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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • You mean after the Israeli PM that brokered the deal was assassinated a staunch opponent of the deal, Netanyahu, took power and refused to follow through with the part of the agreement where they pull their illegal settlements out of the West Bank that the Palestinians are the ones who refused peace there?

    You don’t get to wipe your ass with an agreement then whine when the other party abandons it. Much like their propping up of Hamas, Netanyahu’s coalition has shown time and time again that good faith negotiations is not what they’re interested in.

  • He’s personally delivering his own money? There’s more to a government than the president. Congress votes on funding like this.

    Too many people obsess exclusively over the US president as though checks and balances don’t exist. Maybe if we start talking shit about local representatives too we can get people aware of the many other ways they can influence the country outside of whining every 4 years that all the political canvassing they didn’t do hasn’t resulted in acceptable candidates.

    I do agree with your position on Palestine btw, but this messaging is so unhelpful.

  • All you’re saying here is you have no interest in actually critically thinking and analyzing people’s actions, instead just taking them explicitly at their word. Which is just gullibility. Do you think you’d feel threatened if someone was posting pictures of you being hung? What if the poster had a history of making statements that they thought you were evil or a threat to the country?

    The sheer irony of that last paragraph is funny. You’re the one talking past me and ignoring things I say that are inconvenient. Until I force you to face it.

  • Since you missed it I’ll repeat myself.

    “What is so hard to understand, they advertised their desire for political murder to their constituents. It wasn’t “just an ornament” in private. They made a public statement advocating murder by displaying it.”

    Words are wind, your actions show you bending over backwards to excuse this. Also the narrative that all politicians deserve a noose is what authoritarians push to keep their citizens from trying to fix things. There’s tons of money in reinforcing political apathy, because any person they convince to abandon the process is one less voice they have to care about come election season.

    It’s a very terminally online take hyper focused on federal government. You think your local comptroller should be strung up? The irony of you calling me a political hack when your political philosophy is devoid of any nuance.

  • So you also don’t blame Hamas for what they did by that logic. Or is 100 years too short for your sensibilities, would another century of abuse help? Gaza is already worse than the Warsaw ghetto in the 30s-40s, when do they get their war crime pass?

    Also, quick reminder that the current Israeli government has sent cash and resources to Hamas because people like you will see hamas’ behavior and think they aren’t the ones being provoked intentionally to generate a good causus belli for sociopaths to glass the region. The Likud party has in their mission statement that Israel will own the land from the sea to the Jordan river so Hamas isn’t the only party with “river to the sea” rhetoric.

  • They get bailed out because corporations have the funds to capture government, which isn’t at odds with capitalism. Not sure why you think that’s betraying capitalism, the system is about controlling means of production and siphoning funds off the top, buying government is the natural result to maximize profits.

    Communism as an ideology rejects unjust hierarchies so when an authoritarian takes over its directly at odds with the ideology. Capitalism embraces any hierarchy that emerges as long as it’s profitable so when capitalists corrupt governments to make it easier to make more money it’s not a betrayal of the ideology, it’s working as designed.

    And since you’re too stupid to understand what I’m saying:

    If you’re born in Thailand, never set foot in Scotland and never even start any process to gain citizenship then you aren’t fucking Scottish no matter how much you claim you are. I made this very clear the first time when I said the person in this example was born somewhere that’s NOT Scotland and also said they spent their entire life NOT in Scotland. So clearly they weren’t born there, have no ancestry, and aren’t trying to move there, still think they’re right when they claim to be a Scotsman?

    For all your condescending snark you clearly can’t read.