The clash over bathroom policy and other elements of a federal regulation finalized last week could set the stage for another wave of legal battles over how transgender kids should be treated in the U.S.

    6 months ago

    So, genderless bathrooms? Seems to be the solution for most of this. One of my first thoughts when all this bathroom stuff came up was, “Hm, I suppose I never considered how gendered the removal of bodily waste products is. Seems antiquated now that I give it some thought.”

    At least your solution is gender neutral, on that I agree. And you have the added benefit of complete isolation, proper doors! Something I think most Americans would like given the state of most bathroom doors here! Though I admit I’m not sold on the Porta-Potty presentation, though it does have promising attributes… not the easiest on the eyes.

    So if pooping and peeing is not gender specific, why should bathrooms be? Sure, gendered bathrooms can still exist for those who prefer, but I don’t think it should be the default.

    Just have one poopy pit, problem partially solved. No one needs to admit their gender to use the poopy pit.