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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Right, the point of the 4 day work week is that it will become the new standard for full time work, rather than the current 5 days.

    So all your points are kind of moot, as they will ideally be addressed through cultural changes, employee expectations, or regulation.

  • I have worked in service/retail, and this argument doesn’t make a lot of sense. Most service/retail is actually 7-day weeks, but the workers average out to 5-day weeks with rotating shifts etc.

    All that would have to happen is the workers now average out to 4-day weeks, with a similar level of pay (which is what the 4-day week advocates are asking for).

    The 4-day week isn’t about office workers, it’s about everyone.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    Petitions have weight providing they’re coming from the right places. There’s a difference between the random internet petitions that random users make, and petitions coming from bodies such as unions or regulatory bodies.

    This is a petition being put forward from a well known organisation, so I would gather it actually has some weight.

  • They definitely exist - quite a lot of them in fact - it’s just after the big migrations in 2022, the kind of people who tend to get popular on Mastodon are the more “serious” posters, as they’ve eclipsed the memers in popularity. (Eternal September kind of thing)

    If you check out the explore and local feeds of instances such as Wet Dry World or Beige Party, you’ll find the meme posters, who you can then follow.

    What doesn’t help either is that meme posters never use hashtags, even though they’re the primary way to be discovered on Mastodon. On the other hand, people who are posting “serious” takes tend to use hashtags a lot - this also helps skew the meme posters away from people. Unfortunately, hashtags have gone completely out of vogue and just aren’t used by most people.

    Mastodon is implementing full text search soon though, most likely with 4.2.0 (the next version), which should hopefully make things easier.

  • Well, when it comes to Matrix, they can’t really “compromise” in a way that other platforms may be able to, as their protocol is designed to be as private and secure as possible first, then the features come later.

    While “nobody cares about privacy” and features are king, I personally have a lot of respect for the Matrix developers for sticking true to their vision instead of compromising for the sake of adoption. Matrix and Element DO want to be feature-rich, but they will only accept things if they work with their principles.

    Furthermore, the Matrix team aren’t the ones “complaining” about adoption, they’re actually quite happy with how much adoption there is - it isn’t insignificant as there’s over 80 million known accounts, which is much bigger than the ActivityPub social media platforms, and many people use Matrix independently which they can’t track.

  • Not officially - but they’ll be adding groups in one of their future updates (not 4.2, unfortunately). That will work exactly as you’d expect.

    However in the meantime, people use Guppe Groups (, which are a type of “user” which boosts all posts sent to it to other people following it. For example, I could follow and anytime anyone mentions, the post will be boosted to all other users following

    The above is how Lemmy communities work when followed from Mastodon, as well.

  • I only self-host a MediaWiki website at the moment, along with a PPSSPP adhoc server for said game that the wiki is related to. I want to self-host a lot more stuff, but storage space is expensive, and I don’t really want to leave things running at home all the time either as it will eat into my electricity bill.

    Nextcloud and OnlyOffice are what I’m interested in next, and perhaps a Fediverse platform.