Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign has reignited fears among undocumented migrants with promises of “mass deportations” and migrant communities are bracing for uncertainty and a new wave of nativism.
His administration plans to target those deemed public safety or national security threats, potentially reinstating workplace raids and using military resources.
Advocates warn that “collateral arrests” could sweep up migrants without criminal records.
Many, like “Dreamers” protected under DACA, fear family separations, while others, such as Carlos in NYC, hope Trump’s economic policies might benefit them.
“A lot of Latinos, those who can vote, did so because they think he [Trump] can improve the economy. That would be very good for us too,” said Carlos, an undocumented Mexican who lives in New York City.
What part of “mass deportations” do people not understand? Trump told us what he’s going to do. His cabinet pick told us what he’s going to do. They’re going to do it.
Yeah, but all they heard were campaign ads. And what little news they did hear either is actually propaganda that came from Fox News or their local news that’s actually part of Sinclair.
That combined with the shenanigans of social media the last few years, yep, low information voters only wind up hearing the lies they were meant to hear.
“The system is running as intended! Huzzah!”
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Lol keep dreaming. First they come for one.
Stephen “nazi” Miller wants to create an army from Trump loyal national guard members and go into “blue” states to enforce deportation.
I doubt they’ll check if you’re a criminal or not.
Or indeed if you’re an immigrant.
Do they not realize that he and his core audience believe the greatest crime a person can commit is not be born white?
I sincerely wish the absolute worst on any marginalized group that voted for Trump. You have nothing but my deepest sincere disgust and deserve whatever happens to you.
Congratulations on discarding your humanity and becoming a fascist. “Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds”.
I sincerely hope you’re never in a position of authority.
Sorry I have no sympathy for those that vote against their self interests.
I’m not gonna feel sorry for the guy that willingly cut off his nose to spite his face.
Sorry I have no sympathy for those that vote against their self interests.
So you don’t have sympathy for >99% of the American voters.
At this point I don’t have sympathy for 99% of humanity let alone Americans. History has shown me we’ll make the wrong choice almost every single time and at this point I just want humanity to die out and quit poisoning the world.
Profile pic checks out.
Tried twice. Decided I’d stick around to see what kinda shitshow would form. Not surprised in the slightest that we’ve once again taken 10 steps backward.
No, just the 1% who threw their vote away.
I sincerely wish the absolute worst on any marginalized group that voted for Trump.
Are white people exempt from that or why did you choose that wording?
I chose that wording because Trump is a massive racist and yet all these minority groups he’s openly shit on still voted for him and they can get fucked.
Because yeah Mr. “Build the wall” is totally gonna have your back.
Oh and everybody fucking clapped. Get over yourself because while you do whatever the fuck this is, real ones are out there building solidarity and dual power. Snap out of your neoliberal yesteryear and into the reality that what matters now is a.) channels/orgs for mutual aid b) Solidarity Economies (aka folks having a foothold in their local economies and c) Encouraging anti-authoritarian parenting methods.
We are in this mess because we want that EZ fix. Just vote against (obtuse, christo-)fascism so you can go back to bed for 4-8 years (while magrinalized folks get to suffer) – Instead of looking at the big picture.
You know who looked at the big picture and built (astroturfed anyway) grassroots? All these right wing ghouls.
Im not gonna rewrite this for every clown at the top of every thread playing the blame game.
Get involved. Engage prefigurative politics. Identify the root causes and move on to the solutions.
Or keep yelling at scarecrows you imagine. Just dont be surprised if that turns you into someone people dont want to be around.
This is the response I didn’t have the mental energy to write. Thank you.
Heh, ty dor saying so. I got sick of seeing it.
Since you are so much against voting I have good news for you: You wont have to ever vote again now! There wont be free elections in america again after all
Ooh ooh i have something for this!
Right so, certainly a topic worth caring about. “So much against voting” is a simplifcation. Kinda gross one, one could even say
But you dont have all that time for giving a fuck about the way representive modern neoliberal democracies fall short, so let’s leave it at this:
If you spend the next 2 or 4 years building the expectation that their wont be an election, you are doing their work for them
So, whats yr deal? Are you here manufacturing consent on bebalf of fascists, or are you going to build Muatalism style in your physical proximity. Riding the fence doesnt make sense. ✨️
Solidarity? Really? Where was the solidarity when the choice was an obvious fascist or literally anything else? Zero fuckin sympathy for the people that voted for the man who openly said he was gonna make their lives harder. The man who openly said he’s gonna deport as many people as he can. The man who’s openly been a steaming pile of shit since his first fuckin presidential run.
They voted to fuck themselves over and I’m supposed to help them? Lay in the bed of shit you made and fuck right the fuck off.
Where was the solidarity when the choice was an obvious fascist or literally anything else?
Im not being condescending here:
In every city.
It even happens to exist outside of cities!
You can find mutual aid groups wherever you are. If you’re asking, you need to engage beyond the bare-minimum of electoralism.
Here’s a short vid from like past 48? hours about finding yours:
Now go re-read and find me where I’m telling you to go cozy up to a maga-hat of any life-experience at all, and strike up solidarity with them.
No. Quit with the doom obsession. It is a distraction so as to avoid doing something more meaningful about the root causes.
To quote a friend: (speaking on such quislings)
many people will unfortunately need to learn this the hard way it seems at the expense of those who take the time to see the writing on the wall those ignorant to their exploitation will seldom listen to those who try to tell them how horribly theyre being fucked “if it were really so bad id notice” theyll say “this isnt so bad” theyll say, standing on the peak of the mountain that is dunning-kruger unknowing all we can do is wait, and watch to find out what what it is that throws them into the valley of unfathomable uncertainty in the meantime we must work for each other, for those who do see how good things could be. maybe then, our greener grass will coax them into giving us a fair listen
So, I repeat: Quit with this dopamine loop. You feel so strongly? Then go be about it.
Can you just rewrite it for us here now because it doesn’t make any fucking sense? I dont agree with the guy you’re replying to, but I can’t understand wtf you’re trying to say. It reads like it was written by a stroke victim.
Wouldnt people who voted for someone who hates them just be misinformed?
God, you people really can’t live without a boogeyman or a scapegoat. Y’all disgust me.
It’s not a scapegoat. I expected white people to vote for him. Minorities voting republican can always get fucked. If you’re part of the problem you’re equally to blame, but if you’re dumb enough to vote against yourself you’re a special kind of stupid.
Ummmmm Conservatives already see them as criminals because they are here “illegal”. By default all undocumented migrants are criminals.
Trump also said he’d aggressively deport and sort through the mistakes later. He’s going to deport legal immigrants too, and I very much doubt they’ll let them back in without an extensive legal battle. Which will never move forward because he’ll intentionally starve the court system (like congress already did at his order) so that realistically, they will never get through the system.
Great fucking job giving Nazis free reign, you stupid, stupid, evil fuckers. You had a choice to fight nazis when it was easy. Just a vote. But you chose nazis, one way or another.
Ohhhhh I agree with you for the most part. But the last part?! Who exactly are you referring to as you? If you are chastising Democratic leadership 100% Anyone else other than literally Nazie’s (aka Trump, JD, the majority of RNC members and leaders, and some of their voters), shouldn’t be blamed.
Obviously, this statement was not targeting you specifically. “You” is targeted towards Trump voters and non-voters.
We knew what was on the ballot. I don’t care that the DNC could have done better. When the choice is “meh” vs literal Nazis, you’re a damn nazi if you didn’t vote directly against them.
I’m fucking done mincing words after voters gave them the House, Senate, POTUS, and all the god damn courts.
First off, before I continue. I voted blue.
But it’s naive to not see voting as transactional. Even more so when major issues face America and humanity, has tested and proven solutions.
For example, Healthcare. The solution to America’s Healthcare crisis is Universal health care. With the middle ground between Universal and fully private is the public option. Neither party would even entertain the notion of a public opinion. The Democratic party could have secured millions of votes if they added public option or universal to their platform. They knew this. All the polling said those were overwhelming popular positions to have. It’s poor leadership and poor advising that kept Harris from having that.
Several polls and Arab, Palestinian, and liberal organizations told the party, that not having a concrete plan to save Palestinian lives would cost Harris millions of votes. It’s poor leadership and advising to not have Palestinian sovereignty and return to post ww2 boarders as part of the campaign. It’s not like Christian evangelicals and zionest were going to vote blue anyways? So why not appeal to your base and a large voting demographic?
I can go on with several other progressive topics. (education, military spending, justice reform, foreign policy, wealth redistribution, climate, money on politics, ect.) So many progressive solutions to very real problems were never addressed or openly opposed by Democrats. The only downside to taking up those causes would have been money from top donors.
Voting is inherently transactional and will always be that way. For “my” vote your platform must have zxy and you must try to get as close to xyz as possible. If you don’t have xyz why should I vote for you? You don’t care about my issues and values, why should I care about yours. It’s the world we live in. Either the democrats take up a full progressive agenda or they’ll continue to lose in the most critical time in human history.
If you don’t have xyz why should I vote for you?
because in an effectively two party system where neither party has xyz you should definitely vote for the party that also aren’t nazi’s ?
The degree of closeness to your ideal of progressive policies doesn’t mean shit when the choice is nazi’s vs not nazi’s.
Unless you are arguing that those weren’t the choices available here ?
Yes everyone understands all that. But are you saying we people that vote blue should keep trying the same failing tactics?
If our strategies (manly from leadership and keyboard warriors) keeps failing against literal Nazies, shouldn’t we change tactics?!
What other options do we have!? Keep openly ignoring solutions that the majority of Americans want? Or go crying about the none voters that feel the is no party representing them?
You don’t like it but look around!
Seriously, what why do you think the none nazi party can get more votes? Times running out and we are losing! Either come up with another answer or keep saying things that obviously lost us an election to Nazies.
Support Universal health care or get the Nazies again. What side are you on?
Support a 2 state solution in Palestine or get the Nazies again. What side are you on?
Support redistribution of wealth or get the Nazies again. What side are you on?
Support the removal of money in politics or get the Nazies again. What side are you on?
Support justice system reform or get the Nazies again. What side are you on?
If you expect a different result with what we’ve been doing than we truly are doomed. What’s the definition of insanity again?
Yes everyone understands all that. But are you saying we people that vote blue should keep trying the same failing tactics?
No, but if your tactic changes haven’t been implemented by the time voting comes around and the choice remains “nazi’s vs not nazi’s” then you should be voting “not nazi’s”.
“The Dems continue to fuck up repeatedly, so i can understand why people chose nazi this time” isn’t a tenable argument.
I’m not disagreeing with your disappointment in, well, everything.
I’m disagreeing with this part of your previous reply
Anyone else other than literally Nazie’s (aka Trump, JD, the majority of RNC members and leaders, and some of their voters), shouldn’t be blamed.
If a person understands that the choice is nazi vs not nazi and then actively chooses to not vote, they are tacitly choosing nazi.
“If i vote for the not-nazi’s, they won’t understand how disappointed in them i am” is not a good argument.
“Their policies don’t align with what i want” is not a good argument
“They don’t represent my values” is not a good argument
There is no good beginning half to the sentence “< INSERT REASON HERE >, so i tacitly enabled the nazi’s”
Except maybe, “I genuinely believe the alternative is worse, so i tacitly enabled the nazi’s”.
Even then i’d probably disagree, but it would be a substantive argument.
Trump is going on a mission to skim all alleys for those that are eating pets.
When I was 6, I bit my rabbit in retaliation after he bit me, does that count?
Did you spit or swallow?
I spat out a bunch of fur afterwards.
Any of these people who think Trump gives a damn about citizen status is a absolute moron who’se never paid attention to anything he said or did about immigration. He’s a white supremacist and will push for policies that align to that. Illegals will get deported, but any excuse to revoke or ignore legal status of other non-whites will be aggressively pursued. He’s already established concentration camps in his first term, despite those people being legal asylum seekers, and you can bet he’ll do that again. And if his administration can’t find legal means to remove them from the country they are going to find more excuses for brutal treatment with “unfortunate loss of life to those who don’t cooperate fully”
There’s only 11 million undocumented immigrants in the united states. The Trump Administration has pledged to deport 20 million. Which means they are going to be expelling American citizens from their home as well. It’s not just going to be criminals. It’s going to be anyone whose skin tone they don’t like.
Yeah, they’re talking about deporting the children of undocumented immigrants.
Which if they are born in the United States are United States citizens. Which is important to remember. They’re looking to deport people to countries they’ve never been to. Whose languages they don’t speak. It would be one thing if they were talking about young children who still needed their parents. Yes by all means don’t tear families apart is the Trump Administration previously did. But they are talking about the adult children as well. So it’s particularly extra despicable.
I don’t know why they even expect countries to cooperate with that shit. Why should Venezuela accept US citizens being deported into the country?
Because authoritarian regimes whether they are capitalist or leninist Etc don’t ask. The people just show up there if they’re lucky or in a mass grave if they’re not. They’re not asking Venezuela or any other country for permission to send people there. Honestly a lot of the time they just dump them in Mexico and let them be their problem. After all xenophobia isn’t a responsible or rational response.
Mexico still needs to cooperate on some level to allow border agents to cross the border and dump ex-citizens.
Or I guess the US could just keep them in camps.
people with accents, too. doesn’t matter if you’ve been here for ten years: if you sound different, someone will report you to ICE
Or if you look ethnic and are doing math
you all understand this is about racism, right? this is a giant dog whistle for rounding up non-white people and getting them the fuck out of their white nationalist dream.
its not about crime, or which immigrants are good or bad. its about kicking out the brown peoples. its easy to manipulate racist voters. they are all ignorant cowards.
All those Muslim folks who voted for Trump to “punish” Harris are in for a rude awakening. This isn’t only about Hispanics.
I doubt there are a lot of illegal Muslims. Most “illegal” immigrants are from border countries.
Deporting our DACA immigrants would be really bad for the economy, talk about brain drain and also illegal immigrant workers who contribute more to the economy than they extract.
The leopards will be eating their own faces. I would need to look up numbers but fairly certain more republicans use illegal immigrant labor than democrats.
Also, the spite and told you so banter is kind of offensive. “My candidate lost so now you have to suffer the consequences,” it’s very childish and not very thoughtful or helpful.
Legal or illegal matters very little. During Operations Wetback 1 and 2, American citizens were rounded up as well as the illegal immigrants/foreign workers and deported to Mexico for “looking too Mexican,” and I’ve heard of at least one or two border towns that have done the same thing in the past 10 years (and crashed their economies doing it). I don’t expect Wetback 3 to go any differently other than probably targeting more minority communities besides Latinos.
And what do you expect people to do other than make exasperated “I told you this would happen” comments? It’s not like making comments on Lemmy will do anything when the dictator hasn’t even entered office yet and the only thing we can generally do anyways is whine to those in office to actually do something. There’s donating to various groups put in place to help minority communities, but that also has nothing to do with commenting on Lemmy.
We can acknowledge that Harris and the DNC really botched this election and discuss ways to makes changes going forward instead of pointing fingers at voters we want to vote on our side.
But I do hear you. It’s funny how serious we take ourselves here, armchair politicians who have all the solutions. It’s important to remember that it’s ok for us to be wrong about some things and laugh at ourselves. And to take a deep breath, and work towards solutions instead of berating people and pointing fingers. Point to Harris and the DNC. They lost this election and did everything in their power to do so.
They absolutely did. I saw somebody say how the demographic of the Democratic Party has fundamentally changed, and I think there’s some real truth to that.
This should’ve been an easy win, but the DNC didn’t campaign on the things that voters are worried about. They seem completely out of touch with their own base.
Citizens United
Dems have forgotten that their base has different opinions than their donors.
Republicans never cared.
i think there’s so much discourse about this since Latin men voted, on the whole, for trump. there is a non zero number of people who, if trump implements his border control plan, voted for their own deportation
also, white people dont own a monopoly on racism. some of the most racist people i know are also ‘legal’ immigrants of a minority population.
no one hates immigrants more than an immigrant who made it
i’ve heard that quote a few times. but i think it’s on the whole sadder:
no one hates the poor more than a poor person who thinks they made it
This is so true. I heard sooo many times from Latinos where I work after the first Trump election that they voted pro-Trump. The ones who are here who have managed to get citizenship look down on the ones who don’t have it. It’s like a flip of light switch.
Definitely the Republican mindset. I got mine, fuck everyone else!
20 years ago I read an article in the Atlantic or New Yorker or salon or something good and it was a Japanese American author talking about going home over Thanksgiving and how her family and relatives were super gung-ho about the, then new, anti-arab, thinly veiled “anti-terrorist” initiatives that Shrub’s administration was ratcheting up after successfully getting the left to support The Patriot Act, which enshrined surveillance at a level that had never been tried before.
Anyway, the author then revealed that her grandmother had been sent to Internment camps in the 1940s in the US and her dad had been born there.
TLDR;racism overrides all rationality. If Japanese Americans who were interned as villains during WWII 100% due to pure racism can’t understand that scapegoating a minority group only leads to bad things, then the broader public has no hope.
deleted by creator
Please stop spreading misinformation.
A supermajority of Latino voters voted for Kamala, including a majority of Latino men specifically.
The only groups that supported Trump with a majority are white people.
White people are the problem, not Hispanic and black voters.
didn’t mean to spread any misinformation. i still see in what you’ve sent me that latin men lag behind latin women by a significant margin voting about evenly between trump and harris
Yes majority was higher among women significantly.
More Latinos voted for Trump than in past elections.
I just keep seeing democrats trying to blame Latinos and blacks for their bad campaign.
Hope you’re having a good weekend 👍
thanks. you too. i see the failures as being mostly relating to misunderestimating the power of the right wing propaganda machine, even as the world over has gotten more authoritarian
The crazy thing about accusing Latinos of being sexist or racist is that Mexico currently has a female progressive president who is closer to Bernie than any other US politicians.
Trump was speaking to the economy, the thing that was highest priority for these voters. He may be lying his ass off, but he was talking about it. Meanwhile, Harris was talking about how happy she was to be supported by her 80 corporate CEO’s and going on and on about it being so exciting to have Dick and Liz Cheney’s support.
When Walz came into her campaign her lead skyrocketed, but then Kamala pivoted to the right, while Trump continued to talk about the economy. Bad move on her part.
I live in a very white area and I’m not white. I’m telling people close to me I’m in fight or flight constantly. They tell me states or the supreme Court (wtf) will block trump, or I’m not an immigrant so I don’t have to worry, or I’m somehow safer being surrounded by white people even though I stick out like a sore thumb. They feel safe and have bullshit hope and belief and can somehow forget how entirely subjugated black people have been through the entire hisory of America. I’m so fucking tired I don’t even care some days. Can’t wait to be asked what I’m thankful for this holiday.
They will grab anyone they can get their hands on. Criminals will have the advantage that they know how to hide, and there are way more non-criminals, so Jose Average will be picked first, being the easiest target to fulfill the quota.
Also while some peoples definition of criminal is “murderer” or similar some peoples definition is closer to "you did or a relative did something not 100% legal in the last generation or two.
edit: some peoples definition of criminal will definitely include unhoused or non-land owning eventually
It already includes being homeless. The anti camping bans are straight up making it illegal to camp without a house to go back to.
They made “migrating” a crime, so, yeah, leopards…face…
Undocumented people aren’t voting so…
Yeah, they also don’t know or influence any voters. Not at all.
I know y’all want to make this a stupid voters leopards ate my balls post but these are undocumented people. They can not vote and had no say in the election.
I’m sorry, my “give a fuck” stopped working just after the election results came in.
Trump promised to deport illegals and even “denaturalize” certain citizens. He wants to deport 20 million illegal immagrants separate family and put the in camps while awaiting deportation. None of this was a secret, they fucking bragged about it.
Trump gained 14 points nationally with Hispanics. I hope he goes balls to the fucking wall and drops the hammer. May the people get exactly what they voted for.
Meanwhile, I’m going to do the best to make sure me and mine are taken care of. Stock up on toilet paper, N95 masks, freeze dried food and bullets. It’s gonna be lit!🔥
The only difference between you and a Republican is your rhetoric then.
Go fuck yourself. I cannot imagine gleefully watching people be put in camps and feeling fucking smug about it. I’m sure there were plenty of Germans like you.
No u
Always has been
Remember the old maxim: “no one hates new immigrants more than old immigrants”… Their fellow legalized immigrants supported this outcome as well
100%. My wife’s family ALL came illegally. I think it’s like 7-10 people, the last one got naturalized like 4 years ago. All but a couple voted for trump and their stance on it is “oh well we got lucky that’s just how it is. They need to come legally”
I had no words after that.
The article left me confused.
How does one pay income tax and file taxes while undocumented? Wouldn’t you need a social security number, and hence be documented?
Could I create an imaginary person to file taxes for?
Anyone can go to a ss office and get a tax id for free. It acts as a ss#
I see.
Seems like an easy thing to fix no matter which direction you take.