• @daniel
      -11 year ago

      My question is always: so if me and 10 other people have a great idea for a business, where does the money to start it come from? Most businesses take years to turn a profit, so in this collective, are we all just pouring in our savings until it takes off?

      What if we all bust ass for 3 years, never getting paid because we’re building the product, we launch and start getting orders, and find that we’re getting a lot more orders than we expected, so we hire / bunch of people to help fulfill orders. Do those new hires all get an equal share, even though they weren’t there for the 3 years of unpaid R&D? Do they have to contribute money when they get hired for the share of the building that the rest of us already own?

      I’m all for workers rights, and workers standing together collectively to get fair wages and working conditions, but when people say “workers should own the means of production”, they can never seem to explain how that would actually work.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        11 year ago

        Simply, the central bank can play the role of a VC where people with great ideas apply for loans or grants.

        • @daniel
          11 year ago

          You expect a bank to make high risk loans to unproven ideas? What about loans did things which are controversial (think dispensary or brewery)?

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            11 year ago

            Yes, I expect the state bank to make loans for unproven ideas. This isn’t nearly as outrageous as you seem to think. State funding in China is used precisely in this way to stimulate businesses in areas where China wants to advance right now. And if a dipensary or brewery was seen as socially necessary and viable they could get a loan like anybody else.