Right… The city that had hated his guts long before his presidency is going to be sad about him facing some justice.
This. NYC hated Trump for years before any of the rest of us even knew who he was.
Back in the late '80s and early '90s Trump always made the top 10 of Spy magazine’s “100 worst people, places or things” feature. In 1987 (when he was #3 on the list), his only mitigating factors were “didn’t run for office” and “offered to pay for the funeral of child killed by bear”. I’m willing to bet he never actually paid for the funeral.
My favorite Trump story. He lucked into a chance to make the Manhattan elites love and respect him, and threw it away because of his own greed, arrogance, and stupidity.
Guest appaeance by John Barron
It’s so pathetic to me that Trump named one of his sons after his alter ego.
I like to imagine that Fred Trump vetoed ‘Barron’ while he was alive, and that’s why Eric is ‘Eric’
Whenever Trump “predicts” something, it’s code for telling his base to do that thing.
NYC may actually have trouble maintaining a police department if the trumpets march out. Could you imagine his face if Trump accidentally created the first large majority left-wing police department?
if that happens, does that mean when he shows up for a campaign stop, they’ll look the other way if I punch him in the face?
I mean, he has a very punchable face.
Are you white? ACAB
Sounds good. Crime might finally go down.
NYC has an army more than a police force. They could use some trimming.
Elise Stefanik: …fuck.
Everyone else: Yay.
I live in her district I’d be happy for her to leave
Not very hard to read code, but then again his supporters can’t be very smart
It would be so nice if my trump supporting neighbors would leave.
A couple of my co-workers were threatening to move to the Carolinas or Kentucky, good riddance.
Wouldn’t that increase the average IQ in both States?
Probably increase the average IQ of their state too
That thought gives me, when the rapture comes can I have your car? Vibes.
deleted by creator
The sentence isn’t enough to drive him away. I think he’s only barred from operating his businesses for 3 years
Which means he’ll probably just get his shitty children to be figureheads while he pulls the strings behind the scenes.
i haven’t read the verdict completely, but the law i think bars family as well. the government appoints it’s own people to run the company. it’s kinda wild actually
Yeah I thought it also banned his children from running it for 2 years.
Still not enough time though.
Well that’s encouraging to hear.
Eric and Jr are both barred for 2 years I think. Maybe Ivanka could do it but I think she’s actually smart enough to sit this one out.
And without him running his businesses (read: committing fraud and tax evasion to make money), there’s a good chance they’ll collapse during those three years. I can’t imagine there’s much actual substance to them.
Is his chonky ass large enough to count as a mass exodus on its own?
If I didn’t hate him so much I’d want to send him some cream for that solid burn.
Send him some burn cream, but refill the tube with IcyHot.
I once brushed by teeth with Bengay by accident when I was a kid. My parents had taken everything out of the medicine cabinet and put it on the floor because they were replacing the cabinet and I was pissed off at them and I picked up the wrong tube. And then they said I did it on purpose.
Sorry, I just felt the need to share an inconsequential moment in my life. Please ignore and/or block me.
Oh God. Why would they just assume any kid… intentionally did that? Kids make stupid mistakes lol.
Your random stories are welcome, friend.My parents were/are (only my mom is still alive) nuts. Usually not in bad way, but…
He said it, not you.
Well they better not make their mass exodus to Pennsylvania, or they’ll be totally confused about where they are when Trump loses and the name changes.
I propose we change it to Pencilvania.
It will be so woke there, folks. It will be so woke that they’ll welcome all the trans people. And they will change the name! They will change the name that will show the state is part of the woke liberal sleepy Joe Marxism to Transylvania. Some of you might have heard of that place. Dracula came from there. Not a nice guy, Dracula, but he dressed well, didn’t he, folks? He dressed well. DRACULA DID NOT HAVE A LOW FLOW SHOWER, DID HE FOLKS? When I am your president, I promise you will have a shower Dracula will be proud of!
Who needs an AI for deep fakes, when we have /u/FlyingSquid@lemmy.world
Fox verbatim copied this in their headline. In the article they published on their website nothing about the actual fraud that was proven.
Why would they? Fox News reporting factual news?!
So… Rent will be more affordable?
I predict that very little will actually happen, and that Trump will keep saying stupid shit.
Capture @stoy@lemmy.zip - he is a confirmed time traveler.
No no, the people of the state of New York (53% Democrat, 28% Republican) will definitely all leave. And move to Mississippi.
He’s probably commenting on the state of real estate in NYC. If everyone got called on their square footage claims and mortgages, well, it’d be interesting.
Louis Rossmann has covered some of this in his videos hunting for store space in NYC.
deleted by creator
It would be in his nature to take the smallest (and most defensible) claim and pretend that’s the whole of it, no?
I wouldn’t recommend assigning any sort of intelligent agency to his words right now.
He’s an extreme narcissist. He’s very likely saying this because he thinks that he’s the best at business and so if he leaves, everyone else in business will leave.
He makes the same claims about losing the presidency or literally anything else. It’s the narcissist last hope. “you don’t know what you’re missing out on by not letting me commit crimes in your state!”
Por que no los dos? As the other commenter pointed out, the ruling was on much more than square footage.
He can go. Shoo.
Gon’ Git’
Granpa…is that you?
This coming from the guy who just said “They are going to rename Pennsylvania…” like a complete idiot
You’re never gonna see me again folks…
Well, at least he’s providing a testable prediction. That’s new.
Bad news dumbass, they moved to Florida during the height of COVID, much to our chagrin.
He has mass, all right. And that mass will perform exodus. Checks out.
lol, feck off.