “in the end, it’s a matter of skill and you can have that regardless of your sexuality or skin color”… and that sounds great, on it’s face, but using that as your argument now, when, statistically, it’s shown over and over again that skill is rarely the factor that matters, is disingenuous. When we, as a society, can get to a point where we can regularly show that, statistically, race and sexuality (or any other reason humanity chooses to use to make “others” out of our fellows) truly do not effect ones prosperity, then, and only then, would your statement hold any meaning.
if output is equal, maybe it’s time to spread the love to these black and queer farmers
Okay but why? What’s the point exactly? Why discriminate against white farmers purely based on the color of their skin? Especially in the farming industry, both are doing an insanely tough job and they need people to buy their products. I think it’s wrong to not buy from a local farmer because he’s white and instead go to a black farmer that’s 30 minutes away, for example.
If I’m living in a village and we have a white farmer, I buy there. If it’s a black farmer, I buy there. And hell, I might buy from both if they have different products. Win-Win Situation.
This focus on skin color in literally every aspect of life is just getting really annoying.
You don’t live in a village. You live in a nation with easy access to products and produce from boarder to boarder (until someone decides to mess that up). You’re “local” farmer is easily both that white and that black farmer.
And if you’re tired of the focus of things being on skin color or sexual orientation, even more of a reason to level out those statistics because, while those statistics continue to show a disparity of opportunity between White and POC/Queer individuals, you’re damn right the focus should and will remain with the latter.
You don’t live in a village.
The 350 people in the austrian village I live in 80% of the time would disagree.
You’re “local” farmer is easily both that white and that black farmer
No. It’s a white farmer. I meet him like 5 times a week.
you’re damn right the focus should and will remain with the latter.
Sad tbh, but you do you. I will continue to support my local community, because strong communities strive together, regardless of arbitrary properties that they can’t influence.
In deed, man… If you fail to get it, that’s you then.
It’s about supporting marginalized people if one chooses to. If one chooses not to, they can just move one without comment. I’m just confused because it seems so simple and the only answer to me is deep seated, potentially non intentional racism.
The problem is that it’s a fundamentally good idea to support your local farmers and businesses, but you’re artificially injecting the race card yet again instead of just ignoring the skin color for once. It’s someone who sells you carrots and potatoes, why care about the race? Why support especially a black farmer? There’s no reason for it tbh - support your local business.
the only answer to me is deep seated, potentially non intentional racism.
Must be tough to try your hardest to see racism everywhere you go.
Not even an attempt to self reflect.
Nothing to self-reflect on since you and your american mindset are hellbent on seeing a race issue here. No reason to try and talk you out of it.
Some sort of brigading going on here, lots of comments with almost identical wording.
Thanks so much for this! I don’t mind scrolling and clicking either.
+1 for this, it isn’t that hard to do a little scrolling and if you really need it, use in-page searching and choose a city or town within your state.
Region 5; Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin. Why are Ohio and Wisconsin grouped with the same link?
I imagine for the same reason Iowa and Nebraska are on the same page.
Wisconsin and Nebraska have such a small list that they’d be a waste of a page, I guess.
I kind of figured that was the reason, but seems like such a weak reason.
Thank you! I did not know that. Last news that I heard about black farmers was about then getting screwed by massive ag conglomerates.
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Ex-fucking-cuse me?
That’s on point for him. He’s as racist as the day is long.
I imagine his username is supposed to be ironic.
No, I’m positive it’s literal, just like a college girl that says the same thing.
Why do they have to be black? America is bizarrely obsessed with race, I’ve never seen anything like it both in person and on the internet.
I still love how everyone acts like America is the only racist country on the planet.
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Or ask a European about their feelings on gypsies and watch them pull out some of the darkest shit you’ve ever heard.
While the EU acts more like one country than the US we are not a single country. So it vastly differentiates from country to country.
Asking people about gypsies will either bring out the worst or they will correct you and say that calling them Gypsies is like calling a black person Niger. Romani is the preferred term btw.
As long as they aren’t assholes idc, I have had white/white-ish (if you consider Spain generally white, which some do and some don’t lmao) “friends” that are way worse than gypsies or moroccans (which are other ones that are mentioned often).
What’s really fun is that “gypsys” can refer to two entirely different groups of people, both hated out of pure bigotry.
I was originally gonna say Romani but then I remembered this very detail.
Europe is honestly just as if not more racist than the US
Depends ofc where you look, what country etc. And if you count people living here who themselves don’t count themselves as an European
We just emigrated to the UK and my daughter is having trouble finding friends… she finally met a kid her age and the kid told her that the N-word isn’t offensive in the UK.
Fucking what? (Yes, I know it is just as offensive here.)
And we lived in Indiana, the Middle Finger of the South, where the KKK was re-formed in the 1920s.
So now she has to start all over again finding friends. She was pretty upset and I don’t blame her.
I’m not entirely sure, what you’re advocating for.
There are Turkish supermarkets, restaurants, döner stalls, and barbers all over the place.
I also know a Turkish electrician, but I’ll go to him when I need an electrician, not when I need a Turk.
TIL posting/having conversations about a characteristic of one country implies that you believe that no other countries have that same characteristic.
While I’m sure the fact that the dominance of US news and culture on the internet is probably really frustrating for non-Americans, it’s pretty natural for Americans (or anyone, really) to talk about our own country and experiences… especially while having to grapple with how things have been escalating here. You’re certainly free to share your own experiences.
Funny how I rarely hear about racism in other countries. Except when someone like me brings up that other countries are also extremely racist but it’s been so normalized it’s not newsworthy.
Can’t say I’ve ever seen people do that
We wanted to pretend it was ending ourselves until 2016.
This is like, 50% the value of pissing off people in power.
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the democrats have built their entire brand around performative racial justice where everything they do is designed to appeal to different groups. Its super toxic and while I am vehemently anti-racist this tokenization of policy is counter productive and the reason why a lot of people reject the democrats as “racist”
Bro, the US wins world champions in racism. There are ethno-nationalists in India that think Americans take it too far.
It’s also important to note that POC, black people or melenated people (take your pick - i.e Pakistani and some Indians are PoC) are not exempt from being racist.
In fact, if you suffer racism there’s a chance you’ll then turn racist, because it triggers pack instinct, paranoia, group think - etc. Humans gonna hume. “You’re claiming reverse racism” - bitch, did I stutter? Racism is racism is racism is racism.
That being said, zoning laws are still CRT based and some neighbourhoods in the US only get the most basic super markets - if even that.
“All I see is church, church, liquor store” - Black Milk.
If black people need access to raw produce in areas they can’t get access to it, then I think it’s completely acceptable. Sad, but acceptable.
I could also see a bunch of Karens buying out the stock so that they can brag that they eat “black produce”, effective depriving black children of proper produce.
To err is human, and also be awful is human, and also racism… is human, and also (say it with me now):
Humana gonna hume. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think this is downvoted because people don’t realize the face of modern racism.
Naw, it’s probably because they define racism as actual systemic oppression and not the psychology behind racism - which is dumb, because the latter leads to the former.
But it’s also a question of yankie ire. - i.e the Ugly American. No lie, you’ll meet Africans who have the darkest skin who say they aren’t black or identify as black, simply because they don’t want it to override, generalize and trivialise their own people group’s unique identity and culture.
Then some yankie fuck will lose their ever loving mind and call it racist because they won’t placate to either Pan-Africanism, black nationalism or black erhno-nationalism, as if that’s somehow positive, even though white nationalism isn’t, nor is Pan-Europeanism… the last point I added, because FUCK off if you can me Mediterranean.
Like boy, are you calling me french? Bitch, I’m Nordic. Me and Habibi will slap the shit out of you with a muttom kebab for making that comparison. Like we still have honor and pride in adoption and there are plenty of melanated Nordics today because of it, while yankies have adoption auctions?
Like my brother in Christ, what even is this vile act? Your selling kids like vintage furniture? Are you sick in the head? “Oh, but that’s a white people thing”… again, I’m not fucking wHite then, am I? Because that shit would be fucking dishonourable to my people. Sometimes there are adoption scandals and it hits national news… but sanctioned, legal adoption auctions? Wtf.
People also immigrate, which is fine, since you want people to have the freedom to migrate. Can’t have it one way and not the other. And besides, I love my countrymen, of all shapes, sizes and hue of skin, and I damn sure don’t identify as wHite, because that’s how they got the circus over the pond going completely Texas.
Somehow it seems Americans just wanna make everything pink slime. You need to be put into the people group grinder so that you conform to your identity blob. You shall be pigeon holed, you shall be boxed in, you shall be stereotyped.
Honestly though, I’m racist against yankies - or I’m turning racist against yankies. I’m getting so sick and tired of their bullshit, brainrot, CRT and broad generalizations.
Build the wall - keep those fuckers in.
((And they say irony is dead - you can down vote this dick))
Americans always think they have the market cornered on everything. As if slavery and racism didn’t exist until the 18th century.
Right? Gah!
Sure, it can seem on the surface like wanting to support people of a particular race is in itself a kind of racism, or at least a situation that emphasizes unfair distinctions.
Unfortunately, race does still matter in America, even if we personally disagree with it or want to ignore it. The health and economic research data make it very clear that people of color in America, especially black people, experience harder lives in almost every category. This is due to both recurring experiences of present-day prejudice and discrimination, as well the inter-generational impacts of wealth inequality and psychological trauma.
You might already know about this, but redlining is one example of the way that patterns of discrimination can creates a systemic effect, which, in turn, can impact the physical and financial effects on a family across time. These kinds of systemic effects can then make it harder for current generations of these families to recover and live safe lives today though, we personally might celebrate that the policy doesn’t exist anymore, and even though we personally might say that we don’t support people acting like that anymore.
No one really has to do anything, but some people might choose to support groups of people or organizations who they think might have experienced similar kinds of hardships in their families, and might be glad to have a way to try to do something different with their money than give it to another multinational corporation every time.
Yeah I’ve heard these arguments. I still hold my opinion. America needs to move away from the race obsession.
Completely fair - do you have a counterargument? I’d be interested in hearing the other side.
Constantly talking about race makes race a topical issue.
As in
- Not talking about race will solve the lingering systemic race issues, or
- There are no lingering systemic race issues, so we should stop talking about it?
Oh no the US is a shitshow of systemic racism, like super ridiculous on every level. There is such a wild undercurrent, surface levek and then an even weirder like super liminal racism where it just has to be mentioned.
Watch like any late night and they will make a self depricating white person joke, middle aged white guy thing. Just stfu about all of it, address the systemic issues with actual actions and then just you know…live as neighbours as americans.
So the US is a shitshow of systemic racism but you want everyone to stop talking about race? Sounds like a way to never fix the problem.
Not OP, but keep seeing the world as if it is “us vs them” or “black vs white” or “right vs left” or “rich vs poor” will not help find common ground and compromises. There is no compromise for racism, but people putting more attention on it will only promote looking at the situation in a way where the difference matters.
Well b is definitely false, so I’m hoping they meant a
If racism still exists race still needs to be talked about…
Right. Its going so well for you guys so far, remind me again which breed of nazis are in power, and whicj programs they are focusing on destroying?
So you are going to act like everyone in America is the exact same. With the same views? Did you miss the election where roughly half of the country didn’t want this or are you just lashing out because your stance was questioned.
Right but as far as I understand it the supermarkets and wholesalers screw all farmers over equally race isn’t a consideration.
Because they still get shut out of opportunities based solely on their skin color, names, and application photos. So they work together to create their own opportunities and are rightfully proud of that. America can stop worrying about race when we finally end racism.
Do you ever stop to consider that it may be exactly because of your obsession with the skin tone of people, that you have so much racism?
Try imagining being just as obsessed about eye colors. It seems ridiculous right?
It does seem ridiculous to me but I’m not racist and we tried that. In the 1980’s and 1990’s they made talking about race a social taboo. You just didn’t talk about it. The only effect was to freeze racism in place while white people congratulated themselves on solving it because they didn’t hear about it anymore.
So it turns out that in order to fight racism you have to talk about it and give financial support to the class that’s been oppressed.
You get out of here you SOCIALIST. How dare you suggest we even the playing field for the people who we took opportunities away from for hundreds of years!
I know right? What’s next, paying the kids we feed to the machines?
I am not saying you should just ignore it, or making it taboo. But Americans have gone to the very extreme version where skin-tone apparently has to determine who you are. It seems you have made it taboo not to define yourself by your skin-tone.
I truly do not understand how you cannot see the problems with that.
It is absolutely not taboo to define yourself otherwise, such as by your job, hobby, state, country, etc… but the reason skin tone racism is such a big thing is because that’s what the racists use. Where in other countries it can be more about certain ethnicities regardless of skin color, in the US your skin color was enough to make you a slave or a free man and our racism is based on our slavery. We spent hundreds of years justifying skin based slavery and that pseudo science and twisted religion doesn’t just go away like a light switch.
Do you have a recent example of someone who was denied an opportunity, that is afforded to everyone, based solely on their race?
2024 hiring link, PDF Warning, EDU domain
The studies go on and on. The sheet brigade may not march in your town anymore but they’re still in positions of power pushing down on minorities.
Good resources and sharing.
I appreciate what you’ve done in the comments of this post.
I didn’t doubt it’s still happening somewhere; just curious how wide spread it is. I read the third link. It was interesting. I wasn’t aware the Justice department spent almost 2.5 years going after lenders.
And the work still isn’t done. This is happening all over the country.
That’s the mentality that perpetuates it though
Alright let’s break this down Barney style. You have group A and group B. Group A decides to pelt Group B with oranges every time they leave their house. So Group B moves in together and buys communal umbrellas to live as unmolested as possible. And you think that is perpetuating Group A’s conduct.
You don’t get it buddy, but that’s alright. Best of luck to you.
No I get it. Fox news screams reverse racism every time group B tries to go around the racist power structure instead of work inside it, and instead of critically examining that you’ve just accepted it as a truth.
I don’t watch fox news, it’s not even on TV where I live. But nice try lol.
Murdoch has news outlets in most of the world.
It’s because America is obsessed with race, and has systematically attempted to demolish black economic power from the foundation of the society, that people may choose to shop this way.
Yeah sure, but you’re just perpetuating. It should just be ‘buy from local American farmers’, race shouldn’t be a thing.
Intentionally buying from black owned businesses does not perpetuate a racist white man that is in a position of power that allows him to deny black people economic power.
No, but your mentality perpetuates segregation
Fighting racism with more racism.
This is why im gonna teach my future kids to bully white kids like I was, they need to understand /s I got them sent to juvie that was good enough for me lol, fight racism with the law, give them a criminal record and get them thrown out of school, way more satisfying
For context so mfs dont defend my old bullies they were 5 years older, would surround me and call me a terrorist (I was in 3rd grade) They eventually escalated and spat on my grandpa when he noticed them fking with me, he chased them and fell, and cops got called. They did this shit for like a month before anyone noticed, I was scared theyd actually beat me up if I told my parents. It was 5 white teens and one indian me, Idk any white kids that had to deal with that shit, I was being called a terrorist before I knew what it was.
That sucks man. But there are definitely white kids who got bullied badly, they just don’t have the racism angle. I’m glad someone noticed it was happening to you. I went 5 years actively being bullied by the same kids and the schools decided it was my fault so they didn’t even try to punish the bullies. They actually punished me for getting hit, even when I did nothing but curl into a ball, that was inciting them and grounds for detention. The school told my parents I was on drugs and made them get me tested. When I did do well academically I was accused of cheating and given artificially lower grades. The teachers made no secret of blaming me for being abused, I was routinely lectured for whatever other students did to me.
What was my crime? I did two years in a special education school because my hearing was impaired when I was younger. That was enough to brand me as chum in the shark tank for the next 5 years and an outcast for the next decade. And the only reason they stopped hitting me was because I grew enough muscles to make them hurt too.
like no ones gonna tell yall to go back to your own country typically, like I was born 2 miles away bitch this is my country
Yeah, im not saying no one else got bullied, mine was based around my race tho I had no choice in it, just post 9/11 america lol (you didnt have a choice either obv, but the argument is typically you cant be racist to white ppl or they dont face it the same way we do, ppl are still shitty for plenty of other reasons)
Yeah, racism sucks. I think I just felt like you were saying we couldn’t have it bad but that’s not rational and reading your comment back it’s not what you were saying. There’s very few places white people are going to face racism in America and a lot of white people don’t realize that.
I would prefer knowing my money is going to people who have been systematically disadvantaged for this nation’s entire history.
I suppose your post could imply other minorities could be included but the way I read your comment gives off big WLM energy.
Edit: spelling
Yeah and I understand your thought process. However the entire point is to skip large corporations and buy food from local farmers. Again, why do they have to be black? Coming from a country not obsessed with race, the very mention of race prior to a product or service, seems strange and segregating in itself.
Race should just be taken out of it, support your farmers. That is my point.
And fuck off with the white lives matter shit. I would say the same shit to white farmers, Latino farmers etc. Race+service = bizarre.
Nobody alive has lived through this nation’s entire history
NorthEast Florida has:
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Because they were kept poor, imprisoned, and abused until at least 1965. So the kids born in the 1950’s had the first real chance to go to college. In reality though red lining continued right up into the 1980’s, making sure black people couldn’t get access to services and jobs because they were physically out of reach from the housing areas they had been pushed into decades prior. And job hiring racism still occurs to this day. It was in the 2010’s they did a study with applications that differed only by having an “ethnic” name or a “white” name.
So until black people can access the same opportunities as white people there needs to be support. Everyone wants to assume this shit ended in 1865 or 1965 but not only did it not, it’s still going on.
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The victim complex of so many white people is truly fucking wild.
Are you not already buying food anyway? No one is forcing you to do anything. But people are going to call you out for being so uninterested having an equitable society.
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nice deflect. my actual point still stands, though.
What are you paying for? Is someone forcing you to pay thousands of dollars a year to fund a scholarship or something?
And the reason they get help is because your parent’s actions (not your grand parents) prevented black people your age from getting the same opportunities you got.
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Dude you’re the one who talked about the decisions your ancestors made. And literal pennies from your taxes to fund it.
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I’m just going to set aside the fact that this is your second reply to this comment.
Are you seriously suggesting the US is in danger of an Apartheid government perpetrated by Black Americans?
Guy said he wanted to help people so have been and still are supposed and you took that as discrimination? I guess if we don’t help everyone all at once we shouldn’t help anyone?
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And this would be a great approach if systemic racism didn’t exist.
Everyone isn’t treated the same, so helping them the same leaves people behind.
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Pay for it? How are you paying for it?
Also there are programs that help non black poor people too. You seem like you’re not educated on this topic lol
“Can” cost less is doing a lot of work there. I would guess it would mildly annoy people in power, but TBH this isn’t a way to save money. If it really was, it would be common practice already.
There are lots of people who frequent local / smaller farms for things like access to organic foods / rarer crops / community support, but I’ve never known it to be cheaper than the industrial produce one can get at your nearest supermarket. Supermarkets clobbered local guys for a reason and pricing was a huge part of that.
I’d pay more just to cut out corps.
My buddy’s sister is a cheese monger. 10/10
I would guess it would mildly annoy people in power, but TBH this isn’t a way to save money. If it really was, it would be common practice already.
Bidets are a cheaper, well known, better way to clean your asshole after taking a shit, yet the common practice of Americans is still to choose to smear their own shit around their asshole with dry disposable paper cloths.
The flaw in your argument is that you think people, Americans at that, wouldn’t ignorantly continue to pay more for the convenience of not having to think where to buy their produce, because they can get it from the local Walmart 15 minutes away, instead of saving $20+ and driving 2 more minutes.
Americans are notoriously lazy and stupid, as evidenced this past November.
The crab speaks a deep truth.
Holy shit…your thoughts on bidets are spot on…I just got one and hate not having it all the time due to travel.
-am American but want nothing to do with this hateful bullshit going on currently
I got one cause of how my friend put it to me when she told me to get one. She asked me “if you get shit on your hand, are you just gonna wipe it off with a paper towel and go about your day, or are you gonna wash your hands? Now when you take a crap, why are you just smearing it around instead of washing it?” And it stuck with me and I’ve bought bidets from then on out. A 12 pack of TP lasts me a year, and I only use it to dry my ass. It’s the best thing in the world.
I laughed at friends and family during covid, cause I had a nice clean ass, and everyone else was fighting for toilet paper.
Bidets aren’t common in a whole lot of countries. Heck there are probably more countries where a bidet is uncommon than common.
My guess is it costs a lot more to ship small parcels of food rather than to transport food in bulk to one big store where everyone shops for it.
It would cost less for them to ship in bulk. It costs even less for them to charge you shipping and it’s low enough for you that it’s still cheaper than the profit cut of the distributor and grocery store.
Can’t speak to the cost, just found my local place and their FB link is offline.
a way to save money. If it really was, it would be common practice already.
I cannot overstate how dumb Americans are about shopping. The local Publix (expensive) just put the Winn Dixie (medium prices) out of business, because the Publix is newer and prettier.
Meanwhile, there are 8 other groceries that are cheaper than either. Even the Aldi isn’t busy.
Been in a few big box stores lately, prices stunned me. “People pay for this shit?!” Dude on here posted his fish tank purchase. Spent loads buying: little rocks, sticks, big rocks. I just decorated a terrarium for nearly free.
I buy almost nothing new, hell, I find a lot of my stuff. We had to get a new washer and fridge last year, paid $400 for both off FB Marketplace, nicest I’ve ever had in life, minimum $2,200 at the hardware store. Not going to listen to Americans whine about high prices when they’re complicit.
Apologies, you triggered my Rant Card.
As a fellow American, I can simplify this (Americanize it) even further.
I cannot overstate how dumb Americans are
about shopping.Apologies, I’m just pissed off in general about my country, as I’m sure you are too.
American here. I love finding a good deal. My ex-wife, however, was put-off about buying used, she was more worried about how others saw her than actually saving money.
Well, only 2 within reasonable distance. One only sells microgreen kits. The other appears to be a supplier for restaurants, etc.
I zipped them an email to ask about private sales. But, definitely nothing on their website about sales and shipping to the public.
It’s a bit sad that it’s just the “black farmers”. If possible, getting your stuff from a local market or even a farmer is always a good thing, no matter if it’s a black or white farmer. I have that here in austria where I get most of my meat and cheese directly from the farmer and it’s not just insanely tasty but also cheaper than from the grocery store.
Strong communities thrive together.
I think we should come up with a term for the kind of people to whom the color of a person’s skin is this important.
Anti-white nationalists? Or anti-MAGAts?
Just spitballin here…
It’s not about their skin color to me. It’s more about a likeliness that they’re not a Republican. Yes, I know, there are black Republicans, but it’s less likely.
5 day old account and you’re posting like crazy all over the place.
Now where have I seen that type of behaviour before…
I didn’t know that averaging 10 messages per day is considered “posting like crazy”
Lets hear your theory then about what that means.
There is greater demonstration of community among non white people. As such, theres a built in hook not just for saying hello to a stranger, but for coming together to organize something like this. I think that’s more likely where it’s coming from than what you’re thinking.
Either way, I’d like a better veggie source for the things we don’t grow ourselves.
I think you are conflating where the “importance” has come from. A person can recognize that skin color does not matter. They can also recognize that the system they live in places a huge importance on skin color through endemic systems that have been in place for decades. How do you counteract an unbalanced system? By sticking your fingers in your ears and going “it doesn’t matter” or by seeking out those who are trying to make a change?
Unfortunately, for some folks it’s never enough. Why only black folks? Why not disabled folks? Why not indigenous folks? Etc. But you have to start somewhere - and many people aren’t even trying. My point is that projects like this are a start. They’re not going to solve every issue but they’re trying to make a difference and I think that’s neat.
I wouldn’t agree with “sticking fingers in my ears and saying it doesn’t matter” being a fair representation of what I’m trying to say here.
I would claim that in the case of person’s skin color we truly shouldn’t care about it any more than we care about the color of their hair or eyes. It’s it’s a description of appearance, not a reflection of who they are. If we want to live in a world where this is the case, then my argument is that paying more attention to it is not the way to go. I’m sure the people behind this have good intentions but it’s the method I disagree with here.
I apologize for implying that.
You’re right that we shouldn’t care, but how do we help those who have been disenfranchised if we don’t identify them? Advocacy isn’t about caring about appearance over character, it’s is about shining a light on systematically disenfranchised groups of people so that we can support them.
Despite what the Fascists would erase from history and science, critical race theory is like the theory of gravity, it’s absolutely correct and all around us.
African Americans have never been made whole since their ancestors were brought here as slaves. They’ve never been the primary or equal beneficiaries of the generational windfalls that have occurred here. They’ve been sabotaged at every step. Ever heard of Tulsa?
It’s ridiculous how many people shriek get over it when Jim Crow is still well in living memory. When African American families get substantial reparations for what was done to their families over and over generationally, so never, then you’d have a leg to stand on.
We do: “Republicans”
Do you think there might be a reason their skin color is relevant under the Trump administration?
Edit: Interestingly, your post history shows that you are very interested in skin color yourself.
Interestingly, your post history shows that you are very interested in skin color yourself.
Feel free to dig thru it and post it here for everyone to see.
That sounds like a silly thing to do when it’s publicly available… and notable how often you want to talk about race.
I’ll save them the trouble then and out myself here by posting the only other mention of skin color on my entire post history. Clearly I can’t stop talking about race.
Concluding that someone is a lesser human because of their skin color seems just as illogical to me as calling someone a racist because they drive a lifted truck. These things are completely unrelated.
Who here is concluding that? Can you please present anyone here concluding that?
They’re saying that quote is the only other instance of them talking about skin color in their post history, not that it’s relevant to this thread or the people in it.
I didn’t see anything too egregious in their post history to get worked up over. Some downvotable opinions, sure (in America, a lifted truck is almost guaranteed to be indicative of racism, or at least republicanism.) but not really anything to be mad about.
I only went back 5 days, maybe that’s a limitation for my mobile app, but yeah I also couldn’t find cause to say they can’t stop talking about race.
I’m not worked up over anything. I’m just noting that they bring up the subject of race multiple times in the couple of pages of their history I looked at.
It’s a big subject at the moment. Palestinians v Israel, China v uyghurs, trump v everybody, it’s not unreasonable to mention these things in context. According to their posts, it seems they’re from Finland. I’ve never been, and don’t pretend to know a whole lot about Finland other than their war with Russia and simo hayha (due to my US army background) but I would be surprised if I found out that Finland had an issue with race, honestly. So does talking about race during a time when race is a big world issue automatically make them racist? No, it’s a discussion topic, and they never said anything racist. Don’t press that button unnecessarily, or it becomes meaningless.
I never called anyone a racist. In fact, I was the one being called a racist for posting this in the first place.
Ehhhh you did go through their post history looking for something to be mad about because you disagreed with something they said. Neither of you have said anything racist. We need to remember who the bad people really are, those who do, or wish harm on others. Let’s try consolidating instead of separating.
Again, I never called anyone a racist.
Just don’t buy meat directly - especially if you are hungry for bat and live in China.
Lots of deadlinks and farming alliances with mission statements.
Not a lot of links to buy food from farmers.
Yeah, this isn’t being maintained. All the ones near me are dead websites.
My local link was dead but easy enough to find on FB. I’m going to drop by when I’m in town, see what they got.
Just Google “CSA <your city>”
Why are Americans so obsessed with skin colour
It’s a nation founded on racism and the back of race based slavery. That shit doesn’t disappear overnight, unfortunately.
Buying something because it goes to a certain skin colour promotes racism CMV
Don’t cut yourself on all that edge before you graduate highschool kid.
it is still much more difficult for people of color to become professionally successful than it is for white people. That’s a fact. There are still laws in place (and not nearly enough protections), which disproportionately harm POC.
Do they not deserve to be just as successful? To follow their dreams? To be able to support themselves and their families?
Knowing this, why wouldn’t you seek out black-owned business to help counter systemic racism? Those in power in the US, at least, aren’t going to do it. This is by their design.
I care about the well-being of everyone (well, minus the 1% and Nazis), but those who continue to be harmed by a system—that I directly benefit from as a white person—simply require more attention if we’re ever going to have an equitable society.
Yeah that’s not how it works.
Nah I’m good.
Which is a downstream effect of the racism the nation was founded on? Crazy right?
The most impactful racism, that is also the hardest to fix, is systemic racism. I think the idea behind buying from black owned businesses is the individuals attempt to offset the systemic racism that they, individually, can do very little about.
So every “farm” in my region is actually a community plot you can rent space in or a non profit outreach…no farms to purchase from.
I rather not give people money by merit of the colour of their skin, though. Fuck me, right?
The fact that it’s cheaper for you and they get paid more than the middle man would pay should be enough for you.
Yeah, that’s not what’s happening.
But keep playing the victim.
No one said fuck you lol