Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warned that the Trump is deliberately overwhelming the public with chaotic news to induce passivity.
Citing Steve Bannon’s “flood the zone” strategy and historian Michiko Kakutani’s comparison of Trump to Mussolini and Hitler, she argued that Trump uses the internet to spread disinformation, much like past dictators used film and radio.
Urging people to stay engaged, she emphasized that collective resistance can slow harmful policies and that small acts of opposition make a difference.
It’s a long video, but worth it. “Do not consent in advance.”
Urging people to stay enraged
I’m usually pretty good at being able to follow multiple threads of events at once, and even I’m getting overwhelmed. I’ve had to step away from the news somewhat, simply because I know there’s only so much I can do at this point. Trump, Elon, and their minions are going on their romp around the federal government and the best anyone else can do is throw a few lawsuits at them.
This is where I’m at. I’m already burnt out, and this shitberg we’re sliding down has just started.
I’m doing what I can control. Making sure I’m armed (I fucking hate how nuts that makes me sound), trying to set some money aside and making sure I have my garden up and running so I can grow at least some of our own food.
I’ve got a wife and kids. I can’t work due to what military service did to my body. So I can’t see myself being able to leave the country if it comes to it. I’m not sure I’d want to leave it in control of these madmen anyway. My hope at this point is that we can just get to mid terms and have a legit election there. It’ll be a shit show. There will be violence at polling places and ballot drop areas. There will be screaming of rigged election if the right loses (and I see that happening in a legit election due to their fuckery).
This has been the longest couple weeks ever. Longer than waiting on summer vacation out of school. Longer than the first day back to work after a month vacation.
I’m gonna go paint some minis and play some ark now. This was my 1 foray into social media for the day.
It’s weird, as someone who’s been nurturing a few pet hates and trying to bring them all together since Brexit, this election campaign finally revealed the final nexus of the originally separate threads crypto-elon-maga-putin and brought it into focus, less stuff to track somehow.
I just saw someone on Lemmy say the other day something along the lines of “he’s only been in there a month”
Hell, at that point it was barely 2 WEEKS.
2020: 2 - again: 2: the 2nd 2020: the sequel
Wouldn’t say I’m burnt out but sure as shit I’m struggling to keep up.
but sure as shit I’m struggling to keep up
You don’t have to keep up with all of it. That’s a sure road to being overwhelmed. Follow the topics most important to you from multiple sources in hopes of getting the largest view as possible.
Spend time on new sites not based in the US, it helps to know the rest of the world sees what is going on for what it is.
Make sure to keep at your hobbies and interests that aren’t politically related so you get some downtime and recuperation.
Donald Trump divides, Luigi Mangione unites, even in such tense times. Not because of violence, because of class war stuff.
Donald Trump, somehow, is the ultimate distraction from the class war. Every time he does something awful, he’s reminding you about the class war he’s trying to distract you from.
When Bernie Sanders brought forward another fervent request for free healthcare for all Americans, and the only retort the R he was addressing could come up with was a completely fabricated lie about Bernie taking money from pharmaceutical companies, I stopped believing anyone sensible could oppose it.
“Ew, Obamacare? I’d rather have the Affordable Care Act!!”
I’ve been burned out on the news since it went 24/7.
I’ve started only reacting to the latest shit he does if it isn’t blocked by a court order within 5 days
I’m super glad that lemmy is here to help with this as much as possible
Lol no it’s not. He wants you to see all the shit they’re exposing
The only thing he is exposing is how severe his dementia is
Lol coming from the people that said Biden was fine. I think normal people would say things like funding Irish dei music festivals with tax dollars is exposing corruption
What about all of Trump’s corruption? Ya let’s hide all of that from the public
Whataboutism. I just proved you wrong because you know there’s no defending that shit
Cool cool so Trump yet again gets a free pass and is somehow praised in the process too.
What a fucking time to be alive.
Can’t help but ask. Are you a nazi?
These aren’t arguments. The Dems slush fund is exposed and you can’t defend it
Sorry I don’t listen to nazis. Fuck off.
I’m burnt out on this person suddenly resisting after being mostly silent for a year of genocide joe.
There’s a place past burnt out… Waaaay past becoming the homeless vagrant that shouts “answer your telephone!” at migrating birds… Past hearing rushing water in your ears that is actually your blood pressure as you have a full blown meltdown because despite over a decade of hard work in a field you still struggled to make rent, car payment, insurance, and food, let alone a social life… There’s a place past the fight or flight of an extreme anxiety attack… It’s peaceful, bland, and frankly just existing in it fills you with an unspeakable rage. I live there, I have 1 thing, and 1 thing only to lose. My dogs. Anyone dares lay a finger on them and all hell breaks loose. I refuse to stay here. I’m making a cells for all those I will drag here by their short pube hairs. Burnt out is just a stage, if you want to keep living, it gets worse from here.
I haven’t slept decently since the election night. 90% of my nights is waking up in the middle of the night.
burnt out on aoc’s lipservice and inefficacy…
probably prefer MTG?
typical reaction
More like an interesting parallel. Being a firebrand from the otherside.
Firebrands without any fire. Just working together in the state.
I think this is an fine opinion about both.
what i am referring to as typical is the assumption that criticizing x puts you in y camp.
Fair enough, I am just looking for a conversation.
i can see them as a funny inversion as well, for instance: you can’t accuse mtg of faking her passion, crazy as it can get… aoc on the other hand is not convincing to me… maybe she can change my mind, but she was disappointingly late to speak up about the biden backed genocide and seems to be more of a token mouthpiece for a constituency that the democrats (at large) are distancing themselves from.
Thanks for that, it is interesting to hear your perspective. I can see why you don’t care for AOC especially about the Palestinian genocide. I think one thing that makes it hard for establishment Democratic candidates is that their party represents a wide range of interests and is not driven by single issues.
In the case of Palestine there are a lot of Democrats, particularly Jewish that are very supportive of Israel. Unfortunately politics is a numbers game and I think that is why it can seem so distasteful to those looking in.
When you are looking at losing 5% (wild figure pulled from my imagination) of your votes for outright condemning the massacre of Palestinians as opposed to gaining let’s say 15% for supporting Israel’s right to defend itself then as a politician you have to make a hard choice.
I think the choice should always be the morally correct one but most politicians on both sides do not operate like this.
Feels like Trump has done more in 17 days than Biden in 4 years
Too bad he isn’t more like Biden in that case.
Well it is faster to burn a forest than grow one.
Cutting government waste and increase efficiency is almost always popular to most Americans. In the past politicians often talk the talk but never walk the walk. I disagree that cutting government waste and increase efficiency is easy at all. It is actually the hardest thing in government.
Dude never gets tired of collecting W’s
Turns out the party of “nothing will fundamentally change” didn’t need to do anything to keep their promise. Even when they tried, Republicans masquerading as Democrats stopped them until Republicans won the house and stopped everything.
Then this chucklefuck wins and says “fuck norms, fuck the law, fuck everyone who isn’t rich. I do what I want.” and Republicans just nod while fox news chants about how he’s “killing it.” Real defenders of the Constitution, those folks…
The sad thing is that no Democrat will say fuck the norms to undo corporate fuckery, or to fix serious problems of inequality, or to slash the military budget, or to save the precious planet we live on from climate doom. They’ll insist on doing things the right way but get 1% of their agenda done before the other team takes over and rolls all progress back 50 years
I just now found out Peanut Butter glows in the dark…I don’t have time for this shit!