• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    Yeah it will hopefully energize the younger base… “Be a part of history and vote for the first woman President!”

    But they do need to sway some independent votes too.

    But if they go hard on reproductive rights hard they can sway a lot of women voters (and some men too). There are a lot of women that normally vote GOP that may vote for Harris on reproductive rights, even though they will never admit it publicly. Sure Biden would press on that too, but a woman making an argument for her rights may be more effective.

    Also if the GOP starts blowing on their racist dog whistles and show their true selves, they will lose a lot of independents. Of course the GOP could show some discipline HAHAHAA, sorry couldn’t finish that sentence. There’s already Kamala Birther memes making the rounds on Facebook as we speak.