They want to like him, at least the persona they hear about. Then they’re faced with the ugly reality… and must quickly retreat back to their bunker before any doubts creep in.
Many, if not all Trump supporters, are disabled. So they leave early because it takes them a long time to find their car.
They’ll still vote for him anyway
I mean…
The guy won’t shut the fuck up
and his rallies skew old af
…they gotta pee
They are old and need a nap!
Raw Story - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
Information for Raw Story:
MBFC: Left - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High - United States of America
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Garbage, especially ranking this higher than legit UK newspapers.
Seems kinda weird that a major party candidate can’t hold the attention of his most loyal supporters this close to the election.
He holds their attention for the full extent of their actual attention span
Yeah Trump not only tests his supporters’ loyalty but also their schedules. There are only a handful of things I would line up for hours in advance, and then still to wait another several hours sounds like an ordeal more than anything.
Probably because of the smell…
I would change the link now, but for some reason every time I try to link to the Washington post, it fails to post properly on lemmy. It’s extremely consistent and seems to be limited to juet the Washington post. Unsure why it happens
Maybe edit the description so it has the link to WaPo?
Done now
You thought that was the point?
Wow, that’s really…idk, sad?
The point is the cult of personality trump had used to be able to overcome all of these things. These people aren’t leaving because they have to they’re leaving because they’re not as invested as they used to be.
All of these reasons given here are excuses and nothing more. None of these people actually needed to leave but when pressed they didn’t want to say trump was boring or they were getting tired.
These are the same people who will say “I’m not into politics” whenever they’re pressed on Trump’s shitty behavior.
No they won’t vote Kamala.
In fact they probably won’t vote at all. Trump lost 2020 before this started happening. If his voters are getting more apathetic they’re much less likely to vote especially in the face of kamala’s massive momentum and purse.
Yeah it’s not the big “Gotcha!” people want it to be
There’s always some funny little detail to learn though… It’s pretty funny Trump has poor sound quality