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Cake day: May 30th, 2024

  • Makes me laugh at the liberals spewing American exceptionalism bullshit in the other comment chain.

    Strong union support? Plenty of vacation? 40 hour work weeks???

    Genuinely, what fucking insane liberal bubble are those people living in to say this and act like Democrats are the “other side” rooting for the people and putting these in place.

    How can you say with a straight face the Dems have strong support for unions. Maybe the fucking police union, sure.

    How can you say we should be happy with the 40 hour work week. I work 55 per week and this is common for STEM degrees. In America, salaried workers don’t even get overtime and often make less than the fucking forklift operator outside.

    How can you say, unironically, Dems have given us plenty of vacation days. Even the most liberal strongholds use less vacation than developed countries. Y’all know it’s normal for Europeans to fuck off for an entire month every year?

    How fucking dare you liberals spit in my face and tell me bold lies and then demand my vote.

    The reason the hypocrisy of liberals is so fucking unbelievable is the realization that liberals don’t actually have beliefs or values. They are truly blue MAGA, that’s all it is. They don’t give a shit about making society better or helping the working class.

    And I’m so fucking tired of it. Burn it all down at this point if my choice is between continued hell or the literal apocalypse.

  • I fail to see how this helps your point?

    What good have Democrats done? I don’t mean throwing some crumbs out to a small subsection of student loan holders, or passing small goods such as credit card fee guidelines.

    I mean reversing the trend this country has been on since Reagan. Why do Citizens United and Glass Steagall still exist? Prison and prosecutorial reform? Making companies actually pay taxes? Democrats have held plenty of majorities. What’s the excuse?

    Why do Dems let the fascists walk all over them and never lift a single finger in retaliation? Why is it always Dems compromising and sinking their bills to please Republicans?

    Are you genuinely saying that throwing literal breadcrumbs out is an acceptable trade to all that shit?

    And then you wonder why you get called collaborators?

    The fact that after all this discourse, you liberals are still spamming this tired debunked shit instead of coming up with any actual critique is, as usual, yet another self report of your complicity to fascism.

  • Yes, I remember clearly the Democrats pushing the “don’t care for who, just vote” campaign.

    And then Republicans started winning elections while losing the popular vote and Democrats decided to demonize the left and blame them for every loss afterwards, despite literally winning the vote.

    You can even see it here in this very post, where leftists are blamed for liberal apathy.

    You seem to be saying US Democrats are leftists. Why are you ignoring everything the DNC has done to villainize, marginalize, and destroy leftists movements in the Big Tent? Are you aware there is no “left” remaining to mobilize?

  • It’s yet another example of how liberal hypocrisy has led to the ongoing collapse of society.

    The core thought process requires one to agree that all conservatives should die as well, if all pedophiles should be killed.

    They’ll condemn pedos in the same breath as lamenting Turing and have absolutely zero cognitive dissonance.

    And yet you won’t find a single liberal willing to stand up for their beliefs.

    Even here you see their liberal purity tests, having to declare your attraction to adults or your vote for Biden or whatever next purity test there is. No I don’t fucking like children, the fact that a liberal is going to turn up here to accuse me of it is further proof of the thesis.

  • SOMETHINGSWRONG@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoHumor@lemmy.worldHistory repeats itself.
    10 days ago

    You’re arguing with a car brain lol, they lack the intelligence to understand.

    It’s kind of hilarious how North Koreans live in this fucking insane societal bubble where they simultaneously think they’re the best nation in the world while living in complete shit conditions that would appall the rest of the developed world.

    Kicking your kids out at 18, sending your elders to fucking abuse camps to die, can’t even afford to have a baby, let alone buy them a car or education. Don’t even think about housing or healthcare. Retirement? LOL. Cops can just fucking kill you at any time with no consequences.

    Oh sorry typo, I meant Americans in that second paragraph.

  • Lmao @ the Americans getting all uncomfortable trying to weasel out of this

    Yeah bullshit it’s “not mandatory,” how can you have such a basic denial of reality?

    Totally optional, that’s why every time some kid understands and abstains, the teachers and other students bully them mercilessly, give them detention, suspension, expulsion, and it makes national news whenever someone actually tries.

    I bet joining the NSDAP was fucking optional too, don’t try to deny your christofascism that everyone just accepts because somehow it’s better when America does it

  • Apple Maps also straight up gives objectively better audio guidance (e.g. “move to the right lane to turn right at the next light” vs “turn right in 300 feet”).

    Additionally the “directions” portion of the screen has large font and is clearly visible compared to Google’s tiny font on a window the size of 10% of the screen to show you more ads. (Yes, the reason some business appear at all zoom levels while others only pop up at street level is ads)

    What a fall from grace. I remember when Apple Maps would direct people to drive through halfway built overpasses with 500 feet of open air at the end because it’s not built yet.