German teenagers and young adults find themselves increasingly unsatisfied and likely to vote for the far right, according to a survey. Fears about prosperity are highlighted as a possible cause.

Young people are more likely to vote for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) than previously, a study on Tuesday showed.

Authors of the “Youth in Germany 2024” study said that under-30s were increasingly disgruntled with their social and economic situation, and that fears about future prosperity were driving a shift to the right.

The AfD’s signature issue is a hard-line anti-immigration stance, and the data showed that migration was among young people’s main concerns.

The online study, conducted in January and February, found that young people were becoming increasingly dissatisfied, especially with their social and economic situation, compared with previous years.

After the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors said economic and political worries for example due to inflation, high rents, the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East or the division of society had taken center stage.

      5 months ago

      Define FAR right. Like how far? Cause I picture my dad, a conservative but has a trans grandson, and a gay niece, so he’s had to change his way of thinking in order to accept others. He’s not anywhere near perfect, but he’s trying. But according to most people here, he’s FAR right, because he’s a boomer.

      I remember in 2016, anything right of Bernie Sanders was FAR RIGHT to you guys. And that’s a problem when you throw everyone together like that because you’ve dismissed alot of allies that just need a bit of education and coaxing instead of being tossed in the far right bin.

        5 months ago

        I grew up in the deep south and have lived in Republican territories and households my whole life. I even voted for Trump in 2016, but that was the end of my support for Republicans. I am now an Independent and lean more left than right. Those guys ruined it and I will not support that regime. No more.

          5 months ago

          We agree on 90% on this issue. Trump, and the type of people he gave a voice to, are the worst thing that has happened not just to the country but to the world in general. And it needs to be stamped out, and the first sign of Revolution, I’ll be out there ready to die for my kid’s future. But I won’t turn good people into my enemies, because they’re consideres “too right”, because many people that have been called far right aren’t, and you lose them by throwing unreasonable hate on them.