Once again, 105 comments and nothing about the actual article and it’s information. Plenty of xenophobic comments against a population of a country (like the U.S. government is that great, so therefor I must be exactly like my political leaders). The Chess players had already competed against each other and the other player who was poisoned won by a default with a tie. There’s some other reporting about a confrontation between the two and they’ve known each other for years apparently.
Chessbase said the dispute was over a recent match between the two in which “both chess players scored the same number of points, but the victory was awarded to Osmanova, based on additional factors.”
Another Telegram channel says that the issue was about negative statements made by Osmanova about Abakarova and her family members.
One Russian news outlet said that the two had known each other for years but had recently fought. In this version of the story, Abakarova showed up to one recent match with a phone, which is against the rules. Osmanova was upset but did not tell the judges. “She should have been grateful to me that I didn’t make a fuss and forgave her,” Osmanova said. “Instead, Amina refused to shake my hand during the competition last week.”
Definitely not ok either way and I hope that they get a sentencing that matches the crime. This is just a bitter crazy person it seems and has nothing to do about poisoning to win a match. Love the disconnect on the sports world and rampant cheating like it doesn’t exist everywhere lol.
edit: some grammar
…guy fucking lemms.
I told y’all in 2020 - build a giant fence around there and nobody go in for 100 years. After that we’ll check on ‘em. But nooooo “it’s too expensive” pfffft. And now look - it’s . . . whatever this is!
We could have had Australia 2!
Is it a first?
Or is it the first time they got caught?
Oooo, I heard putin like chess? Maybe he could play next?
she cute
At least they didn’t “fall out the window.”
If chess players do this, what do you think Russian secret service it’s capable of?
Sounds Russian.
this type of stuff I will never get. why are you in a competition if you don’t want to do the thing you competing in to win. join an assasin competition.
I think sometimes competition breeds contempt and she hated this person enough to want to kill her, in addition to wanting to remove her as a challenge.
they HAVE those???
in Russia, they call them “democracies”
Or “defenestracies”.
Lmao that’s pretty a solid one, nice
Boeing sponsors a whole team.
When they win, they get a stranding ovation.
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Poor choice of heavy metal.
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What a bizarre way to try to murder someone. And over a chess game? I know Russians take their chess seriously, but this is insane.
wait till you hear about their approach to roulette!
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Oh boy, just wait until you read up on Russian politics/polonium toxicity!
This opening move is called “The Russian Statesman”. Very traditional.
‘traditional russian values’ on display for all to see
The Quicksilver Gambit? In modern chess? We’re far beyond that!
it was all a result of a misunderstanding. his coach told him to focus on the H, G files of the chessboard and he heard that as something else.
ah, so it was another misunderstanding, then. she was taught that the queen can do absolutely anything on the chess board and proceeded accordingly.
It took me way too long to realize this was supposed to be a joke because Hg is the chemical symbol for Mercury. Such an easy thing to mishear.