The eyes have it: Men do see things differently to women
The way that the visual centers of men and women’s brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.
Does this mean the visual center is 25% larger or that the configuration of cells is different? If it is larger where are are women’s brains larger then men’s brains?
It means there are 25% more, but neurons aren’t the only thing the brain is made of. Idk how much of a size difference, if any, this makes. Considering how sensitive lips and fingers are compared to equal sized parts of your skin in other areas, there might be a similar situation of just having a lot of space in the total structure for extra neurons. It could be a small increase in size, it could have no impact on size, more studies required.
At the very least it makes a good exercise in questioning facts to make sure you are not coming to faulty conclusions by misunderstanding.
I dont think we need to tread so lightly around this topic, since we already know that brain mass does not directly tie to intelligence from the simple fact that women have smaller brains on average but are not less mentally capable than men.
Nobody arguing or even just reading this in good faith would try to frame this as women being mentally inferior.
I wonder if that correlates with hallucinations or seizures.
men have a 50 to 90% bigger genitals. I don’t see anyone talking about that! Also they can eat more because they have 20% more inside space, without fucking uterus and ovaries
I mean, in all fairness I sure do hope I have a bigger penis than my sister.
My Thai girlfriend says penis size doesn’t matter, but I still wish hers wasn’t bigger than mine.
All for boob prrocessing
Speak for yourself I’m too busy looking at ass.
Man ass, woman ass, gay ass, straight ass. Idgaf.
Lemme see them cheeks.
it was more about the word in the background
Didn’t even notice at first. Too busy looking at ass.
What about trans men?
They can also process boobs if they’d like to
There have been some pretty interesting accounts of what it’s like to start testosterone. Vivid visual sexual fantasies and the like. Gives a new perspective on what being soaked in testosterone for decades does to your brain.
I’ll see if I can find some when I’m not on mobile.
Yeah, ask any female bodybuilder what it’s like and they will tell you exactly that. Despite many of them using doses of testosterone that are still lower than what an average man naturally has
You find testosterone better when not on mobile?
Yea accessing onion sites on mobile is annoying.
We have processed boobs now too?! First they went for our chicken nuggets, and we didn’t take notice…
Their bed nucleus of the stria terminalis should be twice as large as a woman’s, and that’s what guided their gender identities. Not that I’m a biological determinist, just a strict physicalist with no belief in metaphysical choice superceding determinism, but a lot of times the brain’s development has recursive feedback loops such that smaller choices early on can alter the size of brain structures along with sex hormones and the development environment in the womb or even outside of it for a while, the earlier the more significant. All I know is that the size of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is pretty consistently twice the size in men as it is in women regardless of the gender assigned at birth.
Trans men are assigned female at birth, FYI.
That was even more useless than this comment.
yeah… That’s why they’re trans men?
Thank god, i was worried they might be frogs.
Yep, my point being that a trans man (AFAB) and a cis man (AMAB) both have their bed nucleus of the stria terminalis roughly the same size, twice the size of a woman’s. A woman’s is half the size of a man’s, regardless of whether she’s trans (AMAB) or cis (AFAB). So regardless of what the gender is assigned at birth, the relative size of the bed nucleus predicts the gender that the individual feels most comfortable as.
Has this been proven.
There’s evidence, but I don’t know enough of the science to tell how conclusive it is: grey matter%2C the main,the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3).
Hormones are weird and wonderful things
Eh, I prefer my boob processing to be tactile. Juuuust to check.
I think this is the most upvoted comment I’ve ever seen here
Because one comment has never contained so much truth.
Hmm… Men are more excited through visuals while women are more excited by touch.
I’m not actually sure if you are joking.
Anecdotal proof time:
My dad’s truck.
Me, my brother, brothers’ friend and brothers’ friends’ sister, all XY, all see a greenish gray truck.
My mother, sister-in-law, brothers’ friends’ wife, all XX, all see a dark green truck.
Picture or it didn’t happen.
This reminds me of my wife and I arguing over whether my shorts were grey or brown, she asks her friends and she just says “oh those, they are taupe”. Which essentially means my wife won that argument.
Now you need to post a picture of that truck!
It’s the blue/yellow dress all over again.
So, for XX folk, the increased colour differentiation comes from fact they carry two sets of genes that encode for colour detection, and because they don’t encode identically, each set creates a ever so slightly different perception of colour. And when you get two similar, but non identical perceptions of colour, you see more hues
My two eyes see slightly different color. Noticed this years ago when looking at a florescent ceiling light with my eyes relaxed such that I was seeing a double image. The two images of the light were a slightly different color.
I’m a dude.
Hey, mine too. One gets a warmer white, the other a slightly cooler white.
I’ve heard that women have more cones in their eyes as well, which leads to a more nuanced sense of differentiation between colors.
I would really like to see a study on that. Take a color then slowly remove the contrast and ask when the change is discernible. Take a color then slowly transition to another color and ask the same question. Maybe do that with a few hundred people of both sexes and record the differences.
But it’ll have to take into account where people are from. In Northern countries for example, it wouldn’t surprise me if the difference between blues and whites is much more prominent than reds (snow vs not snow). Or for those living in the jungle all their lives, or those living in cities all their lives, and so on. I’m sure there’ll be obvious differences depending on origin and sex.
There’s definitely studies on it. I don’t know how they measure them, but it’s all about the number and type of cones in your eyes because there are a few different types that see different colors. This is why tigers are orange - because their prey lack the cones that see red, so the tigers look like the rest of the background foliage.
I see.
… What? Okay I get all of them except the SNQ one.
Sure, No Question maybe?
I think it’s “Yes, thank you”.
Apparently it’s either “So Not Quite” or “Status Not Quo”. Not finding anything suggesting it’s “Yes, thank you”. Where does that come from?
EDIT: Oh I guess it’s a phonetic thing? Yes than kyou?
It’s the same reason why U-M B-N is human being
“Yes, thank you.”
But they still can’t see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch…
'Cause it’s absolutely loaded with sugar?
And toast, and crunch!
women are better at discriminating between colors.
Misread this as saying women are better at racism lol.
Woman can be racist to way more shades of skin color than men
women are better at discriminating between colors.
Well I’m red-green colorblind so I never stood a chance anyway. If it isn’t in a box of 8 crayons/markers, I don’t attempt to use that color’s name generally, cuz I will never pick the right shade. All the fuschias, magentas, maroons, burnt siennas, teals, cyans, etc. of the world can fuck off.
Isn’t colorblindness almost exclusively found in males too?
Probably oversimplifying, but it’s something about the mutation being on the X chromosome, meaning women have a backup X and men don’t.
It’s not really a backup X. In any given cell in a woman’s body, one of the X chromosomes has been inactivated into something called a Barr body. The remaining X chromosome is then the active one.
Women carriers of the gene defect for protan (causing protanopia in males) exhibit Schmidt’s Sign, an abnormal insensitivity to long wavelengths (red light). This is due to the highly skewed L:M cone ratio caused by the defective gene.
You pretty much nailed it
It is possible for someone with two X chromosomes to still be colorblind, but since this gene is recessice you have to have the mutation on both chromosomes, which makes it way more rare.
I know a colorblind XX person. But he’s a trans man, so make of that what you will.
Whatever it does, it doesn’t seem to help with colors.
Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.
Literally under the headline.
I thought he was referring to more frequent color blindness in males
My wife (presenting me with three identical carpet samples): “Do you like grey with a hint of blue, grey with a hint of pink or grey with a hint of yellow?”
Me: “Trick question?”
If only some men used those neurons to read
Tldr please.
Brain one way, but other brain other way. Chemical stuff is making brain stuff happen. Makes see different.
TLDR pls.
Brain and brain. What is brain?
Make sense thanks!
Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli
Looks at every first person shooter demographic
So is the power of transness allowing me to obliterate eggs in Shell Shockers?
and yet I still miss things right in front of my face
They are not rapidly moving… no wonder you miss them
deleted by creator
Women and men were equally hunters, it is a complete myth that it was only been
Equal? No. There’s ONE report from two years ago that claimed that and it was torn up when it was published. Women did hunt, but not as often as men.
Which study is that from?
that it has only been what? There is absolutely no way women were hunting as much as men.
Which study is your information from?
None. I made it up. You have to be bonkers crazy to think females were not hunting less than men. They have probably hunted some less cuz more busy bearing and feeding babies and also less aggressive cuz lower testosterone and also physically weaker so hunting for them was harder.
9 upvotes and 18 downvote? yall are actually crazy if yall thought women were hunting even as much as men did.
… Men are also ~20% larger than women on average. Is this count standardized by size of the person?
Does that include brain size? I mean yeah the total sum of all size comparisons is 20% larger, but like piece per piece that ain’t remotely true (see boobs for an example that defies the total average).
That would be an interesting metric, though I’m not sure it would really mean anything.