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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Having a group is only half the battle, the other half is getting that group together when one person works odd hours, another has chronic illness with lots of medical appointments, and a third has a bitch of a commute during the week so often can’t get home in time.

    For years we had games every Friday and Sunday, all it takes is a couple of people changing jobs to completely disrupt that setup.

  • We broke the Anima system in half with overpowered characters. Not that it holds together very well normally. One mage character boosting the tank’s strength high enough to lift a mountain and creating him a giant tungsten lump, another mage opening a portal directly above a bad guy’s tower, apply tungsten to tower at great speed. No more tower. The GM was too amused to be mad that we wrecked his whole plan. We used the same trick to launch a necronomicon into the sun (or near enough). Also so many magically created artefacts, creation mages are just bullshit. But I got away with it because I made some for everyone.

  • I’m loving it, though it’s not as fun as Pikmin 3 Deluxe was. My husband and I played co-op and we dandori’d the fuck out of that game, it was awesome. For 4 we’re taking turns doing a day/night each, haven’t tried the “co-op” yet because it sounds incredibly lame.

    Oatchie makes the game so much easier. For better and worse, but I think more better than worse, I basically just treat him as a noble steed to take advantage of not having to worry about stragglers.

  • Moegle@feddit.uktorpg@ttrpg.networkModern Urban Fantasy
    1 year ago

    They do, but in a way that I think felt limiting. You can’t have too many identities without making them quite weak, and then you have limited slots to have them do something cool or just substitute for skills/stress checks.

    There’s also the feeling that your character can’t progress at anything outside their identities, because progress in one skill is regression in another and is entirely at the fate of a dice roll.

    I’m sure it’s great for other people’s playstyles, it’s just not my cup of tea.

  • Moegle@feddit.uktorpg@ttrpg.networkModern Urban Fantasy
    1 year ago

    Eh, we’ve tried it, but the skills being tied together and to the sanity meters ruined character builds, so it just wasn’t fun. We’ve kept the idea of making connected characters (just an ally and a rival) because it makes for excellent plot hooks, but otherwise went back to 2nd Ed.

  • Moegle@feddit.uktorpg@ttrpg.networkModern Urban Fantasy
    1 year ago

    “Modern Urban Fantasy” is synonymous with Unknown Armies 2nd Ed to me. Though it is very gritty in tone and revolves around the idea that magic makes you crazy, but the core mechanics are very flexible and it’s a d100 system, you could probably just change the narrative fluff and have a perfectly workable, if lethal, game.