Been waiting for it to go on sale and figured my son might like it since he plays Minecraft a lot. Wondering if I gotta watch out for in-game purchases though (can I require password for purchases?) and online interactions (def don’t want him chatting with others). It is seems pretty hack and slash but if a lot of reading is involved maybe he’s too young for it (6 ½).
Edit: Sorry, meant to say Dungeons, not Legends.
My wife and I play this game every week. My kids have played it but they aren’t as good as the wife. It’s great and will give your little guy incentive to want to read the item descriptions, but they also feature unique badges that are good for non readers which you’ll learn to recognize as you play. I recommend doing the tower, which is a great way to quickly try different gear and enchantments.
My only caveat is we play on the Xbox one but it should be a similar experience.
My 6.5yo is playing it with me and he loves it. We got the DLC edition or whatever and are level 50 about to play the final boss of the main game, haven’t reached the Stronghold yet or any of the DLC.
There’s a bit of a learning curve, but so far I’ve been able to teach my son that Green(Rare) and Orange (Unique) are better than Common (Grey). For items and gear, higher level items are almost always better, for pools of mobs he’s better off kiting and using ranged attacks.
He can’t read much yet, so I have to explain what the enchantments are and he’ll upgrade if he likes them.
I like the game way more than Minecraft Legends.
I enjoyed the game quite a bit, but I stopped playing it due to how often it crashed on me. I haven’t played in a while, so this may have been taken care of.
I haven’t played Minecraft Legends, but I have played Minecraft Dungeons (and the original Minecraft), if they have followed the same formula, then there shouldn’t be much text in it. And there will be in-game purchases.
You can watch some let’s play of the game on YouTube, to get some idea of what’s in the game.
Damn. I meant to say Dungeons. 🤦
Hehe, no worries. So, about text:
It’s a dungeon crawler, where you constantly get new loot, and each item has description, and the powerup that it gives, plus it’s stats. But in general, you can just compare the number and go with bigger is better.
The story is pretty much all voice acted, as far as I remember, so that shouldn’t be an issue.
As for in-game purchases, you have to go to “Mission Select” screen, which shows you the whole map and you can choose where to go. Here, they also show you the DLC dungeons, and going on those give you an option to buy the DLC.
Also, when in your camp, after first few missions, you get option to subscribe to the season, kind of like Battle pass in fortnite.
Other than that, I don’t recall any purchase options, but it has been quite a while since I last played it.