We didn’t win the race because we only put two wheels on the car. yEAh BuT whAT iF ThE fiNish linE WasNT So FAr FRoM THe StaRt…NoT thE RaCE TeaMs FAUlt.
Most of them at least (misguidedly) think they are doing the best thing for themselves/the country. Non-voters just couldn’t be bothered to take any responsibility at all.
But not the 73 million people that wanted this explicitly?
A lot of them thought it won’t be that bad, or it’s just a bluff.
Wow, what an incredibly stupid point to make.
We didn’t win the race because we only put two wheels on the car. yEAh BuT whAT iF ThE fiNish linE WasNT So FAr FRoM THe StaRt…NoT thE RaCE TeaMs FAUlt.
Most of them at least (misguidedly) think they are doing the best thing for themselves/the country. Non-voters just couldn’t be bothered to take any responsibility at all.
Of course those too. Thought thats obvious