I’m a huge nerd, so the reason I joined Lemmy is because I was looking for a social media platform that conforms with my views on FOSS, moderation, and internet privacy. I would assume many other people are in the same boat, but is that accurate? Who’s just here because they looked up “Reddit alternatives?”
Yes, I am and before you ask: no, I will not help you fix your grandma’s PC.
I like doing tech stuff as a hobby yeah. Don’t remember why I signed up for Lemmy but I have been aware of it for years before I signed up. I think I wanted to have a place to talk about FOSS but also in a community that was generally aligned with my political views (hence my decision to sign up for lemmy.ml)
Username checks out, lol. Glad you found a place!
Like most people on this site, I’m a happy consumer who rejects FOSS (McIBM is enough for me thank you), hates moderation (spicy pickles on icecream is my breakfast), and routinely walks the neighbourhood naked because I think privacy is for prudes. I’m only here as a spy for Reddit and routinely report all activity to Sir Zuckerberg since I hope to start a romantic endeavour with him one day…
…what kind of answers were you hoping to get?
I’m a tech person and I still use reddit
yes i am partially computer
I’m just a regular person. I’m learning everyday about the fediverse, what its capable of. But its actuality only around 3-4years since I got into this rabbit hole. I used to in my younger days to think that FOSS is to nerdy😄im excited to get more into the FOSS and Fediverse world!
We’re glad to have you! The more the merrier
I’m techie enough to be interested in federated social media networks. I’m techie enough to start using Linux. Ain’t that enough techie?
*crawls out of a gutter and sneers*
where’s your collection of broken calculator watches that you swear you’ll fix some day?
*scuttles back into sewer*Never had a calculator watch, let alone a collection of broken ones.
*sneers further, revealing blackened teeth*
I like how this platform works, I’m actually active here unlike the garbage fire that was and is reddit
People referring to themselves as huge Nerds or Geeks are usually the ones that would like to be, but simply aren’t, while those rigidly fighting these labels are the real bad ones as I observed.
Yes. I’ve worked in tech ever since I was able to teach myself enough to hold a job amongst people with CS degrees. I hadn’t been on Reddit for a lot of years up until six months before the exodus. I had no account and only consumed. Here feels worth submitting links and discussing things.
No, and I cannot fix your PC
I’m a bit of a FOSS nerd and care about privacy, but I’m much more an art and design person than I am a technical person.
I use Linux, and I can write some very basic code after learning how in Highschool, but mostly I just like making pretty stuff. Especially anything to-do with UI/UX
Like someone else said, I’m a technical person compared to the average population, but not compared to Lemmy, or the FLOSS community. I left reddit when the api changes happened, and have found I really love the Fediverse and very strongly believe in what it represents
I like linux, had a stint as a webdev, I fly drones, and enjoy playing syrhesizers. Take from that what you will.
I’m not a tech person. Art and craft is my thing. I joined Lemmy after the Reddit API issue.
Me too, actually
Healthcare person here. Same camp!
+1 on this camp.
Yes. It’s a tech/ nerd bubble here.