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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve often referred to Trump as Stupid Caesar.

    Like Caesar, Trump pushed up against established political norms and found very little pushback. As it turns out, having it be up for debate whether a leader is legally responsible for crimes committed is not a stable foundation for a nation.

    The only difference is, Trump did not wait to build up his base not just in the electorate but also among other political figures before pushing as hard as he did. The whole drinking bleach and shining a light to cure Covid probably didn’t help.

    Also I’m pretty certain Caesar wasn’t borderline illiterate. If we look up any of Caesar’s speeches recorded by even his most ardent opponents and compare them to Trump’s, there’s a bit of a difference there.

    Anyway the point is, both of these men did nothing except expose the flaws in the system, and so long as we do nothing to fix said flaws, is there anything stopping a more competent modern-day Caesar from finishing what Trump started?

  • Hashtag late but Firefox’s main downsides is that it’s tab flushing sucks compared to Edge, and there’s no native vertical tabs.

    In Edge, if a tab is put to sleep, clicking it again does not require a full refresh. Why does it need to completely reload in Firefox?

    I’m aware there’s extensions for tab groups and vertical tabs (I’m using Simple Tab Groups), but it should be a natively supported feature.

    Add that to the fact that Firefox is now the web developer equivalent of IE6 circa 2010 - minuscule user base and requires weird hacks to get websites to look good on it - and you got a recipe for people not wanting to use it.

    Also lying about being the privacy focused browser when it has a bunch of telemetry and a bundled sponsored extension I had to look up how to get rid of, that part sucks too.

  • Also, sometimes sponsors have genuinely good products.

    Karl Jobst had a Geologie sponsor which helped my skin clear up a bit.

    Recently LTT had a WickedCushions sponsor which I’m hoping will work better for my headphones than my Chinese knock-off ones. I want cloth padding, not leather padding, for my headset, and the ones I got don’t snap in place like the official ones. Hoping WickedCushions are better. They’re arriving today.

    Lastly, some of the sponsor segues and spots themselves are just plain funny and add to the content. Karl Jobst with Raid Shadow Legends, Internet Comment Etiquette and Internet Historian with NordVPN, most of LTT’s sponsors, etc.

  • Right, I see your point, thank you for clarifying :)

    That being said, unlike the male-to-male example, where I personally don’t understand why the spec prohibits it, I think it’s pretty obvious why consumers want USB-C. The Internet is awash with memes about inserting USB three times, etc.

    I think there’s a vast difference between “why is male-male banned? Heck it, I’ll create one as it serves our use case” and “I’m going to negate the only consumer-facing advantage USB-C has for no real reason”. Yes I know C has many other benefits but the common denominator doesn’t care about any of that.

  • Speaking as an Apple user - I am heavily invested in their ecosystem - I am extremely happy that Lightning is on death’s door. I fully agree with the EU and I am very grateful to them for forcing Apple’s hand.

    That being said, your point about USB-A falls apart when you consider any situation where your vision is even partially obstructed. Such as; back of the computer, back of your monitors, a dock unless you’re holding it, etc etc.

    What I’m hoping will happen:

    1. Apple sells only USB-C to USB-C cables
    2. Apple users start requesting more USB-C ports on motherboards / desktop computers
    3. Mouse/Keyboard manufacturers produce USB-C alternatives of their products
    4. Motherboards move even more to USB-C
    5. GOTO 3 until USB-A becomes as legacy as VGA or PS/2
    6. We hopefully never see another single orientation external cable ever again.

    A lad can dream…