“ICE’s attempt to have eyes and ears in as many places as we exist both online and offline should ring an alarm for all of us,” said one campaigner.
Reminder, our government has been captured by the capitalist oligarchs for 50 years.
This election simply cut out the middlemen well bribed middle managers in the executive.
Luigi, the hero we need but don’t deserve, demonstrated the only thing the capitalists and their jack booted thugs respond to: fear
And it got results, however slight and temporary due to the scale of one man standing against an entire economic class of proudly sociopathic tyrants, some blue cross patients got relief from the American Healthcare confidence scheme, the only positive change in Healthcare in decades. ICE is just another class traitor, love me senpai oppressor arm of them. Just saying.
Except no one responded to him killing the CEO of UHC. They didn’t change a thing except to start going after people for defamation.
I literally posted a link of BlueCross revoking a new horror of greed out of fear and self preservation immediately following what happened. That’s after 1 very low level murderous oligarch sycophant was cleansed. 1.
They’ll bring it back if the people allow it to be an isolated incident and fail to return this half century of class occupation, murderous subjugation, and human commodification back into the class war it needs to be. The war that informs every other battle, even if we put our fingers in our ears and pretend it’s not.
But we’ll probably be cowards and take it until the capitalists destroy the habitability of the planet, ending their murderous grift and civilization in a few decades. Either way, at least this horrorshow of human exploitation will end. I’d rather the former, but the latter is better than this in perpetuity.
They also got push back from their real customers: ceos of larger businesses. I think y’all are missing that aspect of this.
Please stop assuming Luigi Mangione is guilty. It manufactures an image that may not necessarily be true. He has a right to a presumption of innocence. I suggest you refer to the person with the gun from the video as The Adjuster or something else since we don’t know it was Mangione, at least until the trial is concluded.
ICE shows up at my home or place of work
Fuck ICE.
Death to ICE terrorism
Actually treat ICE the same way as ISIS
Wannabe brownshirts can fuck right off.
ICE == gestapo.
There I said it!
First, they came for… You know the rest.
Fuck ICE
Hey ICE. You’re a bunch of evil, cruel, walking talking pieces of shit and I wouldn’t waste my piss on you if you were on fire. Sincerely, someone from a country that actually respects human rights.
They’re gonna have to make the great firewall of America if they want to control the narrative so badly because they might not have realised it but ‘www’ stands for ‘world wide web’. And we don’t all have to fucking bow down to fascist thought police.
I’ve never bowed down to Al Qaeda, so why would I bow down to y’all Qaeda?
Fuck ICE
Well, time to buy a gun, cause I’m not shutting up without a fight.
There’s a great talk called “Lawyer. Passport. Locksmith. Gun.” From saintcon that’s really good.
Cool democracy we got here.
Fuck ICE and their entire bloodlines.
Not only am I going to not be careful what I post, I’m going to make it a point to increase the amount of anti-ICE posts I make on social media.