• theangryseal@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    That’s a nice thought, it really is.

    Unfortunately it’s a very sheltered thought bud. Wherever you live, all the boomers must be the republicans.

    Where I live I see teenagers in maga hats regularly. When I meet someone who isn’t a hardline Trump supporter it literally shocks me.

    Things might go back to some sanity at some point, but it’s hard to imagine when everyone is being radicalized every day through extreme forms of media on the internet.

    When I was younger I fully believed that the world would become more progressive because, well, progress. Most of the more liberal kids I grew up with are hardcore republicans coming up on their 40s now posting liberal tears memes.

    I don’t know. Maybe we’ll get lucky. I definitely hope we do.

      • Zaktor@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        There are plenty of rightwing pipelines out there for young people, regardless of their parents. With people like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, along with a much more online life so they can find and reinforce each other, I’d say it’s a much friendlier environment for right wing radicalization among young people than 20-30 years ago. The backbone of the Republican party may be old bigots, but at least some people in the movement are working very hard to generate young bigots to replace them and racism, sexism, and transphobia aren’t things only old people are prone to.