A horrendous alt-right influencer who encouraged “traditional” gender roles realized that practicing what she preached made her feel enslaved.

  • darkphotonstudio@beehaw.org
    2 months ago

    This shit is so mental, I don’t know where they get these weird ass ideas about traditional wives. If you’re old enough, you will have had grandparents that lived through most the 20th century, including the mythical 1950s these loons are so fixated on. My grandparents on my dad’s side where “traditional” in that my grandfather was the bread-winner and my grandmother was the stay at home wife. She wasn’t a feminist by any stretch. Do you know who was in charge? It wasn’t the one wearing the pants. They stayed together until my grandfather died.

    On my mom’s side of the family, that grandfather was an abusive drunk and they eventually got divorced. Being an abusive fuck head has nothing to do with “proper” traditional families. Have they ever seen a healthy relationship? These people are living in a delusion.