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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I worked for the biggest Canadian chain and they’re awful. Got stuck with an assistant manager who was demoted from store manager for treating her staff like shit.

    They thought it was a good idea to stick like 3 or 4 of those staff that quit back with her when they applied during a wave of expansion. She was awful. The store manager was good at first, you could tell she didn’t like the assistant. Things got bad enough for me to go to the DM since nothing was being done and it just felt like a good cop bad cop situation. The meeting I had was with a Sophia? I think and some other dude being TRAINED for DM (I had my BBA at this point and the best they could offer was temporary lowest ranking position with potential to be permanent part time. Full timers only got 25 hours a week… Absolutely insulting. Get a degree. There will be jobs…). They took the issues seriously. I was told to contact her again if there was any “retaliation”. When I left the office and closed the door they burst into laughter. It didn’t sound like uneasy laughter, it sounded like “what a fucking joke” laughter. They also shafted my good friend an assistant (different store I wanted to transfer to, and someone wanted to swap with me as it would be closer for both of us, but DENIED) - they offered her store manager but after she accepted they changed their minds! The DM in training ended up quitting, maybe he was looking for a more professional business!

    Anyways a few weeks later after I was sure there was retaliation and not incompetence, I contacted the DM and she gaslight me. She said she never told me to contact her about retaliation. She fucking said there wasn’t anything wrong the AM did even though in the meeting she explicitly said she was doing SM stuff that as an AM she could only go to the actual SM and then get them to do it. I should’ve recorded the meeting! RECORD EVERYTHING, I swear, even if you have a good feeling about things or it’s not meetings about problems. If you live in a one party state, protect your ass.

    I’m a survivor of narcissist abuse from family, friends, school etc and when it happens in the workplace I shut down, my anxiety goes thru the roof, I get panic attacks, fight or flight response, I have trouble speaking, so I do the only thing I can do - remove myself from the situation. I gave my notice and things were so uncomfortable I had to call in sick. Despite a nasty letter sent to me from the DM which was a blatant attempt to deny my EI, all I had to do was explain my situation to Service Canada, get a doctor’s note for my anxiety, and I got it. They mightve gotten off the hook as an employee because of the medical note though… It’s not just business that needs heavy reform but government as well.

  • It’s wine when they have it but yes it turns into literal horseshit by the time it trickles down.

    There’s just enough people in the middle class, pacified by their Netflix accounts and multiple yearly vacations to not give a fuck about the rest of us ☹️

    And of course us working smucks get to taste all that shit just enough to want to struggle paycheck to paycheck, if we’re lucky

  • …the reason “in some dialects of English native speakers really do say ‘should of’ etc” is phonetics. Kids hear “should’ve” and repeat it phonetically, before learning the actual words or their meaning. Combine that with the awful state of education and literacy in the USA (and other countries etc) and voila, you’ve got some armchair internet expert justifying it with some big words trying a weeeee bit too hard to make it work.

    Then you’ve got teachers who still gaf and know their shit who will correct this before middle/high school, and no, last I checked it was never added to the dictionary or considered correct. Language of course is living and ever changing, but the line must be drawn somewhere lest we devolve into shouting and grunts like neanderthals

  • 😂 this is why I avoided programming, focused on hardware, and ended up cooking in kitchens lmao.

    I was never a fan of sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen all day, even if I was good at it. Even with how complex hardware is these days, it feels more orderly and defined, if there’s m wrong with your rig, it’s most likely x, y, or z causing it, and it’s almost always x etc

  • juusukun@lemmy.catoPlex@lemmy.caMy 148TB monstrosity
    1 year ago

    Oh man this is nice. I’ve been juggling space with an 8TB drive for years (got one when it was the biggest you could get). Recently after deleting some old stuff to free up space I discovered all the newer stuff was fragmented to shit. I was able to squeeze as much as I could onto SSDs and SD cards, defragment the entire thing with Defraggler, and move everything back into defragmented free space. I’ve managed to pack it like a can of sardines - I’ve gotten it down to less than 2GB free with no more than 2 or 3 fragments for most files, 7 tops. Still transfers both read and write at around 80MB/s average.

    I’ve experimented with Plex, but since I used to only use the one system with Kodi I never bothered. I recently got a small HTPC to use with an old 3D TV and it’s super easy to move Kodi’s db to an external MySQL server to sync paused playback and completed lists etc.

    I can also just connect Kodi to nVidia shield/moonlight and watch my entire library on my handheld wherever I go, without any additional setup other than Kodi on my desktop and making use of Moonlight which I use for emulating games a bit too powerful for my handheld