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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • Fine, let’s go back to your original argument of it would be easier to switch to Linux then disable windows updates.

    So I’ll tell you my experience switching my server from Windows server 2018 to Debain.

    The sever has 4 hdds and 2 sdds. I kept 1 ssd exclusively for the OS incase it breaks, I can format without import data loss quickly.

    Windows likes to use the NTFS for data storage, so I had all my drives formated as such. Anyways I start the install, a thing iv done countless times.

    Install went flawless. Debain was up and running in like 15 mins. Super simple. So I start to get it setup the way I want. As I go to add my ssds and hdds I start having issues. Linux doesn’t natively support NTFS. I didn’t realize that at the time. I didn’t see anything about that before I started the install.

    I know I could get some wonky work around that let’s Linux read/write to NTFS, but why do that when there is a file format that Windows and Linux can both use? Fat32. I wanna do it right, so I do.

    So now I got to unplug all my drives, connect them to an external usb to hdd, transfer the data to another HD in my gaming pc, format the drive, put the data back into the drive, mount and reconnect it back to the server pc. I had to do that for 4 drives. Ranging from 120 gig to 4tb. The other ssd I had to remove one from my gaming pc and server m.2 slot, install the server one, backup data, format, pit data back on, remove from m.2 slot, reinstall both ssds.

    All of that, just to have a Linux server that could natively handle the default windows file format.

    Was it worth it? Yes, but it would have been much easier to tolerate Windows.

    I consider myself very experienced with tech stuff and I still messed this up. I could have prevented this by figuring out storage before the format, but that one peice of missing info caused all of that.

    I won’t even start on all the small tedious things I have to on Linux VS doing the same thing on Windows. (I wish g hub was able to run on linux)

    It’s never as simple as “switching to Linux”.

  • I feel like all of your arguments are just from your experience only.

    Yes, instead of moving my gaming pc from Windows to Linux, I spent maybe 30 mins researching what “atlasOS” really was. When I revived my old gaming pc to use as a server I spent DAYS researching Windows server vs a wide range of Linux distros. I did it because I wanted too. I’m in the %4 of pc users who wanted to use Linux. 96% of people haven’t, because they don’t want to.

    And that’s really what it boils down to, the simplest little dumb thing, that’s literally all it takes to prevent someone from pulling the plug. It’s extremely common, and not just limited to IT stuff. I’ll try to reframe my arguments to something even more generic that almost everyone has experienced.

    Cars. Do you drive? What is your drive terrain? Do you have an automatic transmission, or is it standard? Manual transmission cars are cheaper, offer more control of the vehicle, better on gas, and just until recently were more reliable then an automatic.

    So why is it manual cars are disappearing if it is the better way to drive? Well a few reaons: While easy to drive, it is hard to learn, and there is alot to learn, don’t ride the clutch, how to start moving on a hill, how to start smooth, you have to constantly be changing gears in traffic, more prone to bad shifts, the car requires more attention, ect, ect.

    Windows/Mac/Chrome OS are the automatics of the OS world. Linux is the manual.

  • Yes I use Linux daily. I don’t understand why people think I don’t use Linux when I state valid points against it for the regular person.

    I have a server running Debian and a steam deck, thanks.

    Thank you for re wording my first point. The point was most customers don’t have a clue. So if you don’t have a clue, do you buy the expensive yet inferior product for ease of use, or spend hours learning stuff you don’t want to, to get the free, and better product? If the world worked like that, Apple wouldn’t be a company, and Linux would have more then %4 of the “market”.

    No, no Linux distro holds your hand like a OS that comes preinstalled on your PC. Easy to use, and baby proofing are two VERY different things. Remember when you could delete system32 and destroy your Windows installation? Sure you still can, but Windows will do it’s best to prevent that, now. You need to know how to now. Unlike any Linux distro. You want to destroy your Linux distro? go ahead, you won’t even get a warning.

    And yes for people who know what they are doing, installing any os is easy. For someone who doesn’t they can’t “just install linux” the first thing they need to do, is pick their distro. That alone is a massive turn off for alot of people.

    My entire argument with every point iv brought up is for the people who don’t find pcs easy, it’s not easy for them.

  • If someone decides to move away from Windows, Linux will not be their first thought.

    There is 2 other OSs that are id10t proofed and come pre installed on a new PC you buy in store. MacOS ChromeOS.

    A regular person who uses their laptop for YouTube and basic functions most likely will not learn how to install a Linux distro just to get away from Windows. In fact, most will likely continue to use Windows until the pc just won’t boot anymore.

    Inb4, Regardless of your opinion on if chromeOS is a real OS or not, it can do everything a regular person needs it to do, and yes, I know they are both based off Linux.