Now, the Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign is nodding to her summer job to highlight her upbringing and a platform to boost American workers that stands in stark contrast to her Republican rival Donald Trump, who “has no plan to help the middle class — just more tax cuts for billionaires,” according to a recent ad.

    1 month ago

    so you dont have a solution for the present . just some hyperbole on what people maybe should kinda move towards. got it.

    doesnt seem to stop you from shitting on the actually choices people need to make now.

    look, im with you. progressives have been shit on for 50 years by a very conservative democratic party, but if we dont keep voting the babystepping democrats in, we dont get opportunities like we had where Bernie almost made it.

    that is the piece youre flat out ignoring. we cant get more Bernie opportunities if we cant keep people successfully voting down that path. your rhetoric is antithetical to actual progress.