• dustyData@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It crumbles as soon as you ask “facts according to whom?”

    It’s OK and straight forward for simple stuff like classical physics. But as soon as you introduce human subjectivity like goals, meaning, taste, art, fun, enjoyment, etc, it becomes useless. What’s the fact based way of sculpting wood with chainsaws and gas torches? And what is payoff? Payoff for whom? In which way? Money, power, influence, efficiency, fame?

    Get off the treadmill, not everything needs to be optimal. Most things cannot, by their own nature, ever be optimal. Just sit back and enjoy life for once.

    Extra tip: don’t start comments in social media with “no”, or variations. It’s really rude, hostile, and unnecessarily halts constructive discussion. It invites confrontation and it is a fact based way to make you sound like an ass.