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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Sorry but Fritos of software is dumb & in no way representative of bringing old chromebooks back to life beyond their support date.

    Schools often buy the bottom baseline of everything & in now way was a 4gb of ram a good, decent or proper experience to begin w/ & their replacements probably also had 4gb of ram - just a faster cpu, gpu & ram to hide that it’s lacking ram still.

    I think schools could easily band together & make their own education focused Linux distro & then just focus on hardware that’s compatible w/ that’s Chromebooks or Windows laptops. Hard part would be building out an on par MDM &/or ldap server if not using a Windows server.

    All Chromebook are is a browser basically. It already is the bag of Fritos imho. I think the hard part though would be to hire an IT guy that knows Linux better than the students tbh. Schools already under pay teachers in the US & that goes 2-3x for IT staff.

  • Very true. I remember vbscript. I still have to write some occasionally. What’s funny is that powershell gets all the attention & security applied to it - but vbscript likely keeps its flaws in the name of backwards compatibility. I’m betting vbscript is a huge attack vector just waiting for some major exploitation that leads to its removal or being severely gimped.

  • What lol? They never owned the internet, more like the users loaned them their attention for years - till they really screw up which they’ve been doing as of late.

    I have nothing against coming down on companies that try & do anti-competitive things & pulling an API via ridiculous pricing is one of those things I feel the FTC should have the power to intervene in but I know conservatives would scream government over reach. They already do with both smaller & bigger things.

    Regardless kbin, mastodon & Fediverse are all strong responses to what’s been going on & sadly they all need to avoid inter connectivity w/ these behemoths to ensure they don’t try underhanded tactics to destroy it, ironically. Maybe when/if they get to be of similar sizes & the momentum is too great for them to destroy a competitor then connectivity btwn the 2 can be done but till then it’s not safe imho.

  • Being angry at the users, or powerusers, who left reddit is like being angry at ants for fleeing their home after a flood for higher ground and starting over somewhere else. It ain’t the ants that decided to drool all over its hill/colony before even IPO’ing all the work they had done.

    Amazing to me that it was Spez that screwed reddit over BEFORE selling reddit out. Usually people like Spez are at least smart enough to keep things running smoothly up and until they sell it off - but I am sure the potential investors will appreciate the depreciated value of reddit. 😂

    If I could award some sort of idiot currency or lemmy currency to mock Spez I would. The guy really takes the cake on being inept at what would have kept Reddit highly valued imo in the short, mid and long term.