A jar offers peak utility when empty - so much efficiency!
I’m now using clean peanut butter jars as mini green houses for pots, to help seeds sprout. See! I need to save every single one!
I just store them in very large jars. I have several of these now. Don’t know where to put them anymore.
I keep my very large jars full of jars in these massive cylindrical glass containers with lids on. Can’t think of the name for them but they do the job.
That sounds like those Russian dolls where there’s a doll inside a doll inside a doll can’t remember the name lol
Matryoshka Dolls
Thank you!
Wooden doll-jars?
I was sure this was the ADHD section
“Just look at all these pens and ink! I could write so many things: poetry, history, my deepest secrets, a book that changes the world!”
“So, what are you currently writing?”
“Well, nothing…”
To real. Pretty good chance that when I do want to write something (e.g. birthday cards), my pen is dried up and it’s a whole thing to make it write well again …
I have never been more attacked by a post in my life
Most of those jars are perfect containers for weed.
I grow a bunch of weed for personal use and one year I grew so much I ran out of jars. I have probably ~50 or so 16oz mason jars as a result.
That was a good year!
They would also make for incredible piss jars though, and they would be excellent for preserving strange animals / body parts. You have to consider all the angles!
Very cute and relatable
No, I need more empty jars! What else should I put in all those neat empty boxes I collected?
This is my partner with jars.
Same. Our agreement is that she can keep glass containers, and I can keep old electronics. We keep each other in check lol
Keep em when the goverment collapses they will be very useful for storage of food
And ammo. Put an oxygen absorber in there and they will keep fresh until the nuclear winter is over.
Start growing/foraging plants and drying them. When you do that, you can never have enough jars.
They have potential. They always endup being used. Sometimes, to make better use of space I might swap bigger jars with smaller ones depending on the content. In the storage cabinet, bigger jars can contain smaller ones.