• PurpleCat@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    About your quote: “You cannot explain away a wantonly immoral act because you think it is connected to some higher purpose.” ~ Jean-Luc Picard

    I look at it in three ways,

    • Wantonly: We can either define as “(of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked.” or “in a reckless way” Reckless: without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.

    I think we can agree that this was not a unprovoked or reckless action. It was provoked by the Marquis use of cloaked missiles armed with biogenic (Genocidal?) weapons, in addition to Eddington’s betrayal, theft and sabotage. It was not reckless because this was all leading up to the dominion war. This is after the first adversarial conflict with the dominion, and getting the Cardassians as an ally would undoubtedly be more beneficial than an alliance with the ragtag Maquis. Though I am curious if you believe otherwise.

    • Re: Immorality: I think my other comment has more to discuss on this point, so I wont repeat that here.

    • Higher Purpose: I can see this in a few ways The first is merrian-webster, and the least helpful: " a more meaningful reason to live, work, etc"
      secondly is the top result on google for me
      Which gives several points, but boils it down to “Higher purpose is just purpose beyond yourself, and you identify it when you find a goal that you really want and believe in.” and lastly, I see it used often in a religious way.

    What “Higher Purpose” do you believe Sisko uses, and why use this quote for this situation?

    Eddington says he has a Higher cause/purpose , but I (as sisko does) argue he is the one acting recklessly in additionally to selfishly here, risking war with the Cardassians when there is a greater threat looming (The dominion) , a threat Eddington would know about as security officer.

    EDDINGTON: Tell me, Captain. What is it that bothers you more? The fact that I left Starfleet to fight for a higher cause, or the fact that it happened on your watch?

    SISKO: You didn’t leave Starfleet. If you had, I wouldn’t be here. You betrayed Starfleet. You used your position as security chief to feed the Maquis information about us. And at the same time, you misled us with false information about them. There is a word for that. Treason.

    EDDINGTON: Look out there.

    (Sisko looks out into the main cave again.)

    EDDINGTON: Those people, They were colonists on Salva Two. They had farms, and shops, and homes, and schools, and then one day the Federation signed a treaty and handed their world over to the Cardassians. Just like that. They made these people refugees overnight.

    SISKO: It’s not that simple and you know it. These people don’t have to live here like this. We’ve offered them resettlement.

    EDDINGTON: They don’t want to be resettled. They want to go home to the lives they built. How would you feel if the Federation gave your father’s home to the Cardassians?

    SISKO: I’m not here to debate Federation policy with-

    EDDINGTON: I didn’t tell you to turn around. Look at them, Captain. They’re humans, just like you and me, and Starfleet took everything away from them. Remember that the next time you put on that uniform. There’s a war out there and you’re on the wrong side.

    SISKO: You know what I see out there, Mister Eddington? I see victims, but not of Cardassia or the Federation. Victims of you, the Maquis. You sold these people on the dream that one day they could go back to those farms, and schools, and homes, but you know they never can. And the longer you keep that hope alive, the longer these people will suffer.

    This conflict is morally grey, but I don’t think its appropriate to just write off my arguments because of a quote from another morally compromised captain.

    • Stamets [Mirror]@startrek.website
      1 year ago

      This conversation is exhausting. You keep ignoring half of what I’m saying and then making points that you assume I’ll just agree with. I’ll respond to this comment and then I’m done with this discussion.

      I think we can agree that this was not a unprovoked or reckless action. It was provoked by the Marquis use of cloaked missiles armed with biogenic (Genocidal?) weapons, in addition to Eddington’s betrayal, theft and sabotage. It was not reckless because this was all leading up to the dominion war. This is after the first adversarial conflict with the dominion, and getting the Cardassians as an ally would undoubtedly be more beneficial than an alliance with the ragtag Maquis. Though I am curious if you believe otherwise.

      First off, a weapon that is designed to kill an entire group of people? That’s genocidal. The people were given time to leave, sure, but if they didn’t? They’re all dead. That’s genocide.

      This is what I mean by you making assumptions I’ll disagree with. “I think we can agree this was not an unproved or reckless action.” Dude, my entire comment chain so far has been me saying that Sisko has been so wildly influenced by his emotions that he couldn’t think straight. You’re then going to say that I am not going to agree it was provoked or reckless? Unprovoked, maybe not, but reckless? Absolutely. Again, Sisko endangered his crew by putting them in a vessel that was not fit for service. It was damaged and beyond repair in a short time frame. They had to resort to literally yelling down the hall at each other, using a Ferengi, to make sure that departments could hear each other. That is the definition of reckless.

      The rest of your comment is just predicated on you making an assumption of what I’ll agree with. All of is wrong. I’ve stated my point here numerous times and I’d be glad to have a conversation about it. However I would also like to have a conversation where the other person in it is listening to me and not ignoring half of what I’m saying.

      Take care and I wish you the best but I’m out and not continuing this any further.

      • PurpleCat@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Sorry this was exhausting, I was just trying to have a fun argument about one of my favorite controversial episodes.

        You say you’ve done, but kept arguing as well so it’s not exactly clear what you want.

        If there is something I ignored and you want to continue, we can. If not, live long and prosper 🖖