He’s created that in large part because of the media environment around him. Many republicans were upset and outraged on Jan 6th until they heard the fox news, rogan, etc line
Change the media consumption and a lot will follow from there. Changes to which media are more dominate are going to matter more than people think
Notably those other platforms are all views that Joe Rogan isn’t getting. They just add to the total. You don’t have to top each platform individually to get to the overall highest
The article cited a source on overall views where you can see exactly what they described
So you’re saying that looking at Spotify is going to be even more misleading because 100% of Joe Rogan’s listeners are there vs not all listeners of other podcasts?
Spotify is not the only way to listen to podcasts
Protests organize people to fight for more
A hell of a lof of people just signed up to do work with groups like Indivisible who are putting in the less flashy work
Protests are a first step, not a last
Then keep up the pressure on them. Make sure they see this all the time and make it hard to ignore
You don’t need to win on every issue to get them to bend a little on some
Republican majorities are slim in the house and senate. They can only afford to lose 3 votes in the house and 4 votes in the senate (Vance is the tie breaker if 50-50). Make every one of them feel the pressure
I don’t understand what else you are asking? The margins are unchanged in the Delaware state senate which that line in the article states. Dems maintain the same amount of seats as these were Democratic holds
Oops fixed the title
Special elections have low turnout typically. Many people don’t know they are happening
With the two victories, Democrats maintain their 15-6 majority in the State Senate
From the last line of the article
The current admin is largely following court orders at the moment
There is still a fight to be had. Don’t just give up in advance
Judges can’t be fired - they have to be removed via impeachment which requires 67 in the senate. Republicans only have 53 in the senate
SCOTUS is insane but they have their own agenda that doesn’t always align with trump. They often have and keep ruling against him in a good number of cases. They are far more selective on when to be insane
Fight every fight. It’s not over at all
There’s way more stuff out there than aquafaba and Just Egg - I should note
Everything from flaxseeds to applesauce to silken tofu (as a binder) or firm tofu (as a scramble) to chia seeds and more
If you can get some Mung Bean you can even get something extremely similar to Just Egg for a lot cheaper
I’d actually argue this is a better sign that they are calling them back - it wasn’t for some sinister reason to exert control. Just plain incompetent
They have largely been complying with court orders thus far. I get the sentiment, but repeating this is just normalizing the idea of them majorly violating court orders when we need there to be strong push back if they do
They want you to be apthatic and think nothing will work so you stop fighting back
Related note: There are some good vegan eggs out there to give a try!
If you want something that cooks and bakes like eggs there’s stuff you can by like Just Egg
For baking there’s a million things you can use that are pretty cheap. For instance, Aquafaba is the leftover water from cooking chickpeas or the water in the can if you buy it canned. Acts like egg whites and can be used as a binder for baking
Reminder that they want to project more strength than they actually have. They are not invincible, they can be successfully challenged. They want you to think they have 100% power so that you capitulate on things they couldn’t actually have made you do. Don’t give in - fight back
Keep calling, don’t let up
* enforcement of laws
The laws themselves have not changed. Violations today could still be later enforced by a future administration
SCOTUS is insane, but they haven’t been a pure rubber stamp for him in the past even recently. They’re much more selective about when to be insane than people who don’t watch the court closely think
It also takes time to get up to SCOTUS even if they do rule in his favor. The name of the game for opposition is delay delay delay, so even just slowing him down a lot is helpful