I like my bubble and I have a lot tolerance for BS and a high count blocklist. I’m just tired of it all.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Glad I was sitting down when I read that. Nobody could have predicted that Instagram would only pay lip service to removing harmful content /s

    Meta is one of the Evil Corp who is killing people, and destroying lives, through pursuit of profit. It’s goal is to frame the health and well-being of people and society to allow advertisers reach a bigger, better and an easier manipulated audience.

    I know it’s a cliché, and I don’t use this often as things have many sides, but I do wonder how people justify this to themselves and what they see when they look in the mirror.

  • Not everything is an algorithm or ratios. Hopefully you know that.

    This is just straight up wrong.

    It’s not but you do you.

    You obviously had an issue with the statement as-made by the CEO.

    Go back and read what I wrote. I never wrote that.

    The question you’re dodging is essentially “how different would it have to be for you to not have the issue you’re having right now?”

    Read what I wrote. You’ll find your answer in there.

    Unless, of course, you’d just be angry no matter what. If this is the case, it would easily explain why you’re throwing out non-answers and superfluous catty dialogue.

    If you don’t read what I’m saying, me repeating it again, isn’t going to help that.

  • And that’s all he posted. I think he responed to one of two comments and then ignored everything else. I really dislike that ‘CEO here’, ‘I’m important, listen to me’ means that always ends up on HN. Then they disappear like their mere response to the post is enough. After all, they’re very important people.

    If he thought ‘damaged control done’ he was sadly mistaken.

    I host my site on Netlify. I’m moving. If they think that it’s acceptable to bill somebody $104k for a small site, at all, without it tripping some alarm for a human to look at before it goes out, then they’re doing it wrong. Something that says ‘Month 1 bill = $20; Month 2 bill = $104,000’ could be a problem isn’t difficult to do. And that they have ‘done this often’ (my words) highlights it’s a problem.

    There are many bullshit hosting companies out there I can use who don’t do this sort of thing. Why is Netlify special.

  • HP is so desperate for money that this is what they need to do to survive.

    What does HP (hardware) actually do these days? Where do they compete (and I mean compete, not have products in)?

    They ruined Compaq.

    They killed their golden goose printing business with bullshit like this.

    They killed their server hardware business with bullshit like locking software, drivers and firmware behind support contracts.

    As somebody who always bought HP and advocated for their hardware (many years ago), I would never buy anything they make today.