Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of the Super Smash Bros series, has been working on a mysterious new game for two years
Sakurai’s Work:
Developed Super Smash Bros titles from 1999 to 2018.
Semi-retired in 2023 but continues work on his YouTube channel.
Created content with a cost of $600,000 and over 520 episodes released since October 2022.
Project Details:
Worked on it from April 2022…
Currently in development but still no official announcement released by Sakurai.
What do you think the new game might be? Could it be a new Super Smash Bros title or perhaps something else entirely for the Switch 2?
Two years ago he was saying he felt Smash Bros Ultimate was his final smash bros game.
So if this ends up being a smash bros game, we’ll forever know in the future that this guy is full of shit.
I mean, Sakurai’s said that about every Smash game since Melee.
A lot of times when translating articles, and going for click bait headlines, things get mangled. I was searching for where Sakurai may have said he was not making another smash game, and I can’t find anything like that. On the contrary, I am seeing articles saying things like he can’t see another smash game happening without his involvement:
But regardless, it’s easy to get burned out on something and feel like you never want to touch it again. Then a few years later your feelings on the matter change. It’s happened to me. Doesn’t mean someone “is full of shit”.
people change their minds. its a healthy thing.
Ok, but if two years ago he was saying Ultimate was his last smash bros, but also two years ago he was working on a future smash bros…then he’s full of shit.
Here’s hoping he’s full of shit. I’d be pretty happy to get another Smash Bros game haha
Well good news sorta. Rivals of Aether 2 just released and it’s the best feeling plat fighter ever to be released (depending on what you want from the genre)
I’m not entirely sure why this is news. Do people think he gets put into a test tube or something when when he’s not needed?
He’s a professional game developer, he’s probably working on games constantly.
Wasn’t he constantly being hospitalized due to overwork?
Man, fuck the games industry.