This, so much. Hell I’ll pay the old prices to never see an ad or pop up.
This, so much. Hell I’ll pay the old prices to never see an ad or pop up.
It’s likely amakathorowaway is the troll, look at the account creation date.
I had no idea I wanted to hear this read by Q. With AI, hopefully someone can get it done?
I think Elon missed the the obvious joke, as per usual lol
Dear god… I think you could be onto something.
That looks like a shitty future car mock-up for a late 80’s future/action movie. Like Robocop or an Arnold movie 🤣 Only Elon would fund something this unappealing.
Which is simply despicable euthanasia has to be chosen, a sign of a broken system all the way around.
God, maybe I do have ADHD. I’m always super stressed and always tired. I feel like a depressed Slowpoke anymore.
You need the workers procreating, otherwise who will serve as the army, farmers and slaves?
For a Klingons, that was the plan all along.
Still no m2 slot support? SD cards remind me of the 5400rpm HDD days.
I’m not sure if it was like that, since it was almost 30 years ago. They might’ve still been using smoke signals lol
I agree, I took a few IQ tests and scored high and initially it made me wonder is if everyone else was as concerned as I was watching our species being driven into early graves for yearly profit projections.
Suffice to say, most people I met who scored high lacked the foresight to even think we might be screwed. Which led me to a swift conclusion that your IQ doesn’t mean jack squat, it was a biased system that was simply a biased form of dick measuring.
Perhaps I’m disillusioned, but the best summary of our species is that old video of a chimpanzee in a zoo pissing in its mouth.
This is like discovering water is wet, the man is a awful in every conceivable way.
We all are. He sucks so much and looks like a dollar store Kathy Bates.
Funny you posted this, watching it now 😂👍
Well don’t be shy, let’s see!
With fewer and fewer jobs giving health care in the United States, it’s bankrupting to have any medical condition. Hell, without coverage, my medications would cost me over $700 a month. So if you have anything saved up, it’ll be burned away in one ER visit. It’s why so many avoid taking an ambulance or even bother going in. Personally, I think I would rather die, than go to a hospital without insurance. Even with insurance, my co-pay is $100. Our country has become downright dystopian for the older with any health condition. Anymore I feel like the country is ran by the damn Ferengi.
Ah, well it’s was a combination of things, but when I was creating the account I figured I should go with something innocuous. Only recently, I realized I must’ve subconsciously stored it from, The Good Place.
You don’t, so appreciate the time you’ll have hair. Because once it’s truly gone, you’ll look back on this day and cry.