I’ll start with the fact that I kind of like the smell of gasoline, and also bleach for some reason.

  • rekabis@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Love the smell of petrichor, the smell of the world after a good rain, especially if the temperatures are cool and crisp. Bonus if it’s deep in the temperate rainforests of the Canadian PNW, with no civilization near.

    Love the smell of fresh-cut grass, reminds me of my youth even if it’s one of the only things that makes me sneeze uncontrollably (my only known allergy).

    Marigolds bring me all the way back to childhood, as my mother had them planted around the entire house. I take one whiff, and for the briefest of moments I am a five year old without a care in the world. To this day I collect and re-sow their seeds everywhere I can. I particularly like the small ones with the dark orange and deep crimson flowers.

    Hate the smell of tar with every fibre of my being. I could never be a roofer or a road worker or a street resurfacer for that reason. It makes me gag uncontrollably with even the faintest whiff.