That’s not what the accusation is about - telegram is not even end-2-end encrypted by default, and their custom encryption protocol is a bit iffy at best. The accusation is about allowing channels with hundreds of thousands of people without any moderation.
TF1 and BFM both said the investigation was focused on a lack of moderators on Telegram, and that police considered that this situation allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app.
Hes breaking French law with is platform, and then traveled to France.
Hes also worth 15.5 billion dollars, so its likely that being a billionaire will shield him from any real consequences.
What the hell?
A number of EU countries are upset at messaging platforms not giving them a backdoor to their encryption.
That’s not what the accusation is about - telegram is not even end-2-end encrypted by default, and their custom encryption protocol is a bit iffy at best. The accusation is about allowing channels with hundreds of thousands of people without any moderation.
Not what this is about :
Hes breaking French law with is platform, and then traveled to France.
Hes also worth 15.5 billion dollars, so its likely that being a billionaire will shield him from any real consequences.
I think you both can be right. Arresting a CEO isnt a publicity stunt.