I like On Taking Pictures a lot. Nice podcast that really sparked my interest in photography about 10 years ago.
I try to stay away from political podcasts these days because I’m just too burnt out.
Political: Chapo Traphouse, TrueAnon, Know Your Enemy
Semi-political and humor: QAA, Spycops
Humor: Boonta Vista, Your Favorite Band Sucks
Education: Stuff the British Stole, What Roman Mars Can Learn About ConLaw, Noble Blood
Tech: Dithering, Grumpy Old Geeks, Accidental Tech Podcast, Under the Radar, Darknet Diaries, The Talk Show
Events: Alphabet Boys, Long Shadow, In the Dark, Serial
Etc: Better Offline, Behind the Bastards, Dutch New Podcast, Strong Songs, 99% Invisible, Last Podcast on the Left, Friendly Atheist, Song Exploder, What Went Wrong
I don’t listen to every episode of every show, but some shows I never miss. A lot of this came from being single during the pan and having a ton of alone time to fill while walking my area. Things fell off when we got back to normal and again when I got together with my partner. Luckily, my latest job has a lot of downtime so I’m able to listen to more again.
SciShow tangents (a lightly competitive science show)
Ologies (interviewing experts from different fields/ologies)
Fake Doctors, Real Friends (Scrubs actors rewatching scrubs, my favorite show when i was younger. Plus great behind the scenes of film making)
The Imp & Skizz show (just two gamers i love to watch, talking about creative stuff. Probably not as enjoyable for anyone who doesn’t watch them already though. Still love them and would love to see then succeed more!)
Only one I listen to sometimes is https://www.bsdnow.tv/ since I’m an OpenBSD user and it’s interesting to hear about other BSDs from time to time.
- 99% Invisible
- Twenty Thousand Hertz
- Radiolab
- Science Vs
- Snap Judgement
- Outside/In
- Endless Thread
- Unexplainable
- Search Engine
- Decoder Ring
- Invisibilia (discontinued)
- The Moth
- Reply All (discontinued)
- The Sporkful
- This American Life
- Most Cool Zone Media shows
- Radio Free Tote Bag
- Oddity Roadshow
- Cory Doctorow
- Sandy and Nora/Daily News
- Respect the Dead
- Knowledge Fight
The NoSleep Podcast The Nightowl Podcast Weird Darkness Kinda Funny Games Daily Kinda Funny Gamescast Dungeons and Daddys Remember the game? The Last Podcast on the Left Smosh Reads Reddit Stories This Paranormal Life
That’s my current rotation right now.
The Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine? Nice.
I’ve never listened, but I’m in the McElroy orbit already so maybe I ought to give it a shot.
That’s the one! I say give it a try. Their episode on rabies and syphilis were pretty good imo
Any recommendations for sub 10min podcasts? I have a short commute and put it on 1.3 speed to get a dialy radio show.
I already have DW News, Tech News Briefing, Marketplace Tech, and a few like Male Your Damn Bed/Arnold’s Punp Club.
Can always do with more.
I like to listen to NPR’s “Up First”, they would more or less be in that time range.
- No Such Thing As A Fish - amazing facts by hilarious hosts
- Let’s Learn Everything - fascinating, hilarious and great chemistry between hosts
- Dungeons and Daddies (not a BDSM podcast) - stunning story with some actual RPG play
- Ologies - even the topics I felt would be boring were fascinating (like Ursinology)
Safety first and Zaza (lithuanian and has no topics ,but uploads once in like a year)
Behind the Bastards, Linux Lads, Linux Late Night, The Infinite Monkey Cage (when they do episodes), some spanish stuff for listening practice (mostly Hoy Hablamos), Hack-a-Day, Self-Hosted, and Cory Doctorow…
Have you found Spanish Obsessed? It’s a Colombian/English couple who just have conversations in Spanish about random topics at an intermediate level.
They have several podcasts, so make sure to find the intermediate level for the conversations. Their beginner level has much more spoken English and basic Spanish vocab, which I’m not as into.
No, but I’ll check them out. Thanks for the suggestion.
I subscribe to TWiT network so I listen to This Week in Tech/Google, Untitled Linux Show
Besides that i like waveform, the vergecast, no such thing as a fish, stuff you should know.
Already seeing a trend here, joining in:
Behind the Bastards Better Offline Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff Red Menace This Machine Kills Heavyweight (discontinued) Search Engine
Came here to see if anyone else was plugging the other CZM podcasts. I’ve expanded out to Cool People (I especially like the anarchist book club stories) and It Could Happen Here.
I wouldn’t call myself an anarchist by any means, but I like how they get to both the root causes of issues and also give some ideas on things we can do to make some of these situations better. That last part is what I feel is missing from just about every other show about current events.
There are more podcasts that deal with these kind of issues and maybe how to improve on those, or at least give context and options.
A few other podcasts that touch on these subjects:
Revolutionary Left Radio Mass Struggle Live Like the World is Dying (also with Margaret Killjoy) Final Straw Radio This Anthro Life
That’s good to know there’s more like this. My issue with a lot of politics online is that it feels like all blind anger and defeatism. With things were they talk to those actually involved in the events and those working to fix things, it makes it a much more positive experience to stay up to date on issues.
It is hard to find the outlets that are not just doom spewing but try to make it smaller and more personal, hopefully some of these podcasts give you a bit more that type of content that is motivating for you.