On so many different news items, threads, etc. People are the first to claim pretty much anyone who has made a mistake, or does something they disagree with deserves to die.

Like, do some people not have the capability to empathise and realise they might have been in a similar place if they were born in a different environment…

I genuinely understand, you think a politician who has lead to countless deaths, a war criminal, or a mass rapists deserves to die.

But here people say it for stuff that falls way below the bar.

A contracted logger of a rainforest (who knows if they have the money / opportunity to support their family another way). Deserves to die.

A civilian of Nazi germany of whom we know nothing about their collaboration/agreement with the regime. Deserves to die.

Some person who was a drug dealer and then served their time. Deserves to die.

Like I don’t get it? Are people not able to imagine the kind of situations that create these people, and that it’s not impossible to imagine the large majority of people in these positions if born in a different environment?

  • whotookkarl@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    We judge others more harshly than ourselves or our friends and family, it’s often a tribal artifact of the environment our species grew up and evolved in through its infancy that has in part informed our acceptable behaviors as a social species who relies on groups for survival (justice, altruism, fairness, social contract, etc).

    Sometimes it’s hyperbole, sometimes it’s incorrectly treating people different than ourselves as less than instead of different to, and sometimes someone violates common morality so abjectly that capital punishment is a popular acceptable outcome.

  • BaldManGoomba@lemmy.world
    8 days ago
    1. People say whatever on the internet and anonymous areas. Often for shock or the extremist idealism as if something was dead things would be different

    2. Your examples. Both of these are extreme differences in people’s views and principles. The logger is killing and ruining someone’s country for profit. Yes the individual guy needs money but he put the principal of doing something wrong aside to make money. The logger could do something else or he doesn’t care. He has no empathy towards future generations or the health of species of animals. Why should someone have empathy for them.

    Nazi example is easy while I am sure some people were ignorant or born into being a child of a nazi one should be resisting the horridness if you reap the benefits of your nation’s success at the downfall of others of course they are going to wish you dead. To put you into a perspective of nazi haters why should they get to live a peaceful life or be forgiven or left alone even if they saw the error of their ways or to desperate to fight back when people lost their future and families because of their group.

    As for the drug dealer people see the worst that comes out in people as a druggie and blame the person who keeps enabling. If the druggie could be cut off then someone’s life wouldn’t be ruined.

    In every example you gave someone was ruining someone else’s life or future. Of course people personally affect by similar circumstances aren’t going to have as much empathy for these people it takes a lot of compassion, self reflection, love, and forgiveness to be able to be kind to someone who hurt you and your family. Not everyone is in that place.

    1. Every day or year we have unbalanced people entering huge amounts of hormones causing their feelings to be imbalanced and every a new person is getting hurt leading to a life where kindness is locked off for awhile maybe forever.

    2. Our culture is about retribution many people don’t see proper steps to make things right or see people continue to do bad things. The easy solution is having things not exist anymore so you don’t get hurt again. If you trust bad people they may hurt you. Every decision has a consequence and rarely is it fully made whole even in forgiveness. You can’t give someone back their family, you can’t give someone back an extinct species, you can’t give back the world a stable climate. Of course people will hold hatred

  • The Picard Maneuver@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    It’s a psychological consequence of polarization, which occurs when you have too many people in a social group agreeing with each other.

    Groupthink elevates extreme opinions.

    • Random123@fedia.io
      8 days ago

      It goes both ways when youre too stuck in your bubble reinforcing your opinions or in a group thats equally stuck in their own bubble

  • Etterra@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    I don’t know about others, but I don’t think anybody deserves to die necessarily. It is faaaaar too merciful a fate for horrible people. I believe the worst of humanity - rapists, murderers, child abusers, etc. - deserve to live long, painful, oh so horrible lives.

    My choice would be to put them inside of a 3 meter cube of steel, welded shut, with only a hamster bottle for water, a hole in the bottom for waste, and a nutrient paste dispensing chute. When the prisoner eventually dies, it is bury the whole thing out in the desert to be their unmarked tomb.

  • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Because EVERYBODY deserves to die!

    Seriously. Have you ever visited anyone who was 105 years old? They aren’t enjoying life. They just exist. Now imagine how much agony you’d be in if you were 500 years old. Or a million years old.

    EVERYBODY deserves to die.

  • Donebrach@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Why do so many people post on this community and other “asks” about stuff that I have literally never encountered at all yet purport it to be a rampant trend?

  • tiredofsametab@fedia.io
    8 days ago

    As someone older than the public internet, these people and positions always existed. The difference in my opinion is that the 24-hour news cycle and online echo chambers combined with less in-person meeting, particularly with others in the community different to oneself has just further isolated and polarized people. There’s also an argument that heavily-biased cable “news” (which is oftentimes more “opinions” and sometimes “outright lies”) going unchecked has further polarized and divided people.

  • stoly@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    This is human nature. It’s the same reason you had 20 year olds sucker punching 70 year old asian women during lockdown. Cowardice and a need to lash out.

  • netvor@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Along with other things said here, people tend to “forget” that there’s a real person on the other end.

    I vaguely recall Nicholas Christakis talking about a study they made, where they created a bot which would simply remind people of the fact that there’s a real person on the other end, and they found that it would help. (That study was done in some university platform and is centuries old in internet time, though. I think he spoke about it about 6 years ago on podcast with Sam Harris.)

  • TugOfWarCrimes@sh.itjust.works
    8 days ago

    “Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”

    -Gandalf the Grey / J R R Tolkein

    • Taalnazi@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      This is a great quote and one I often remember, but I would also add this:

      “Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death or to let live in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”

      Live and let live works, but only if the other also does so. When one does not allow you to live as you want, because what they do harms you, then that ends there.