It wouldn’t hurt to bring this up the next time someone tells you Trump is an anti-war candidate.
Ensuing global nuclear catastrophe? Don’t worry about it.
-Orange Dotard
And Project 2025 advocates for mandatory military service. Coincidence?
Wait, wasn’t he the “for peace” candidate?
That’s what he claims.
He claims a lot of things.
He is the “I’ll tell whatever lie might get people to clap and cheer” candidate.
“For Peace” for Americans, everyone else can bomb each other to death.
And by ‘Americans’, he only means those who support him. Those who don’t get bombed, too.
likewise we should remove him from contention and worry about the rest later
“Where’s the harm in that? I had an Uncle who was very good with the nuclear. One time, he dropped a nuclear bomb, jumped on top of the bomb, and then rode it down through the skies. One of the most beautiful scenes ever seen. Funny guy, my Uncle.” - added Donnie.
dude gonna start a nuclear war
Let’s start a nuclear war and worry about the rest later.
I’ve got the concept of a nuclear victory.
he’s not famous for worrying about the consequences of his actions
there are rooms full of rich men looking to start ww3 so they can profit from it. trump is just parroting their desires
the us military budget literally never gets lowered even when they ask for it. but education, healthcare, anything helping human beings is always on the chopping block… always be cut back.
If the Fallout TV show taught me anything, you cannot profit off of the apocalypse. That’s literally antithetical to capitalism. That’s why they disrespected the lore so much, right?
history (aka, reality) proves war to be profitable.
the american economy is incredibly dependent on creating and selling human killing devices. just go read what happens every time they try and cut back on the military-industrial complex.
Proxy wars are profitable. Total war really isn’t. Even in history for a war to be profitable, you have to be having the war outside your countries borders. Nukes aren’t profitable, and never will be.
I hear what you are saying about the MIC. I also agree with Eisenhower when he said:
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”
Ultimately there’s no objective measure of whether “war is profitable”. There’s no objective definition of war. There’s no objective measurement of the “sides” and their profit/loss, much less the nuances of who specifically profits or loses.
But total was is relatively profitable versus being destroyed. And it’s absolutely profitable for a select group of people. Most often it’s similar people on “both sides” that profit.
Profitable for a select group of people, who should be named, shamed, tarred and feathered.
I believe that if you were to do an economic analysis of the total P/L of the entirety of human conflict, the L column would overwhelmingly outweighs the P column, even leaving out all modern warfare, which just ramps up the L side. I say that because one of my econ professors did just that during a class. He published a paper about it, but I have no clue what it was called, it would have been somewhere between '96 and '98 that he published it.
They own all the guns though how can we name and shame when they can just destroy lives with impunity?
I don’t know about lowering military budget or education or healthcare budgets at all. The key seems to be the control what those funds are spent on, to funnel them to industries and beneficiaries who support the people who get voted into office.
I truly think the great majority of policy is set based on quid pro quo.
Even anti-abortion has many economical opportunities. Morning after pills will spike. Neighboring state abortion clinics will explode in business. Labor in areas where abortions by the poors is not available will see a growing demand in baby products and immediately and eventually a very low cost labor base to manufacture goods to sell elsewhere.
I do not believe politicians are dumb, on the contrary I think they have no sense of morality. The leadership of the party are vicious sociopathic megalomaniacs. They are experts at propaganda and manipulation via the media, where they work hand in hand with billionaire media owners.
Short and near term financial gains can buy you a ticket to salvation after the planet is ruined in 50-250 years. If they need to buy luxury proprety and loads of
slavesservants to retain their standing and quality of life, they are going to do that. If they are afraid of foreign powers taking control they have no issues starting proxy wars via russia or israel so the american people can spend hundreds of billions of dollars funding the military industrial complex contracts that them and their buddies benefit from, meanwhile sending the young high potential competitors to their children or grandchildren off to die on the front line.Anyway, the last thing they want to do is focus on taking care of the american people. IGMFY is the name of the game. The few rare exceptions like Bernie spin their wheels trying to effect real change and the majority of the other politicians try to stay out of the line of fire while promoting things that benefit themselves, typically only affecting them behind the scenes.
Worry about the rest later when my bootlickers and I blame it all on democrats
The dems are completely loyal to zionism. It’s a race to the genocidal bottom.
I see the Republican fake leftist vote suppression folks are out in force on lemmy tonight. And on a post about Trump calling for nuclear war on the Middle East, no less! The BoTh sIDes is strong with this one.
Lol. Sure Jan. Keep telling that to yourself
Da komrade. Let’s get some bodka together after we clock out at the kremlin.
“We don’t have any evidence (other than Yemen and very public statements) that Donald will do that, therefore we must collectively throw our ballots in the garbage for some reason.”
Trump sounds like a tired old man who cannot think of all the consequences of a decision, so he’s just picking the laziest option.
There’s no precedent in history for multiple nuclear powers waging a war, or getting pulled into one. There’s no telling what can happen because we’ve simply never been here before.
And people who think their money or resources will save them from black swan events are forgetting all the previous black swan events which made losers of everyone. The Great Recession and Covid are two most recent ones.
Most of all though, the major winners of WW2 are utter failures now. Britain is crumbling and not even a shell of its former glory, and America is eating itself from the inside out thanks to Russian PsyOps war 300 while Republican losers are salivating after ww3.
So no, ww3 is not going to MAGA, but more like nail the MAGA coffin shut
About right for the man who had to be told he couldn’t nuke a hurricane.
Removed by mod
Hey, remember that other thread you posted in earlier today where you tried to claim you weren’t pro-Trump? That was fun.
Sounds like Putins plan to take Kyiv within days, and worry about the rest later.
Do not follow the orange turds advice.
Is it possible to filter post titles that start “trump says”?
It is! You can filter keywords in the Lemmy settings
The best strategy to minimize war :
Generous-tit-for-tat (GTFT)
… the best reference, i could find is
By this, muslim world has a lot of bombs to drop on iSSrael to prevent further wars.Are you saying all of those muslims are all the same and therefore should have the same interests? Seems a little racist to me.
Try to remember these are people with unique life experiences. If you were someone that had barrel bombs dropped you in the Syrian civil war, you’re probably not going to be siding with the people that did that to you.
The over half a million deaths in that conflict probably weight more heavily on people’s minds than the 40K deaths somewhere else. Nasrallah’s death was celebrated in parts of Syria, and for good reason.
This isn’t a conflict between Jews and Muslims no matter how much you want it to be. It’s a conflict between Israel and Hamas (one of Iran’s proxies) that has expanded to include other Iranian proxies (Hezbollah, Houthis) and potentially Iran itself. Iran’s government sucks and is causing a lot of horrible things to happen throughout the Middle East. One of their proxies took things too far and Israel isn’t fucking around anymore.
Yes, i want Muslims to stop waging war between themselves and you are absolutely right that they are not doing peace at all between themselves, on the contrary. My hope here is completely disconnected from reality : you are absolutely right.
Not only that but also, this “tit for tat” strategy to decrease war is not applied at all in these many conflicts … although it is demonstrated to be the way to minimize war.“Tit for tat” strategies only work between rational actors that are primarily concerned with the best interests of their people.
People that derive power from extremists fascist strongman narratives often don’t behave in the best interests of their people, but in the best interests of themselves.
Iran doesn’t actually care how many Palestinians dies, they don’t care about how many people die in Lebanon either. Organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah have to fire rockets at Israel or else Iran will start supplying some other group that will with weapons and aid. Iran can do and infinite “tat” strategy because the reciprocal “tit” has no impact on them.
So “tit for tat” between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah isn’t going result in Iran deciding to stop supplying terrorist groups with weapons to fire at Israel. But a “tit-for-tat” strategy between Israel and Iran directly may.