I happened to click a link that took me to the associated twitter X account for something I was interested in and was greeted by not one, not two, but four modern day web popups.
I know it’s nothing new. I’ve got a couple of firefox plugins that are usually quite good at hiding this sort of nonsense, but I guess they failed me today (or, I shudder to think, there were even more that were blocked, and this is what got through)
What’s the worst new/not-signed-in user experience you’ve encountered recently?
Visiting the corpse of Twitter was your first mistake
Digital necrophilia…
Hahaha I had the exact same reaction and made an almost identical screenshot of this eyecancer…
Why are you all on X/Twitter? It’s utter trash, I just avoid the whole thing.
As evidenced by all the prompts, we aren’t! But it’s still the best place to get the latest info from some companies
As evidenced by the frequent posts to content from X, I think many still are.
I’m not on Twitter, or any social platform, but sometimes a link leads met to a post or an account. Et voilà!
xcancel.com ftw
Cancel X period brbgoatftw
deleted by creator
One of the few surviving nitter instances
Did someone say… cookies?
I can just tell that whenever Twitter’s user interface has weak attempts at humour, it was put there during the previous ownership, and that just makes me sad.
Like when you delete your account the final message says “#Goodbye”, I was tearing up, thinking, like, shit, Musk really fucked everything up, did he?
Musk really fucked everything up, did he?
Other than no longer being able to use an app to access twitter, I haven’t noticed anything else changing for the worse. They even made the “media” tab into grid rather than list which was a welcome update.
How about just the userbase? I’d say that changed for the worse. A lot worse. And if you don’t think so, I hope you enjoy yelling about Jews at your next khakis and tiki torches march.
Musk made it even worse but Twitter was already shit before Musk
This is the digital equivalent of walking through an open air market and having salespeople harass and follow you trying to sell something
The rare Gigachad double top level comment. Well played sir.
I set 2 different people up with revanced over the weekend. I thought I’d typed in the wrong URL because I’m on Firefox mobile and both of them are on Chrome mobile. Literally looks like an entirely different site. On Chrome it’s got a big fancy logo at the top, ads…fucking…everywhere…
On Firefox(with various blockers and anti trackers etc etc) it’s a plain white page with a bold title and small blurb then links to the various apks. Took me a minute to even figure out where the link for the manager was…Might be better to install it through Obtanium by adding this link https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-manager
EU: “You can’t just collect people’s data, you have to ask permission first and give people the opportunity to decline.”
Site Developers: “Fine, but we’re going to comply in the most malicious manner possible.”
It’d be fun if the EU started policing any use of the phrase “We are required to show this dialog”.
They’re not. They choose to show that dialog so that they can try to apply commercial tracking cookies. Anything for website function is already covered by EU laws.
There have been a couple of changes to the rule since it came into effect. Originally, the pop up could effectively occlude the “Do Not Enable Cookies” button behind a maze of “Optional” settings. The end result was a big colorful “I Consent” button and a tiny little gear button with a thousand manual checkboxes to uncheck every time you visited the site.
The regulations were updated since. Now these annoying pop-ups at least tend to have a clearly defined “Yes, I Consent” / “No, I Do Not” at equal scale and opposite color, allowing you to bypass it without going into the weeds on a configuration screen.
It’s hilarious on a widescreen setup how many websites aren’t adaptive but that cookie pop-up blocks 3/4 in 5000% font size.
This is something I like to use ublock origin for. Like, blocking ads is nice, but I also love just clearing out clutter from websites.
Ublock, doesnt block the google login, th cookiebanner and the shitty login question of twitter itself. I looks exactly like that with ublock.
I’m not on Twitter so I haven’t tried cleaning it up, but it’s super easy to select additional elements to block, I do it all the time to clean visuals rather than block ads.
uBlock Origin can block whatever you want. That’s one of the major features of ad/content blocking extensions - you can write your own rules/lists.
Yeha but it’s very easy to set up filters for those kind of elements
Reminds me of screenshots of internet explorer with 20 search bar addons from the 2000s 🤣
Then companies like…“dont use adblock”
Please unblock challenges.cloudflare.com to proceed
(grumble, unblock, reload)Verify you are human
Verify you are human
Verify you are human
Verify you are human
Verify you are human
You forgot:
Click all the pictures of buses.
Click all the pictures of bicycles.
Click all the pictures of traffic lights.
Click all the objects heavier than this one
I didn’t forget; I just chose to highlight Cloudflare’s awful captcha instead of Google’s awful captcha. :)
https://privacypass.github.io/ has helped somewhat
Privacy Pass will generate a number of random nonces that will be used as tokens
British people making a double take
Privacy Pass just randomly generated Prince Andrew and now my browser is all sweaty.
Doesnt seem to work for many people (Cloudflare has stopped supporting it?), judging by reading reviews on Mozilla extension store.
Interesting. A quick look at the description makes me think it could help with the inconvenience problem, but probably not with the allowing javascript problem. Still, I’ll have to take a closer look. Thanks for the link.
Edit: Turns out it requires installing a browser extension. From Cloudflare. No thanks, but I’ll give it another look if the protocol ever gets implemented by browsers.
… Spin … Spin … Spin …
… Remember that you turned off your VPN
… Turn it on
… CF: OK, only humans use VPN, no need to show the challenge
The absolute lack of any kind of consistency with layout or alignment makes me cringe too.
It’s just shows how they’re just glued onto the page with no care or planning. Especially no consideration to the user or user experience.
I’ve been saying the same for tv commercials. I’ve always hated them but they were built into the episodes, now they jump scare mid sentence and come back to another speaking.
I sail quite often but the wife likes the convenience, so.
It all sucks and getting suckier!
Oh I didn’t even notice that, now I can’t unsee it. Thanks (I hate it), I guess?
The absolute lack of any kind of consistency with layout or alignment makes me cringe too.
My guess is they’re all built by different teams that didn’t reuse any of the code written by the other teams. Ideally you’re supposed to have a design system with standards for this, but I think all the good developers left (or were fired from) Twitter when Musk took over.
Yeah I agree
That screenshot looks like the old screenshots from the early browser wars with 20 toolbars stacked.
And dancing desktop buddies with 350 tray icons.
Anyone else missing Bonzi Buddy?
I LOATHE that fucking google sign in overlay.
Omg fuck that thing so hard I hate it
Hey you want to read this article why don’t you sign into Google? Why I can already see it
I just set all the twitter and meta domains to localhost in my hosts file; no accidental clicks that go through for me :)