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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m not quite sure what your hang-up is? Is it the word slave? If that is it, then the employees of Amazon are the wage-slaves that deserve due credit. Where as I might consider myself a slave in the sense that I find myself answering to their bidding.

    • Jack up rates, yes master.
    • Interrupt us with ads, sure go ahead master
    • disrupting buying patterns, always you master

    My sense of freedom from Amazon is not up for debate.

    So what is your @hogmamma@lemmy.world relationship with Amazon?

  • A few things

    • Amazon years their employees like shit. Pay and treat them properly. Our gadget for $20 less than we can get from another store is subsidized by those workers.

    • the commercials on Prime video. I specifically pay to watch shows, and not be interrupted and pitched dish soap. That was the deal

    • removing the option of prime delivery will mean I will source my options more fairly to local sellers

    In the end, I feel less dirty by not having that option. In the long run, will Amazon serve me better? The enshitification of the internet has taught me the answer will be no.

  • I used awk to migrate users from one system to another. I created template scripts for setting up the user in the new system, I dumped the data from the old system, then used awk to process the dump and create scripts for each user in the new system. That was a fun project.

  • Yeah, I’m sorry to say that is a result of good marketing. I work at a university and we have experience with a good number of XPS laptops.

    We saw at least a 60% problem rate, and Dell’s support was dog slow. Batteries being the weak spot. Because it’s thin it is more fragile, we saw a number of broken screens, and keyboards. One survived a Gatorade spill, but another failed after a water spill. Go figure

    A three year warranty helped, but we were out of a laptop for months at a time, more than once on the same laptop.

  • Geez really? I had no idea that pedestrians were so careless, what is it about larger trucks that makes people jump out in front of them.

    I like to see things as an opportunity, and I think we can use this as a lesson to do things differently. Like, let’s make trucks louder so you hear them before you see them. More Turbo, and how about vertical tail pipe stack. Next we can increase the number of lights, and make them brighter so that everyone can see. Let’s add more cameras and computers so the driver can see their blind spots simply by looking at the command console screen. We can even make these features available for free for a small amount of non invasive advertising.

    Do you remember how trains solved the problems of cows derailing trains. They put a guard on the front. So let’s make an even bigger steel bumper.